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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. No wonder you were excited, knowing Sophie understood!
  2. Precious says almost the exact same thing, but I don't get the "hard squeeze" because I stay away from her cage!
  3. I have to agree. It is Dee with the patience and love. I surely do enjoy reading about all the successes and little steps back as well. This story would make a wonderful book! Hint, hint! I really like the name Miss Gilbert.
  4. Miss Gilbert is really blossoming. I know, she isn't a flower but I couldn't think of a better word,
  5. That was a lot of miles! And I thought it was hot here! (102 today) I haven't heard of zippers melting, though. LOL This is a special time for all of you.
  6. I am crazy about this girl! And her human mom as well. Congratulations on the instantaneous switch.
  7. "I AM WOMAN!" Oh, yes, she is woman! Wise woman born of pain. Bold woman. Problem solver, one to speak her mind. Care giver? She is woman!
  8. Good news on the lab work! If Gilbert is a female what would it hurt to just leave everything as is as far as name, etc. go. This bird is so special just as (s)he is thanks to you, Dee.
  9. Just goes to show you. We think we have figured out our grey(s) and then wham o! Another new behavior. I wonder what Precious will do when I see her next. In the meantime I am enjoying a vicarious Gilbert experience. I like "Gilly" if he is a she.
  10. Bites are never fun! Have a speedy recovery.
  11. I am so very, very sorry. Howardine
  12. Yes. September 20. Gilbert is blossoming beyond my wildest dreams. I think he could teach Precious a thing or two. Have a wonderful time with your daughters. Howardine
  13. Dee, How I love both of you! I am so homesick for Precious!!!
  14. Gilbert is doing much better than I in this travel thing! Thank you so much for the posts.
  15. God speed on your trip. Howardine
  16. I'm not Dee but from my experience with Bach flowers and homeopathy they definitely help but Dee's patience and love are always the ultimate.
  17. After spending the last four weeks (11 May - 8 June) with Precious I can tell you who are the smart ones!
  18. Dee, I am absolutely thrilled with you. I love that bird! Not to mention you, too. Howardine
  19. Oh, yes. Thank you for all of the posts.
  20. What progress he has made because of your love and patience!
  21. Dee, It is what you do that proves who you are, Wise Woman! Howardine
  22. You live unconditional love. Howardine
  23. oh, yes! what a mind! That reminds me that Precious figured out how to remove all of the decorative nuts on the outside of her cage. I was always afraid she might swallow one. It didn't matter how I tried replacing them. She also managed to remove picture hooks from the wall that were behind the pictures. Down came the pictures!
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