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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. How exciting! Patience wins the day every time.
  2. I am glad for all of you that things are looking up. I don't know about the Jello, but it has a lot of artificial colorings and sweeteners. I don't use it.
  3. You are not a bad person because you don't answer the door bell. It appears this child has not been taught any manners or respect at all. I believe it will be very difficult for her when she is older. I wonder how her mother is permitted to leave her like this.
  4. Bosse, thank you! Your greys are beautiful and I enjoyed eveything. You made me smile and laugh.
  5. Since Precious has been living with my daughters I don't have as much to say about her care and life. Also, time and energy are still limited, so I do pick and chose what I. read here
  6. Thank you, Penny, and thank all of you. Many of you are very exprienced parronts, breeders, rehomers, rescuers. Not only that, you have been willing to share your knowledge and with it, wisdom. What little I have shared, I do hope has been with love. Please know that has been my intent and accept my apologies if it has not come across that way. Again, thank you. Howardine PS Both my typing and spelling leave much to be desired!
  7. Considering all the stress you AND Momo are under I am not surprised he is screaming. Continue doing as others have suggested. "Keep the faith," and courage.
  8. What a lovely tribute to a beautiful boy. Saying good-by is so painful.
  9. Back to Bach--this time St. Matthew's Passion.
  10. You are not a bad person! It is absolutely mandatory you take care of yourself and MOMO, for your own mental health. Don't be a "door mat" for anyone!
  11. Dave, I didn't thank you before, but this is really special.
  12. How sad! I am very sorry. Hopefully there is some solace for you in music. Howardine
  13. Please listen to Dave. In my experience he is THE one with the most experience and knowledge.
  14. I am so very sorry.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yipeeee! I knew you could do it!!!
  16. I think they were shown here but I understood they were the actual recordings. I could not see and/or listen to it all`again.
  17. Marguerite, I am so thankful you have gotten some relief. I thank God for Dorian. Please stay in touch with those here who love you including me.
  18. OK, now. Let's see The Grades! Congratulations, Kelly. I thought college was tough in the "Dark Ages!" I guess not!
  19. Welcome to the best grey family in the world!
  20. It has been a week since anyone posted here. I too am glad the prognosis is good. Those of you who have dealt with any cancer, what to say? You are survivors! Re: the alkaline-acid thing. Most people don't realize that sugar and other refined carbs such as white flour, bread, pasta, etc. are major culprits in any disease, cardiovascular, osteoporosis, cancer, whatever. Yes, it is the prep that is the "killer."
  21. Hi jay and Maggie! Thank you for noticing. I have not been able to bring Precious home. Missing her as I do it is hard for me to come here, but today I decided to take a chance. Howardine
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