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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Clove oil is another toothache remedy.
  2. Re-reading brings back a lot of memories.
  3. Play it again, Jayd, play it again.
  4. Yes, so much for western medicine!!! And so much for doctors paying attention to patients!!! What do "they" propose to do about it, anything? Oh, if you just didn't hurt so much and if you could get off the drugs! I am so very sorry. Hopefully you feel good enough to enjoy Thanksgiving and hopefully Miss G will do well also.
  5. I am so very sorry about your niece. It was a beautiful tribute from the other members of her team.. Thank you for the update. My best for calmer waters.
  6. I just read that peppermint tea and green tea are supposed to help memory. I'll try it since I've had some memory problems lately, too.
  7. I had hoped the seizures and the falls were behind you, as I am sure you did, also. I'm glad you have someone to do Thanksgiving cooking. And children CAN be monsters!
  8. I am so very thankful I can access Greyforums again. Thank you. Howardine
  9. Rhea, you will be loved and missed.
  10. Was I ever out of it! I could claim it's my age but that would be a lame excuse. You do deserve to be thanked, however, for all the useful posts you have written, no matter how many!
  11. Such good news for Frito and your friend and for YOU!
  12. I use Opera. Every time I have a Grey Forums email it goes to junk mail. When I log in I get a not safe warning.
  13. Harvey, Irma, Jose, Katia, Maria all have made their mark this season. Thank you for all the websites and info. The news has centered on the more heavily populated areas but what has happened and is happening to the birds and other animals of the smaller islands in the Caribbean? Some of these islands have had total destruction of their infrastructure. Who is helping them?
  14. Everyone has used the words: beautiful, awesome, magnificent, gorgeous. They all fit your girl. My! What a special fid!
  15. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. So glad for the catch up. Has Gracie flown any more? Precious is with my daughter. She has a neighbor who had a parrot (kind?) also. We could hear the two birds trying to talk to each other until the neighbor moved hers. I guess she thought it was too much noise. What a pity.
  17. So it is just Miss G! I am so thankful you, all of you, are improving!
  18. I was concerned when you said seizures were only every 48 hours. SIX DAYS is much better I sincerely hope the time stretches on to no more ever. Please be very careful as you resume your activities. And do you really need to get even with David??? Gilbert and Java will do well as you progress. It is just doing at at Grey time
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