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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I agree with Mrs. B. I have found some toys made in the USA mixed in with others. I read all the labels and stickers before purchasing anything for Precious. Others may call it paranoia; I call it love.
  2. I agree that she has an amazing voice.:ohmy: I heard a little of it on TV, also. I wish her well!
  3. Congratulations to you who have gone back to school! It was more than 40 years ago when I was a little younger than you are now and became an RN. You can do it!!!:)
  4. It looks as if the bill is sleeping, maybe metamorphosing. Hopfully it will be unrecognizable if it reappears.
  5. I'm late in getting to this but if she is bad with birds, she's probably just as bad with dogs, probably runs a puppery mill. I'm being judgemental, I know, but it's based on experience.:angry:
  6. Glad you're here and checking it out. Hopefully you are gaing confidence from the reassurance.
  7. Hi Mary. Hope you have found the help you so deperately need.<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/02/11 00:54
  8. Hi Rios AND Derrick. It is hard to resist a babby Grey, I agree!
  9. Hi and very glad you are here. I echo those who applaud you for doing your research. Yes, I htink all of us here are Grey "crazy", at least I am. Even though I have loved all of my animals and birds, this is a very different relationship for me.
  10. Hi Michelle. So glad you joined. It is very sad when these wonderful, inteligent creatures are mistreated and neglected. Hopefully you will learn to love them so much they will never be parted from you again. In my opnion this is the place to receive support and learn about your companions.
  11. Hi and welcome! Rock is a very handsome guy!
  12. Hi and welcome to your flock. It is very sad that Casper had to be moved because of a serious illness, but it's good you have him. This is the right place for information I think.
  13. Hi Doris and Fids and welcome. Others here have had a lot of experience and can help you I am sure.
  14. Welcome Shannon. You seem to be doing everything you cab for yur greys.
  15. Hi Danielle! Thnk you for giving Big Bird a good home.
  16. It seems the best thing is to eat low cal fruits and veggies, AND the ice chips. Thanks again.:ohmy:
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