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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Marguerite, you are amazing! Dorian is one cool bird. I would love to have seen your cat take care of Lucy! I'm feeling vengful!:evil: But you are right, it isn't the dog's fault. It is beyond my comprehension that those people expected you even to build your own gate! Yes, take your notes with you so you remember everything!!! It is most fortunate that Lucy has a playmate. Again you are amazing!
  2. Bella, you are so sweet. We do tease and even bite sometimes but our mums are special, aren't they?:whistle: I haven't gotten into any serious mischief today, just tossed some food, things like that. "Bye, I"ll be back."
  3. I think DYH is the most popular, but IF I were to have one it would probably be another species.
  4. Jay, that is a really ggod site. TY!
  5. I had a 'tiel and I've had canaries and parakeets. I have not had an amazon but having had Sammy and Precious,if I had to choose, it would be a CAG.
  6. Thank you for the update and the pics. What a handome guy!
  7. Precious was not completely weaned (3 1/2 mo) when she came home. Feeding a baby grey is NOTHING underlined like feeding human, cat or dog babies! It takes a LOT of time, enrgy, patience. Fortunately we didn't burn her crop but I have seen a badly burned one. Don't go there. It's just too risky for pneumonia also. Get a hand fed bird. They are just as sweet, just as loving.<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/02/17 00:25
  8. I wonder if my mom would get me one of those!B) And would my aunt let me have it in the BIG room. She's so picky!:whistle: Precious
  9. Echo is beautiful and really into that bone!
  10. Dave's the man! And remember the aloe vera!
  11. Precious likes cinnamon sticks, but at her own chosing. That means sometimes yes, sometimes no. Get organic everything if you can.
  12. The family had thought shoulder riding was the thing to do until we read the same book as you, so we didn't. Precious doesn't even try to do it but she has used my head for landing!:ohmy: I much prefer the shoulder!:lol:<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/02/16 23:25
  13. If only... If only... Precious IS perfect; I'm the imperfect one.
  14. He is a real doll. The black eyes always get me!
  15. Continuing to hold Spck in the healing light.
  16. What an encouraging update. Healing energy continuing to you and Rishi.
  17. Good morning! I'm Precious. I always say good morning when I awaken. This is fun having so many friends. My parront mom isn't here. She got sick just before Christmas a long time ago (2008). I came here in my big cage in a truck. It wasn't so bad because I had a human man sing and talk and whistle to me all the way and now my cage is in a BIG room. I like that! Mom came when she got out of the hospital and brought me new toys. Was I ever glad to see her! She needed lots of rest so I was very quiet every time I saw her close her eyes. It took her a long time to get better. One night I had water coming out my nose. Mom was scared and called a man she called an avian vet. He came to the house the next morning in his big van to examin me. I didn't like him very much but he said I was all right. He did lots of tests just to make sure. Ater six months mom went home with one of my aunts to see if she could take care of herself. She cried when she left because she couldn't take me. My aunt came back in a few days. My two aunts take care of me. I get lots of goodies and I am out on my stand a lot. My aunts play with me and sometimes I fly. They are always afraid I'll get hurt. I don't know why!:silly: My favorite landing spot is the ledge of the highest window. A little person they call Tiernin comes and stays lots. She gets very loud sometimes. She likes to cary me on my perch. She is very careful. She gives me grapes and other goodies. My mom has come back two times. I call "Whoooo" to her as soon as I hear her. I sit on her lap and we get lots of cuddles. We sing to each other and do lots of talking. She bought me a new swing and other toys too. I LOVE chewing them! The cpa aunt works in a big office and is gone most of the time. The rn aunt lets me out a lot. She says I am eating lots more variety and I'm better at my flying and landing. I can't wait to show mom! :ohmy: I hope she comes soon!!! Maybe sometime she'll come and stay and we can be together forever.:kiss: "Bye, I love you, I'll be back."
  18. Dee, you are one unbelievably special person! :kiss: What a way to remember Juno. Just look at the detail! :ohmy: I hope to be in on the rafflee also.
  19. I think venting is good. Sometimes it helps in finding asolution. You didn't ask for advise or suggestions, and you're already kicking yourself too much. Even said, this is one time you could say, on second thought, that with your fibromyalgia and carple tunnel syndrome you do not have the energy to deal with this untrained JR. It doesn't matter how cute she is. You might add that they can take her to a pet hotel (where she just might get the training she needs) or keep her home and hire a pet sitter. If she messes on their things that's their problem. It really isn't your responsibility to train their dog. You are scheduled for surgery, are't you? Are they going to help you then? And yes, I've had my issues of not being able to say no, and I have family members who show up only when they want something! :angry: Good luck with whatever you do.
  20. Lucky Beau! He KNOWS he's numero uno! (Steve"s lucky, too. Chocolate AND you! :silly: )
  21. Hey, what's new in the universe- new news about WIMPS, black holes or anything? Or is it only about Olympic "stars?" :silly:
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