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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I am very sorry. It must have been his choice to join his bff. They leave such an empty place, however, even if they do wait for us.
  2. Kevin, you are very kind. I was good at what I did in my prime. I was a vocalist, classically trained and then a registered nurse, and did very well in psychiatric nursing. I still have that skill. True, we all have our abilities. It is just I am in awe of what you can do.
  3. Are you two ever good at what you do!!! Thank you from someone who is so computer illiterate it is embarrassing .
  4. It must be a real disappointment after finding something that you could tolerate and enjoy. Howardine
  5. OH! OH! OH! How special is this!!! Merry Christmas to you and you fids.
  6. This is so special!!! Thank you for sharing it with us.
  7. I have been celebrating by listening to music of the season for the last two weeks. I plan om setting the alarm so that I can hear Lessons and Carols from King's College tomorrow. This is the first time in 15 years my younger daughter is not having to work. She came Tuesday so we have had some extra time together. We are going to her oldest daughter's home in Burbank Christmas day. Most of the family will be there also, including my grand-daughter from Australia. II will be awesome, just being together. Merry Christmas, everyone. Howardine
  8. Sorry you have had to make this choice.
  9. I tried to enter Grey Forums two different times using www.greyforums.com. I got a page saying it was for sale. Did I do something wrong?
  10. I found soy wax sprinkles under PINK ZEBRA. It didn't say anything about the fragrance used, however. I would not use it because even the best of essential oils can be toxic to our fids.
  11. Please check this out: How Scared Should You Be of Off-Gassing? #greenliving https://www.custommade.com/blog/off-gassing/ Since we don't live in a perfect world, we can't avoid all harmful chemicals but we can do our best not to add more to our environments
  12. I am 90. Even with carpet I fractured my left femur last year. Throw rugs are out especially in the bathroom and halls. Area rugs would need to be anchored. But PLEASE for your health AND that of your birds use only safe, safe, safe floor coverings.
  13. Carpet is dirty and it off gases for a long time if it is made with synthetic material . Organic cotton is safe as are other natural fibers. Most wool is NOT cruelty free and can be expensive but is nearly perfect for rugs. Check it out on line. Are you willing to think area rugs instead of carpet? (I have carpet but wish I had tile and rugs instead.)
  14. Both of the above are on my agenda as well. I would like to see it easier for those who have befriended animal in abusive situations, or are abandoned overseas to bring them home.
  15. Having no seizures is a BIG thing; I'm very glad. Now for the falls. You will deal with the PT. It is the time all of this takes. Oh, for a little magic!
  16. You have had a real breakthrough, all in grey time. Love it! Precious isn't motivated with food either, except maybe for walnuts.
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