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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I believe it might take a molt or two, quite a long time. I think all the feathers are not replaced with a single molt. And yes, a soft spot to land.
  2. How difficult for all of you! I am sorry.
  3. You are correct. Birds and dogs make wonderful companions. Both can surprise and astound us. I wouldn't give up my experiences with both species for anything. Thinking back at how the bull dogs could tease and then laugh as if saying, The joke's on you, I may need to take what I said back. Sammy (Sami), the grey we paorrt sat, was an unbelievable tease, especially with said bull dogs. This is about these two species but add cats, horses, even reptiles to the mix. I still don't know how my cat, Mao, could talk to me in my brain. I see them teaching each other all kinds of things, like opening cupboards and they talk to each other through a closed glass door. I have seen them, birds, dogs, cats, mourn for their own and for humans. Maybe all creatures, great and small, are more alike than different. Please accept my apolgies. I was wrong.
  4. What wonderful surprises for you! I can't wait to hear more!
  5. Thank you all. I have a cotton cover for the cage. She may need a blanket, though. I think you all say leave one side/end open. I think the converter for the cig. lighter is a good option. There is a wood pellet stove in the fire place, but it has a problem, something I don't understand, and my daughter says it can't be used. Pop bottles make good substitute water bottles. I do mist Precious extra in the summer when I am there. I know teflon is toxic, so no non stick cook ware either. Again, you have come to the rescue.
  6. I have thought about this a lot, but do not have a satisfactory answer. What do you do to keep your birds warm when the electricity goes out from a storm or whatever in an all electric house? No way to heat water for hot water bottles, no electricity for heaters or heat lamps, house is heated with heat pump. Are blankets around the cage enough? What about air circulation?
  7. Daddy's little helper. Thank you everyone for the good laughs.
  8. The sooner to the vet the better.
  9. They are so sooo soooooo intelligent. Alex had nothing on any of these, "our" birds! I do love them! You do know I am living with them vicariously, don't you?
  10. A beautiful bird. Strong red factor. My red factors were more orange, but this one is spectacular.
  11. As far as I am concerned there is no comparison between them.
  12. When I was working behavioral medicine I thought I knew what depression was. I even intervened and stopped two suicides. But I didn't really know. It was only when I became ill, was two-three years into the illness and saw no light at the end of the tunnel, only a black tunnel I learned. I was suicidal, had a plan. I was visiting cousins and decided I wouldn't put them through finding me and called my MD. (I use alternative medicine if at all possible.) While waiting for the remedy to arrive I did promise I would call the MD before doing anything. The remedy worked for me. It happened one more time, but again the remedy worked. Not suicidal any more. If I think I am becoming depressed I ask my neuropsychologist for a reality check. I don't share this often. I hope it helps.
  13. I know there were times when I thought work was one of the dirtiest words, but when I couldn't any longer because of a virus I began to think differently. How about another four letter word, love?
  14. YES! Thankfully I can see it, hear it, feel it. Missing Precious, Howardine
  15. In my book when it draws blood its a bite! I will be on the lookout when I am with Precious again in September. It is soooo long between visits.
  16. Yes, we love birds, but four footed and the finned and the shelled and all the others that inhabit this planet as well.
  17. I use sticky traps. They seem to work well inside. I have placed two in the bathrooms, three in the kitchen, two in the living room. I placed one in each bedroom closet as well. After changing them once the cockroaches seemed to be gone, at least there were no more on the third time around. Boric acid is good for silver fish but it is a poison.
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