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Everything posted by Carolyn

  1. Making your own playstand just makes it a little more special, this is a pic of the first one I made, and we are now working on a second. Go ahead have some fun opps have to make pic smaller:blush:<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/08/24 02:44
  2. You are never alone here Tigerlily, I found this forum 2 days after I had Mika at home he is 5 months now. I have never had so many questions answered or so much good advise as I have found here. As this is my first Grey and truth be known my first bird, there were lots of questions;) I make the time each day to log on grab a coffee and sit back and read. There are somtimes tears and sometimes just a full out belly laugh at some of the things our little feathered friends do, but the one thing is there are years and years of experience here and thats what's it all about. You will always have friends here they may not be round the block but they are only a keyboard tap away. Carolyn & Mika
  3. Carolyn


    The one you have is the same size I bought for Mika, at 3 months old and he loves it. Carolyn & Mika
  4. Congradulations to both of you on such a great pic. Carolyn & Mika
  5. I am using cup cake wrappers, I put a piece of almond in 1 then tie it on a string, the next could be a raisin or any other piece of nut. When I get the string with about 10-12 pieces on it I hang it in the cage when I am going out so he has something to amuse himself when I am gone. Sure enough when I return there is not 1 package left un-opened or 1 piece of paper on the string. He loves it and it is cheap to make. Carolyn & Mika P.S. It has Mika's seal of approval on it
  6. Thank you all for your input, and also Walmart is 4.00 cheaper than the health food store LOL Carolyn & Mika
  7. Thank you all for your input, and also Walmart is 4.00 cheaper than the health food store LOL Carolyn & Mika
  8. Thanks so much will pick up some tomorrow:) Carolyn & Mika
  9. Just wondering if I could get some help, have noticed several mentions of aloe to spray on the Greys. I went to the health food store to-day and found 100% aloe that you mix into a drink, aloe gel, aloe cream. I am not sure what to buy or what the uses or advantages are. Could you please advise me:( Carolyn & Mika
  10. Great Pic Misty Carolyn & Mika
  11. Oh my soooooooo cute, congradulations Carolyn & Mika
  12. Rawhide toys are great, but I have found and been told by vets to watch giving them to young puppies as the salt content is very high. Not from the rawhide its self but from the curing process they use. Also the coloured ones are very hard on the digestive system due to the dye and can give puppies the runs. Don't no if this info would apply to birds but just thought I should add it. Carolyn & Mika:cheer:
  13. Hi cflanny, I am a new Grey Mom, Mika is just turned 5 months. We both work full time, have a dog in the house and a cat. Mika has adapted well to our times, and he always has his special times just for him. I am sure after you meet this bird you will just no if it is right for both you and him. Best of luck Carolyn & Mika
  14. Carolyn


    My thoughts and prayers go out to you both Susan, keep positive Carolyn & Mika
  15. Great looking Baby, Kevin Carolyn & Mika
  16. You have done everything that could be done Erika, Well done. Bonkers could not have found a better place to land. Welcome to Erik's new B&B (bird & breakfast) every birdies welcome. LOL Carolyn & Mika
  17. This is great, I will download it and print it. Thank you Carolyn & Mika
  18. I posted a picture of Mika eating from our dinner plates and also from our fork, Lovemygreys pointed out to me that the plate was fine but I should consider not feeding him from my fork due to the passing of germs from human mouths, this made very good sence to me and I had not thought of it that way. So decided armed with that advise I would go shopping for a plate and fork just for him. Reached store - As We Grow (local baby store) Me - do you have a plate with the suction cup on the bottom so they can't move it?? Clerk - We have both plates and bowls, we have them for boys and girls - or generic like Winnie the Pooh Me - Winnie the Pooh is fine, I want a plate please not a bowl. Clerk - What is it a boy or girl? Me - Boy Clerk - how old? Me- 5 months, oh and I see you have matching forks I will have the plate and the fork. Clerk:S - 5 months don't you think you should use a bowl and a spoon. Me :evil: (I see where this is going) No thank you he is very advanced for his age so the plate and fork will do fine. I cut up all his food and he prefers to eat from the same style of plates we do, at the table. Clerk - he eats in a highchair at the table? Me - No on the table. Me - thank you for all your help I will take these. I could hardly wait to get outside, and breakdown laughing - made her day I bet. Carolyn & Mika
  19. Mika picked out the chicken and the red peppers, loves to eat his (your) supper from a plate. Give him a plate of his own and he turns it over. LOL Carolyn
  20. Just a little tip - when I make Mika's mash I put individual servings into ice cube trays, then freeze once frozen pop then into plastic sandwich bags then. All I need to do is take one out and microwave and serve. It is pretty quick. His ice cube trays are a different color so hubbie doesn't end up with mash in his rum LOL Carolyn & Mika
  21. Could you post a picture of the lock you are looking for, our local pet store has dis-assembled old cages and has a great selection of locks and small doors, trays ect. Carolyn
  22. I wish there was I checked but they handed out a copy of all presentations to those who were present. This was put on at The university of Guelph (Guelph Ontario Canada) it was just the most wonderful day I have spent. From what I understand there will be another one in January, I will be there again would not mis it. Carolyn & Mika
  23. Welcome to the family here, very nice pics Carolyn & Mika
  24. Hay Jan very well done congrats. he is beautiful Carolyn & Mika
  25. Mika eats baby oatmeal every morning just mixed with warm water, we use different flavors every day. And on some days put a small amount of bananas or applesauce also baby food. He loves it Mika & Carolyn
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