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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Hello and welcome! These people are very knowledgeable AND lots of fun, too.
  2. It is good, but it is pure sugar! My husband had access to all he wanted as a child. It rotted his teeth!:ohmy:
  3. Do I buy her gifts??? :ohmy: :whistle: YES, YES, YES!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Rishi looks mighty good to me!!! Love him and YOU.
  5. Since I was gone I didn't know about this harrowing experience until now. I want to add my thanks for the prayers, healing thoughts, good energy, love and your undying, unselfish devotion to this wonderful Rishi.
  6. Congratulations on the great succes. And I hope your health improves.
  7. OH, Shona, I am weeping with you!!! Do you know what happened? Are you able to talk about it? Thoughts and prayers for you.
  8. I'll take Snowball over MJ ever time!Lovedit!:laugh:
  9. Do you have this in a notebook model? I could use one right now. :lol:
  10. Yes, Bernie, you were right. I'm not sure that winning the lottery would be the best thing in the world either. Think of all the "relatves" that would creep out of the walls like cockroches!!!:woohoo: It would be fun to endow a chair at my alma mater however. :side: :cheer:
  11. Just because I'm old enough to be your grandmother doesn't mean I'm a pro! :lol: Well, it all depends on what kind do you mean???:silly:
  12. Oh, no! If I went back to knitting I wouldn't have time to be on the forum and laugh and have fun with all my friends who are as crazy as I am!:ohmy: :whistle: :evil:
  13. Judy, I'm thinking you won't be doing much "celebrating" with the grand kids around. :silly: My oldest grand-daughter and her Jeff are driving to Berkley for the USC-Cal game tomorrow. I'm glad they are all old enough to provide their own entertainment! :lol: Bernie, what can I say???:huh: :dry:
  14. Dan, I'm very thankful I can report this as favorable. :cheer:
  15. Jill, I would be so sad if you were any other way:( {Nature-0002009A}
  16. The more laughter, the better!!!{Feel-good-0002006E}
  17. You, my friends, are just the greatest! How could this not have gone well with all the prayers, thoughts, good wishes and love. Thank you!:cheer:
  18. Supernova! What happened? Hope you are happy today. My leg is elevated while I'm making all kinds of typos! :ohmy:
  19. To all my GREYt friends- I'm home as of this pm{Nature-0002009A}! The week in the Sacramento area flew by. The lesion was removed sucessfully yesterdaay. All the margins were clear. The lesion itself was malignant but it is gone now.:cheer: The leg is wrapped from toes to knee with a pressure bandage and another pressure dressing is on the doner site. I can't do much other than keep my leg elevated so I think I'll be visiting the forum more this next week. Thank you all!!! {Nature-0002009A}
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