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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Hi Everyone! I was placed on prednisone when I was hospitalized the week before Christmas. Don't like the stuff, but didn't know what else to do. I'm having the "munchies" like crazy and am really tired of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Anyone else in a similar situation? What do you do? Has anyone tried/used acai burn? Does it help? Any other ideas other than being hungry? (Yeah, I'm concerned about all the other effects, too and am working to get off it as soon as possible.) Thank you everybody!
  2. Please listen to Judy and Casper unless you want a disaster with your grey.
  3. No, I don't watch.:ohmy: I play classical music almost constantly.:lol:
  4. I understand that cast iron for frying pans is OK, but they need to be cured and I think your parrot should not be in the house when curing them. I use stainless steel (very high quality) for everything else.
  5. Hi! I didn't really change careers, but added a second one, and a third still later; kept them all. As for which one, Joseph Campbell said to follow your bliss. The best to you. :)
  6. Hi Debbie. So glad you've joined us! My Precious is six years old also. I know it takes a long time for some Greys to be comfortable in a new home. Others here have had a lot of experience with rehoming ad can help you a LOT!
  7. Being one of the older individuals owned by a grey I have thought about it a lot. I have no easy answer. but I think it is easier for the bird to be with family. Precious mourned when my husband died, even having me. We cannot underestimate what this means to our fids and I believe being prepared before is very important. Thank you.
  8. Karma for taking a bird that needs a forever home. I haven't rehomed a parrot, just kitties. From what everyone has said it seems to to be important to take things slowly. Others here have had lots of experience doing this, however.
  9. Congratulations on a beautiful bird!
  10. Mark, glad Lola is doing well. I have a personal concern about peanuts though because of aspergillus.:ohmy:
  11. In my opinion all the little chirps and squeeks, even loud ones, are communication sounds, and are saying how much the bird likes his person and wants to be with him.:ohmy:
  12. Hi Bian and Savage. There are some real experts here who can help you. I think you have met some of them!
  13. Feed early in the day when your bird is hungriest, try finger feeding little bites, or even from a spoon and eat in front making a big deal about it. I agree with the others. And good luck. It takes time and patience changing a diet, I know!:ohmy:
  14. Precious is a female- laid an egg! And we are bonded well. My daughter says Precious adores me (I adore her too!) I don't know what Sammy was (our foster fid) but (s)he bonded very quickly with my husband. So I think it is the bird and the person.
  15. Hi Stephanie! I think you have a fabulous bird and you are a wonderful slave! Welcome.
  16. Hi Bea. Did you adopt the Congo? I hope he has found a forever home.
  17. How do you do, Finley? You are a handsome chap!
  18. Linda, hopefully you have been able to take SilverStar to the vet and there is nothing wrong healthwise. Spraying with aloe vera juice is one of the best things to do in my opinion. The unopened juice should be all right to use. Keep it in the refrigerator though once it is opened. It is available by the gallon at WalMart in the pharmacy section. Precious began calling my Kitty for the first time this week. Kitty died in April so I think Greys have very long memories.
  19. I think this was NOT a stupid question. I have had to towel Precious a few times but she has gotten over it in short order.
  20. Hi and welcome. Really glad you are researching first. I think a local breeder is the best if you have one. I am uncomfortable buying any animal from a pet store. I would think about rehoming also. There are so many who need a forever home. I would suggest finding an avian vet before bringing a Grey home. One is not always easy to find.
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