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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I think Taquila Blue has a super fine home. I'm glad for him and Paul!:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/09/22 03:19
  2. How could you possibly have known? I'm very sorry.
  3. I'm thrilled you can have good visits with Juno. He'll be home soon!
  4. Bernie, thank you, thank you!!! With all the wishes, thoughts and prayers how can I NOT be all right? :lol: :cheer: {Nature-0002009A}
  5. Precious is more like a three to four year old, curious, singing songs with words, whisteling tunes, making up her own songs, copying all the sounds she hears, answering the phone and carying on a conversation on it, noisy at times but very rarely loud.
  6. Jill, I'm with you and admit it!!!:ohmy: :lol:
  7. I missed it also. Thank you for posting. I agree with those who think she has a marvelous voice.
  8. Thank you Dan, Casper, Judy, EVERYONE:) I'm taking the computer downstairs so that I can stay in touch with my GREYt family. I have reservations to fly to Sacramento on Tuesday, returning the 29th. I'll be off line that week. I'll be with my daughters, grand-daughter and gt. grand-daughter (she's four!)AND PRECIOUS so I'll be busy.:lol: I'll post the outcome as soon as I get home from the surgery. :cheer: {Nature-0002009A}<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/09/19 21:43
  9. My mom got her one and only speeding ticket for driving too slowly out in the middle of the desert at two o'clock in the morning! :ohmy: She was the only driver for miles around. She was furious! (She wasn't alone. My sister was with her.)The cop must not have made his quota (even though they denie having one!):evil:
  10. Katana, thank you. You are so right. The waiting part is hard. I'm having a Mohs' procedure which means the tissue will be examined at the time with more removal repeated until all the edges are clear. I think the hardest part now is not knowing how deep it is and how many times it will require to get it all. That will determine the size of the graft. With all the prayers and positive thoughts I know it will go well!
  11. {Nature-0002009A}She, thank you. The support on this forum is awsome!!!
  12. TGIF! {Nature-0002009A}<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2009/09/18 21:58
  13. Thanks one and all for the good chuckles!:lol: {Nature-0002009A}
  14. Thank you very much loveparrots AND ranaz! {Nature-0002009A}
  15. Thank you, Jingles. I have one on my left lower leg and am scheduled to have it removed on 09/30/09. It may require a graft to cover the defect. But it is not on my face! For that I am thankful.
  16. Remarkable that you and Max are reunited. Hopefully this entire thread teaches all of us we cannot be too careful.
  17. Thinking of you- I am so sorry!{Nature-0002009A}
  18. #10 Buy white vinegar by the gallon (or two!) Surprising how much it takes for cleaning the cage, the walls, the floor (carpet), whatever.:silly:
  19. Yes, a couple of liters a day. I keep the sodium low also. We've looked at all the usual things; heart has good ejection fraction, no pulmonary hypertension, last ultrasound of kidneys unremarkable. Protein level is normal. No diabetes. I've used Ace bandages and support hose. And I've done lymphatic drainage as well as leg elevation. Haven't used the machine for lymphedema. Any other ideas are most welcome!:ohmy:
  20. Fluid is back on. I'm so tired of it!!!:angry: Back to the pills!!!
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