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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. This weekend is the Jazz Festival in Old Sacramento (California.)
  2. Way to go, Bry! What a good idea to give yourself a grey!
  3. I love cats, also. They're my monicer:ohmy:
  4. Happy birthday, Penny,{Communicate-0002011B} and to my grandson, Dom, who is 21 today.{Feel-good-000200BB}
  5. What a lovely grey! Her loving is very similar to that of my Precious. Do enjoy it.
  6. I agree with the others. A fully weaned baby whose weight is stable is best. Precious was 14 weeks old and still required some hand feeding. Also, I hand fed her when she was ill a year ago. It is a lot of work! (I'd do it again in a heart beat if it were necessary, however.)
  7. Congatulations to Laurie and all the other ex-smokers! And to those of you who are quitting and wanting to quit my very best to you. I understand smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome.
  8. It's been fun reading everyone's ages! Maybe more will be brave and add theirs.:woohoo:
  9. Hope all you moms had a really special day and that the love spills over into the entire year.:cheer:
  10. Isa is tooooo cute!!!!:lol: :laugh: :silly: :cheer:
  11. Dear Sarah David, I agree with need for a vet check for your baby. Babies need a lot of sleep, even kittens. I think you are doing a fantastic job. You have taught a young person how important it is for the babies to stay with their mother until older And hopefully she will have the mother spayed before shw gives birth to more kittens.
  12. What a relief he is relieved! So young! All black! Love them!!!{Nature-0002009A}
  13. Congratulations!!!:ohmy: I have three grand-daughters, two grandsons and one great grand-daughter.:lol:
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