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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Please accept my sympathies! This is a terrible time to be sick. :ohmy: I think you did the right thing in getting your dad out of the house. Please don't rush getting up and out. PLEASE!!! And Dorian is a doll!
  2. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, no matter when, where or how you celebrate. :whistle: :cheer:
  3. Oh, I hope your baby is found and returned soon!
  4. Yes, venting and not near the heater. I myself prefer electric heat because of fumes and carbon monoxide but I know it can be expensive.
  5. Of couse he is smart! Why should he pull things out when he knows in time you will pull out the treats and give them to him!
  6. Lucky, lucky Guapo. I'm so glad for you and him.
  7. Precious wouldn't eating ANY pellets until the Avian vet suggested Harrisons high potency and she took to those immediately. Just goes to show you what independent creatures our Greys are!
  8. Good for you! And Giz!!!:lol: :cheer:
  9. Pearllyn, glad you had such a lovely day!:kiss:
  10. Banana and cooked carrots stick even better than broccoli! But raw carrots and raw broccol both get eaten from the kabob (sometimes .
  11. No, I don't know a non-speaking Grey, even the ones at the bird farm. Sammy was a talker as is Precious but it may take some time.
  12. When I make phone calls so I can hear her talk, when my first question is about her, when I plan a trip so I can see her and be with her.
  13. It must be such a joy for you to watch Sachi and Emma.:lol:
  14. It has bbeen so rewarding to hear all the exciting things about Java and Juno. Thank you!!:lol:
  15. Oh, PLEASE take him if you possibly can! He is beautiful and your love and patience will help him so much! :)
  16. Nilah is beautiful and so intelligent! She surely knew the right home to chose! No wonder you love her!!! :cheer:
  17. Thank you for telling us about Spiky. May you have only good memories.
  18. What beautiful fids!!!:cheer: And welcome.
  19. Wish I had a camera so I could show you REAL damage, Bernie.
  20. I remembered. I flew the flag. I will never forget Armistice Day 1941. Such silence except for the sound of miles and miles of convoys with very young men. Now it's Veterans' Day but there are still convoys with very young men.
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