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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. I know you love your baby! Hope all the ideas given help you.
  2. Another beautiful Amazon with a very interesting read. Thank you, Jay!
  3. It is hard for me to believe that your baby Grey is not hungry. It may be for mor than physical food. Jay, Dan, Dave and some others are real experts. Our Greys require LOTS of time, patience, care, attention and love. If they don't have the attention they can become neurotic, withdrawn and develop all kinds of problems.
  4. It has been more than a month since the last post here. I'm not sure where to look for more info about Charlie. I hope everything is all right.
  5. Sunshine, I've missed you. Howardine

  6. Bernie, I miss you. Howardinee

  7. She really is great. She has to be. Her hatchdayd is the same as my grdaughter's b'day.
  8. Oh couse Paco knew! He's a Grey! And I second your opinion. Paco is happy with you and you are a good parront! Do these people have degrees in abnormal psychology???
  9. Research has shown that true aloe is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. The yellow sap just under the green skin is bitter and has laxative prroperties. The gel is healing for burns as well as other skin problems. When used internally it has helped with many digestive problems. If anyone is interested I will look up the original info for you
  10. Oh, no! It is so terrible to lose a best friend and now to find one without an owner! Do you have it until the owner can be found? It looks young to me. No ID band or chip?
  11. Happy hatchday to a very special DAYO! You may be asleep now. dreming of your special day.
  12. Jill, thank you for such a heart warming story.
  13. Well----??? I'm sure bird poop is a lot cleaner than ours! (But I stii wouldn't want to eat it.)
  14. Dave, they are SO adorable, but you know that all ready! Oh, my! They have my heart.
  15. I am 82 and we, the family, have talked about it. My husband died four years ago. I mentioned before my great grand-daughter is the only one young enough to possibley live as long as or even outlive Precious. My grand-daughter, Tiernin's mom, is the one who gave Precious to my husband. Precious is an inegral part of the family. As such it is my understanding she will continue to have a home with one or more of us as the need arises. All the family are with her at various times so none of them are strangers to her. I know everyone doesn't have this luxury, but it has given me peace of mind to know that three other generations love her and appear willing to give her the loving care she so richly desrves.
  16. I'm really glad you joined us. I think these people are absolutely the best in the whole world!
  17. Hello and welcome. Glad you decided to join us.
  18. Hello and welcome JD. It seems the difference is in the individual bird, not whether male or female. There is so much that goes into the whole experience: how was the bird socialized by the breeder, how we interact with each other and with our birds including playing, talking, singing, just being with them There are many here who have had MUCH experience. I believe there are other threads on this subject as well.
  19. Chaucer is truely remarkable, but I believe all our Greys are. I never cease to be amazed at Pecious. And even though they aren't birds, my kitties' ability to communicate is beyond belief. I quoted what I heard once before, "The only dumb animal is the one who says it."
  20. Since we are celebrating again, I'm not totally lefy out. Congratulations to a very special guy.
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