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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Hi from me, also. I left my CAG, Precious, with my daughters when I returned home after a long convalesence. This family is the most supportive and most knowledgable group you will ever meet. I keep coming here just because everone is so special and I can enjoy all the birds vicariously. Come join in.
  2. "Good morning!" I like to say good morning to mom and to you, my friends. I LOVE walnuts! I don't get them very often though, have to just reach out and grab one fast off the humans' salad. Mom doesn't mind:cheer:, but the older aunt, she gets mad:angry:! The other aunt, she doesn't mind but I don't take from her very often. I like taking baths in my water dish too. Mom put a bigger pan in my cage, but I didn't like it. So now when I get in my water bowl she comes with the spray bottle. I get really wet then. It's too cold still for me to go outside. "Bye, I'll be back." Precious
  3. Oh, Bernie. excuses, excuses. Senior moment? Since when are you as old as I? Glad you're back!:silly:
  4. "Hello." Precious here. No I don't want those germs from the Little Person. The big people don't let her ger close to me when she's sick, but, MAN, does she ever get a lot of attention! Sometimes I have to talk real loud so they pay attention to me, too. What's the white stuff? We don't get it here. Mom was talking about something called snow in the mountains though when it was really cold. The Little Person said she liked to play in it. Imagine! Playing in cold stuff!:ohmy: Gota go "Bye, I'll be back".
  5. Each week there is another beauty, and another heartache about how endngered they are. Thank you jay.
  6. Thank you for another California site. Wouldn't it be sad if we lost our wild parrots! I do enjoy them.:cheer:
  7. Oh Spock, you are so special. I love you. When I awakened during the night I held you in my heart and surounded you with light. Brown rice with lentis! Yummy! I love them too.
  8. Everyone else has said it and I will say it again. I am so glad for you and Pepper that you are together again!:cheer: And please stop beating yourself up. New feathers will grow. It just takes time. Do take precautions with her. Everything will be all right.
  9. OH, I'm glad her breathing is all right! Dave is so level headed.:cheer:
  10. Jill, congratulations! I haven't gotten on the scale for awhile, guess I'm chicken. I keep needing "little" uneups that have kept my exercising limited but I have increased my water intake like crazy and hope that helps.
  11. "Good morning!" Mom says its afternoon, not morning. Thank you for the welcome. I've been good today, had to be. The little person is here. She's sick, lots of coughing. :ohmy: I can sound just like her so no one knows whose doing it. I sneeze like her too. :dry: "Bye, I"ll be back."
  12. For what it is worth when Precious had trouble breathing the vet told me to use a heat lamp on one end of the cage only so that she could move if it got too warm, to keep the room at 80F and to use a humidifier or take her into the bathroom with the shower running for ten minutes at a time several times a day. He also gave her Baytril injections, I don't remember how many days. I fed her plain yogurt to keep her intestinal flora healthy. I did have to hand feed her for some time. I would say at least call the emergency vet. Courage.
  13. What a darling baby! Just keep an eye on him and if he doesn't return to eating soon you may want to have him checked by your avian vet. Also weigh him daily to be sure he maintains his weight.
  14. My heart was in my throat and my stomach in knots when I started reading this. I can breathe again! I am so happy for you, Brittany and Pepper. Yea!!!{Feel-good-000200A2}
  15. I, too, am wondering if there is any news. You've had so much rain in OC. Yes, I'm concerned.
  16. You have a very sweet baby. I'm another one who just loves my Precious, everything about her!:kiss:
  17. How fortunate you are! It sounds like a Greyt situation forr all of you, especially Paco. It's as if he will have a wonderful extended family.
  18. Don't I wish I knew! Maybe our heads look like a tree- or a bush!:ohmy: :lol:
  19. Re: the Baytril. Did your vet suggest/ recommend/prescribe a probiotic at the same time? My understanding is if there are not sufficient friendly flora in the bird's gut nutrients are not absorbed effficently. You've probably gone there, done that already.
  20. Continued prayers for all of you.
  21. Thank you for the update. I wish Sasha and her person the very best.
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