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Everything posted by Carolyn

  1. This is going to be a great new room, I love it Penny. As I make a lot of my own toys and my Hubby is starting to call me the PVC Queen because Mika now has a stand in every room lol :laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  2. Carolyn


    Mika eats it 7 days a week for his breakfast, just change whats going in it. He loves to have his oatmeal start to the day:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  3. I let Mika mess with all the pieces as I make them, he loves this. If he starts becoming a real pain, I then wait till he's in bed and surprize him in the morning.:laugh: Just like Christmas every few mornings:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  4. Congradulations Baxter, Tigger, Bonkers and Erika to your new arrival COOPER:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  5. Adaya is beautiful, and what a great pic. Thanks for sharing;) Carolyn & Mika
  6. Cooked potatoes are fine, but sweet potatoes are the potatoe of choice. Carolyn & Mika
  7. Our thoughts are with you and your family, I hope all is well Carolyn & Mika
  8. Mika said he likes Cooper:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  9. That is so great Dave, I can relate to that over the last 4 months.:woohoo: Love it keep up the good work Dave.:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  10. Welcome Isobel, and I think it is just great of you to take your new friend in. While you are waiting for all your new treasures, grab a kids book, pull up a pillow and sit on the floor just outside his cage and read to him, let him get to no you. Take things very slow, but talk to him in a very low quiet voice, tell him how wonderful he is and how glad you are to have him. Offer him a little treat of a fresh veg or a piece of fruit, you eat one to with him show him how much you are enjoying it. At least this would be a start, there are a lot of people that can and will advise you on this little guys feet. I am sure if you PM Dave 007 he has great advise and knowledge, with all our Greys Good Luck Carolyn & Mika
  11. OMG they are just to cute, what a great picture. I want another one:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  12. Baxter, Bonkers, Tigger and Cooper - yes I vote for Cooper:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  13. Mika is alone all day, with either the tv or radio on. He is out of his cage first thing in the morning to enjoy about an hour and his breakfast then he will be alone approx 7-8 hours. He then spends his evenings where ever he wants till bedtime. We started this when he was 3 months old. He is fine with this arrangement. Carolyn & Mika
  14. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Theft/52 For members in the UK. Please try this link also, Carolyn & Mika
  15. Please try to do a post on parrot911.com they post lost birds all over the world. My thoughts are with you and Piff. Carolyn & Mika
  16. I find them frozen, canned and small bags of fresh in our Supermarket. I only buy frozen & fresh for Mika but I do keep 1 can just in case of an emergency. Carolyn & Mika
  17. Great ideas Penny, never go down to the rabbit section in our store;) Carolyn & Mika<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/11/07 22:30
  18. Welcome David, congrdulations on your new arrival. Lots of good information here for you to check out, sit back and relax. If you have any questions just ask. Would love to see some pics when you have time. Carolyn & Mika
  19. Welcome Marius and Ash, love that name..the waiting for him to come home is slow, but the day will be hear soon;) You can use some of your time going through the threads here, sit back and enjoy. Looking forward to seeing pics when you have Ash home and settled. Carolyn & Mika
  20. That is such a cute picture, and you said you couldn't make toys Penny, and a cheap one at that. Way to go girl;) Carolyn & Mika
  21. Carolyn

    Baby Talk!

    Mika was born March 6/08:evil: He is the love of our life, and has two fur brothers Simon the Doberman and Charlie the cat. Carolyn & Mika
  22. Parrots have taste buds and in some ways are like small children - they will eat the most of what they like the best, which isn't going to be what's good for them. Although a high-quality, supplemented seed mix -may- actually be a fairly well-balanced diet if eaten in its entirety, it won't be after your little darling has finished picking out the parts it likes the best and dumping the rest on the floor.:evil: Your parrot's diet should consist of a pellet BASE ( 60 - 75% pellets), vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, other table foods (20 - 30%), and some seed. The greater the variety of foods you offer your parrot, the more likely it is that it will be able to meet its nutritional needs. The problem that arises with seed is when people try to feed a seed mix all by itself, as the whole or great majority of the diet. It's not so bad for the small birds like canaries and budgies, whose seed mix consists mostly of the "good" seed like millet, but "parrot mix" is usually mostly sunflower and safflower seed, which are calcium deficient and very high in fat. Carolyn & Mika
  23. The majority of fresh fruits and veg's only have a fridge life after being cut of 24 hours, like Dave said by using lime juice you are just masking the color. With things like red & green peppers I cut then into strips and put them in baggies (one days worth) and then into the freezer, each day I just take a bag out and leave it in the fridge for that day, most fruits and veg can be frozen successfully. Rinse out your baggies and reuse to save money, keep them only for your veggies or fruit. Carolyn & Mika
  24. I have been sitting here reading the thread over the past few days and now I am going to throw my two cents in - Mr T you have told us all what your expectations are or at the very least what you would like from the Grey when and if you get one. You have now, later in your posts say that if it is to be it will be, and if your expections of this grey does not work out it will be fine with you. I believe you have and are doing your home work with regards to Greys, you are reading all the books, you are searching the web, and you are becoming a sponge with all the information that is out there, and I commend you for this. But in some ways I do not think you are listening to some of the information that you are being offered here. People here are passionate about there birds and there birds welfare, many of these people have many years invested in there birds, and are still learning every day talking to other people. I started with a baby grey just 11 weeks old when he came to me, I was not a bird person as I had never owned one before. It took me a year of research with books and questions before my decision was made - I also had to do a lot of sole searching to make the decision with regards to a rescue, re-home or baby. I first had to look at my home and my expectations of this bird and my experience, which was nil. Mika is the love of my life and is a well adjusted 7 month old. It took me 4 weeks before I was able to get him into his aviator harness, 2 more weeks of walking around the house and the garden before I even considered taking him out on the street and into the neighborhood. He was very nervous of the noises, the interaction of strangers and kids wanting to see him, he is better now but there is never a time when the unexpected happens and he is again upset with this. He loves his car rides but again that has taken months to get him comfortable with this. The small strides we have made has taken 4 months, because I never push to far. With what you are expecting or would like to see would take years if ever, and in this time you may become frustrated and the bird will not have the life he deserves - again you have told us your expections, have you looked at what the birds expectations of you are? Saying this and watching Mika, and listening to you I can say that I do not feel that a Grey should be your bird of choice with what you would like to see in the future. There are many other choices out there that may fit your lifestyle better. I do not think that a grey should be your bird of choice. I believe you will make a great owner and the lucky bird to get you will be loved and lead a great life, but I just do not think it should be a grey. Just my thoughts, Carolyn & Mika:)
  25. Thanks Dan, did not realize that is what the video was about, it was recommended to me. But now I really don't want to see it. Carolyn & Mika
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