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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I'm glad your TAG seems OK. SNOW???:ohmy:
  2. She, Terramycin (oxytetracycline) is a broad spectrum antibiotic.:ohmy:
  3. She, Terramycin (oxytetracycline) is a broad spectrum antibiotic.:ohmy:
  4. Hello Diego and welcome. I, too, am concerned about your parrot's health. Hopefully you have an avian vet in your area. Antibiotics do no good if your bird has a virus. Your vet should tell you about supportive care, how warm the room needs to be, using a heat lamp, a humidifier, supplements, even hand feeding if necessary.:ohmy:
  5. Hi abd welcome to you and Rebel. It sounds as if you have a wonderful buddy!
  6. Hi, and welcome from another vegetarian!;)Hope you enjoy it here.
  7. Hi and welcome to you and Tinkerbell. The bird food forum has LOTS of good info. Hope it helps.
  8. What a beautiful bird! I can hardly wait to hear stories of your two!!!:laugh:
  9. Welcome Tracy. Dave gives the best of advice. You can't go wrong following what he says.
  10. Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Greys!
  11. Hi and welcome. My guess, and that's just what it is, is the sounds are your Grey's normal way of communicating with you.
  12. Thank you for the excellent intro and may I say welcome to the forum? And thank you for rehoming a bird that needed a loving, caring family. I'm not the person to help you but there are lots of threads you may read and there are many experienced members here who can. Have you taken your AG to an avian vet to determin if there are any medical/health conditions that might contribute to the plucking? Do you bathe him twice a week and spray him with pure aloe vera juice? That helps with dry skin and itching and may decrease the need to pluck. It takes much patience and time to help a Grey adjust to a new home, even a really super one like yours. However, it seems to me that you are doing many right things to help your AG.
  13. Schroeder is such a doll! And he has a pretty fantastic slave also!!!:ohmy: :laugh:
  14. No, Jen, you can't afford to have your vp ill! One source I read (which one?) said Greys needed blue spectrum light but when Precious wasn't feeling well this last January the vet said to keep a red heat lamp on in a corner of her cage all the time, that she needed the extra heat, but to place it where she could move in and out of it at will. So I did, but it wasn't a forever thing. I use a heater made just for bathrooms to keep mine comfortable and I use a baseboard heater in her room so that it isn't too cold at night. Just a thought. Oh, and the message taking skills will improve. I knew a macaw who was very good at answering the phone and Precious does an acceptable job most of the time! :silly: :lol:
  15. Hi Donna, and welcome. Coco sounds as if he is a real sweetheart. My three kitties died this year. I miss them also.
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum. Judy and others are very experienced and can give you the best of advice and suggestions.<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2008/11/18 03:07
  17. Steve, welcome. Hope you find the companion meant for you. Greys are very special. I agree it is a lifelong commitment.:ohmy:
  18. Welcome, Kimberly. Thanks for the great post! I, too, am hoping Mackinzie has a forever home with you;)
  19. Hello, and welcome. Give your baby some time and I'm sure she will be right at home.
  20. Annie, you are one special person! Thank you for taking in so many creatures.
  21. Please don't give up! :ohmy: Others are much more experienced than I but want to say it takes lots of patience and time, moving slowly, using a soft, quiet voice and offering favorite treats to gain a Grey's trust. Can you let Pippin move from place to place on his own? Will he step up on a perch so he doesn't equate you with the moving? I have had no experience with broken feathers.
  22. I'm terribly late!:ohmy: I hope you will still read the notes from everyone. Your knowledge and help have been invaluable to me. Thank you and only the very best to you and yours.
  23. I'm in Loma Linda if I can help. No smoke here and the winds are much quieter now. (909)799-9647 (unlisted)
  24. I just read this. With the fires here in S.Cal it makes me very glad you and your flock are all right.
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