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Everything posted by Carolyn

  1. Congradulations new Daddy, cant wait for pics Carolyn & Mika:woohoo:
  2. I just love reading all the posts, but some of my questions just seem to silly to ask you guys.But there is always someone else that does ask so I dont feel to bad then:blink: Carolyn & Mika
  3. Again many thanks Carolyn & Mika
  4. Welcome Megoni & Johnboy - I have a 5 month old and we are just training to use the harness, I also use the Aviator. Good Luck Carolyn
  5. Mika is 5 months old last week and I still spoon feed him a warm breakfast of baby pablem in the morning about 2 tablespoons and a pureed veg mixture in the evening again about 2 tablespoons is offered. In between he gobbles down his pellets and takes all handouts you offer of veg and fruit, or whatever he feels he can steal from your plate a supper. We enjoy this special one on one time. For myself I don't want to give it up, don't no how others feel? Carolyn
  6. What wonderful pictures each and every one deserves a big round of applause - it was very hard but I voted;) Carolyn
  7. 45 on the 21st of August. My how time flys:laugh: Carolyn
  8. Just a question, I was at the pet store this weekend and saw the lamps they had, they told me that I should get one with the fall and winter coming on and not a whole lot of sunlight during the days. What are your opinions on lamps and how do you use them if you do? Carolyn
  9. Good luck and can't wait for those pics. <br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/08/11 11:45
  10. Welcome Coffeesnob & Coco. You will enjoy it here;)
  11. Just returned from an all day Symposium on African Greys, just wanted to pass along one of the speakers thoughts. This gentleman works at a bird santuary in Africa and has been with Greys both wild and tame for over 25 years. "We are our parrot's guardians, as well as their friends, and as such, we provide them with safety and security. We supply an excellent diet in order to meet their complex nutritional needs and maintain them on a high health plane. We furnish the emotional love and support tempered with gentle disciplane they need to meet their potential as excellent companions. We furnish the enrichment they require to home their itelligence and keep them free from bordom. It is no easy or light task to befriend a parrot. It is a responsibility. It is also a joy. I can think of few greater satifactions than to see a creature of light and air, an individual so different from us yet like us in so many ways, thrive and prosper under our care and devotion to its well-being. When a parrot relaxes on its perch at bedtime, contentedly grinding it beak; when it shakes out its feathers and leans its head trustingly on our chest; when it wags its tail upon seeing our approach; when it confidently preens as it sits quietly on our arm - we know our parrots are happy and at peace with themselves and their world. It is paradoxical but true that only within discipline - both ours and our bird's - can there be true freedom. In that liberty lies the way truly to enjoy the pleasure of their company." When this gentleman finished there was not a dry eye in the room. Just thought I would pass this along Carolyn & Mika
  12. I well no the feeling of being a human pin cushion, my hands and wrists were a mess. But by having the one sandy perch by the food bowl really helped a lot. He has two other wood ones in his cage as well. I also used a emery board to just take the sharp tip off, it took 2 days to do but it worked he just thought it was a new game. Hope all goes well Carolyn
  13. I e-mailed all the measurments you needed. Good Luck Mika loves his and I built it another level higher LOL Carolyn
  14. Wonderful, wonderful pics. Thank you so much for posting them. Carolyn
  15. This just breaks my heart to see, as being a Doberman breeder it reminds me when they first produced the white Dobie and now are trying to put the white shepards in the show ring.
  16. Congradulations and wish you all the best;)
  17. Congradulations to both of you, the wait is finally over:laugh:
  18. I just purchased the Aviator harness Sunday for Mika, the DVD that is enclosed is just wonderful and I plan to follow it to the tee for both our sakes. We are working twice a day right now. Maybe in a couple of weeks I will try to put it on him for the first time. But for now I dont care how long it takes as long as it is done right.
  19. Trustdace lives in Florida and was speaking of a good breeder he found.
  20. It is worth the drive believe me, I was so impressed with the selection (and also the prices) Carolyn P.S. They are not open Mon or Tues;)
  21. Hi Roger, cute pic. I bought a rubber bath mat from the dollar store cut it into four and place it over the drain in the sink that way if they do happen to walk around or try to fight the bath there foot cant get caught in the drain hole. As soon as Mika sees his mat and the spray bottle hes ready for the sink.:laugh:
  22. Thank you so much Sevi for recommending that store in Mississauga, went there to-day was taken back by all the stock they have and the great customer service. Was able to get my Aviator Harness there cheaper than if I was to buy it in the States and have it shipped. Spend all of Mika's allowance for the next 6 months, but had fun doing it and he is enjoying all his new toys (so am I) Thanks again Carolyn;)
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