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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Somebody pleeeese try it so we can know what it is!:silly:
  2. Oh, Pat, my heart aches also and the tears are flowing. What to say.
  3. rbpittman wrote "...eating goldfish..." Crackers??? You WERE lucky!:ohmy: :silly:
  4. Rose is beautiful. Her name is perfect! Thanks for sharing.
  5. What a special second home for Ben! She's a lucky girl.
  6. Happy birthday from me also. {Nature-0002009A}
  7. Yes, a day of remembering. Thank you.
  8. Oh, my!!! What dishonest people! It happens here also. Seniors are especially vulnerable so please be careful.
  9. Thanks for the pics AND the commentary! :ohmy: :cheer:
  10. Bernie, thanks a zillion for these pics. Waiting NOT patiently for more!
  11. No one has been here for awhile. Has everyone reached her goal? :huh: I'm still working on mine.
  12. How are ya'all doin'? Keep up the good work!:cheer:
  13. Precious could speak the message and wouldn't have to cary a tube.:laugh:
  14. Oh, Jill! I wasn't so lucky the last time. Big fine AND traffic school. At least that kept the insurance rate from rising!
  15. Do any of you scientific/medical types know the difference between keratoacanthoma and squamous cell carcinoma or is there any? Does it start as something benign and go on to SCC? I haven't found the answer from researching and haven't gotten the answer from any of the MDs. :ohmy: Thank you.
  16. You said some day you would grow up. WHY?
  17. All of God's creatures are special. Each must have a purpose, even if I don't know what it is.
  18. Congratulations on two adorable little girls!
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