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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. A really great post and I want to welcome all the guests too. I think this is a very special place because of the wonderful people here.
  2. Hi, Empera and welcome. You are correct in saying that animals can help relieve depression. Studies have shown that walking/running can make a huge diference also. It is also true that being owned by a Grey is a life long commitment. When it is all said and done, however, there is nothing like hsving a Grey. Good luck.
  3. I am so GLAD for you AND Gregory!!!:silly: :ohmy:
  4. My experience is the same. The Grey does the choosing and it doesn't matter. Sammy, the CAG we sat for some time was crazy for my husband. Precious bonded to both of us but since my husband died she is definately mine.
  5. ConnieLu, so glad and thankful you are back. It sounds as if your Grey has been a wonderful companion for you. Hope your health continues to improve. God bless.
  6. Hi Gerald and welcome to you and Cloudy.
  7. Hi! I was thinking books also as well as all the other things such as toys, cleaning supplies (non toxic), even a well parrot check up at the vet's.
  8. Hi Renee and welcome to you and ALL your flock!
  9. Welcome Mark! It sounds as if you aren't the only one crazy in love with Lola. How great!
  10. Hi Erin and welcome here. You have a wonderfully large animal family and just wait until yor Grey somes home!:ohmy:
  11. Hi Bandits Mom and welcome. Hope you like it here as much as I do.
  12. Hello, welcome and congratulations on your baby. I say to feed formula if your baby still wants it. Since he is eating regular food also he seems to be doing well.
  13. Hello and welcome. What a beautiful yearling! I bet Eddie is a real heart stealer also.
  14. Hello onetteselfish and welcome to you and your Greys. Do you have an avian vet who can check Maya's skin? I am very much in favor of using aloe vera myself. I would use only the clear gel because the yellow sap causes diarrhea. Do you have two different kinds of Greys, a CAG and a TAG? If so that could be the reason for the different coloring.
  15. Hi Larry and welcome. I think spraying with 100% aloe vera juice is a good idea. It is available in the pharmacy section of WalMart.
  16. Hi Tomy, and welcome. I hope you do get Joey. It is heart breaking when one thinks a Grey is entering one's life and then is put on hold. The only thing I can say about being owned by a Grey is it is a very long term committment even more than a marriage! Congratulations on yours and much happiness to your bride.:lol:
  17. Such cold! How DO you cope? I had a wonderful weekend and am now trying to decide if I should buy some card stock to print more greeting cards or should I use some paper I bought earlier. I'd buy the card stock in a minute if the shop had more snow flake stickers like the ones I used on the first 20 cards. Wish I could send each of you one.:ohmy:
  18. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner! Of course we are the normal ones or we wouldn't have allowed ourselves to be owned by these wonderful creatures in the first place!!! We knew in advance what adventure meant and we were willing to take the chance!:ohmy: :lol: :cheer:
  19. Thank you Carolyn and all the others. We had TWO glorious days, Thursday and Friday, with extended family NO shopping for us! My daughter who just completed chemoradiation flew from No Cal and brought my great grand daughter who is now 31/2. So much thankfulness! It was wonderful!!!:laugh: :cheer:
  20. I am so sorry about Poppy. Grief needs to be experienced and expressed. Take time to do that, even though it is painful. I'm thinking loving thoughts.
  21. What a lovely bird! It will be so much fun hearing more about both of these charmers! :)
  22. Poor baby! The two of you have been through so much!:huh:
  23. It's really good to know your Grey is improving. My own opinion is to keep working on the trust; you seem to be doing so well!
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