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Everything posted by Carolyn

  1. Hey glad your back to join us, you and Loki were missed. Hope you are feeling better now,glad things worked out well for Loki and her new friend;) Carolyn & Mika
  2. Please add one more - If you find it scratched or chewed, the dog did it! Carolyn & Mika
  3. Yes as a whole petstores do have a very bad name and reputation for supporting puppy and kitten mills, and I am sorry to say birds to. If all people would just stop buying these animals from pet stores things would get better, the laws in both the US and Canada are very soft and must get tougher is these situations but in a lot of cases it is a cash deal between the store and the seller and the inspectors cant get to the person who did the selling. With regards to employees in these stores, there is out there, a few very dedicated people that will offer the correct advise and help, people like BMustee who will step up and tell it like it is. But not all are like this due to maybe there age and they only repeat what they were told to say, or what they have seen they have no real education on what they are selling. That is the fault of the store. There are many reputable breeders out there, you may have to travel or make a lot of phone calls but they are there if you really want to find them. It took almost a year to find mine and a lot of phone calls and checkking into references but it can be done. I do not support pet store puppies, kittens or birds as there history can be fabricated. I only hope that one day the laws can be tough enough that it will stop. But it will only stop if we speak out for those who cant. So many times people see things and say "someone should do something about that" well that someone is you, report all you may think is not right make people aware of the situation you see. If more people took the time to make phone calls, write e-mails and letters the faster things will start to turn around. I am sorry that I sound like I am standing on a soap box, giving a speach but as a Doberman breeder for over 20 years there is not much I have not seen, that Human beings can do to an animal, or bird. Please check out everything before you make a educated decision. Again sorry for the sermon Carolyn & Mika
  4. I am so sorry to hear this Erika, I can be of no help with an answer to this behavior,:unsure: but moral support to you and Keith. Baxter, I am sure will come around, he loves both of you guys so much. Carolyn & Mika
  5. Mika is enjoying his new boing:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  6. The trip from Ireland I can't, but the accomodation I can offer.;)lol Carolyn & Mika
  7. Wow he is looking good, and getting bigger. Great job Yvette. Carolyn & mika
  8. The Canadian Parrot Conference is being held November 14 to 16 in Guelph Ontario. If any one is interested www.canadianparrotconference.ca for all information. Carolyn & Mika
  9. Paid 900.00 in Ontario Canada for a fully weaned baby CAG that was with DNA test done and Mico chipped from a breeder in Ontario. Carolyn & Mica
  10. I add white vinegar to the cleaning off all Mika's toys and also his cage. It was recommended by the Avian vet. Carolyn & Mika
  11. Just love the update on Loki and family, things seem to be going well for all of you. Loki seems to be doing really well with all her new experiences, and her training of both you and Kim is going well:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  12. If you go to birdchannel.com, Bird Talk mag will come up, you are able to order back issues of the magazine from them. Also there are numerous sites on the internet where information is available from doctors. Hope this helps Carolyn & Mika
  13. Erika, if you are considering the pet store ask them for references that you can contact to see if they were pleased with the care. If the store would not supply these then I might re-think leaving the birds there. Carolyn & Mika
  14. A burgler breaks into a house, and here's a voice saying "Jesus is watching you", he goes a little further and again he here's "Jesus is watching you" now getting a little curious he goes into the dining room and here's again "Jesus is watching you". He turns around and see a very large parrot sitting on a stand, the parrot stares him right in the eyes and again repeats "Jesus is watching you". The then very relaxed burgler turns to the parrot "Hey are you Jesus" the parrot responds "No Jesus is the 150 lb Rottweiler sitting in the door" Carolyn & Mika
  15. Hi Diane and welcome to the forum, its a great place to get all the information you might need. You cant go wrong with asking Dave, he is just great. Looking forward to hearing from you often. Carolyn & Mika
  16. OMG I can relate to a couple of the above:S ah well maybe more than a couple:unsure: Carolyn & Mika
  17. Oh Wendy she is just beautiful{Love-000200BF} Carolyn & Mika
  18. Welcome Tony and Harry, lots of good information in this forum you will enjoy it. If you don't see something just ask lots of great people with years of experience to help you over any rough times. We all here really enjoy pictures, hope to see some of your beautiful Harry, again welcome Carolyn & Mika
  19. Nice family Gina,welcome cant wait to see some pics;) Carolyn & Mica
  20. Great photos Erika, Baxter seems to be really enjoying his time outside.What a great idea;) Baxter has really become a photo ham:woohoo: Carolyn & Mika
  21. Mika (CAG) is alone 5 days a week,I leave about 7-7:30 in he morning not returning til 5-5:30 at night. He spends a hour out in the morning with me getting ready and we have out breakfast together. I have a TV on a timer that comes on approx 2 hours after I leave and stays on for a couple of hours. Then there is approx 2 hours of quiet and then a radio comes on (also on a timer) and stays on in the background till I get home. He has a 2 toys in his cage full of treats that he works on during the day plus plenty of other toys. He is out of his cage from when I get home till his bed time, so plenty of out time. It has worked for us and he seems to be fine with this pattern. Lots of luck, with making a decision Carolyn & Mika
  22. Carolyn

    The right book

    I have read both books and they are good, but you will find that all books will have different opinions on all subjects. The books are just the opinions and experiences of the people that wrote them, and like all advise you get what works for one bird or person may not work with the next. I think you should try to seek out people that have adopted a bird from the same situation you have and speak to them. I read all the bird books that have been published (as I own a book store;) ) and if you took all the information in these books and put it into practise I think you could drive both yourself and your bird crazy. Again books are just guides but are to be taken as just that, one person or persons experience. Hope you can find help, but don't give up there are people out ther to offer you help and advise. Carolyn & Mika
  23. I am having the most incredible time raising my baby grey, I made this choice to get a baby both with my head and my heart. He and I are starting this journey together and will learn over time, and also learn by our mistakes together but I would have it no other way. My hat goes off to all that have rescued or taken on re-homed greys, you all are truly amazing people. But raising a grey from a baby is very special for me. Carolyn & Mika
  24. I also have a flat top, they are great for clean up. Just have to watch out for the hot spots but they do seem to cool down pretty fast after you have finished cooking. Carolyn & Mika
  25. Hi Katie, a big Welcome from both Mica & I{Love-000200C5} Carolyn & Mika
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