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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Welcome, Dan and Hermes. This is the right place to come. From the three kitties and PRECIOUS.
  2. Bonnie, I am very sorry for this. Is James all right? Is he willing to gve it more time? Remember we are here for you.
  3. Oh, Bernie, the flowers are beautiful Babes? It sounds as if you are all very well experienced!
  4. This is so exciting! Congratulations. Names??? I didn't know if the kitties that their momma brought me were male or female so one was Bobbie (a girl), another Billy (a boy) and the third was Sammi (a girl). And of course there's PRECIOUS! my CAG.
  5. These creatures never cease to amaze me!
  6. Well, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! Sorry my Btitish friends.
  7. Penny, your daughter is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
  8. Boy. will he ever have to do some good peddlin' goin' down hill!
  9. Yup, Bernie's back and I'm glad, glad, glad!
  10. Unfortunately, just not enough physical energy to do what I would like, but today and yesterday I put some other things aside so I could visit a little with my friends here. I can stand being away only for so long!
  11. You can't put anything over on Paco, can you. Wonderful bird. Hope your visit was a good one.
  12. Have to think about this one. PRECIOUS The GOOD: Just about EVERYTHING! Especially when I'm at this distance missing her terribly. The BAD: When she decides to make the sound of the paper shredder. It sends my younger daughter crazy. Have to admit it's loud in the superlative. The UGLY: The chewed furniture that my sister and I had shared long ago. Precious could move so much faster than I that she managed to take some sizable chunks out of the vanity.
  13. Lyn, This is my dream- camping with the loves of my life. How special! I did do it a few(?) years back. But I didn't have PRECIOUS. Sharing your wonderful adventure with us through words and picturees has made my day. Thank you!!!
  14. Spock (and all the others), Thank you for reading my posts and giving me such positive imput. And Spock, how are you, my man? Love you.
  15. Oh, Burnie!!! I am so excited!!!!!! Congratulations and all that jazz. Talk about a good 'scope! And maybe, just maybe, your 'scope will come up with some of the fascinating stuff to show what's going on in this crazy universe. Maybe???? Wish I understood it more.
  16. As I have said before, all of you are awesome! I have such support from the members here. I was able to find "get away" fares for the third and the ninth of June so I will be in the Sacramento area then. And I will be with PRECIOUS!!! not to mention my daughters, a grand and a great also. Just might be able to see my sister also.
  17. How can any one NOT like these beauties! Thank you Jay.
  18. Thank you for this beautiful bird. Every week is a real adventure.
  19. Hi! I really haven't forgotten any of you. I'm having an energy problem (mine, not electrical) and it just isn't going as far as I would like. So I may be off and on but please know you are in my mind and heart.
  20. Are you s-u-r-e you didn't leave it home on purpose???
  21. Janet, thank you for being you and for all your good messages.

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