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Everything posted by Carolyn

  1. Carolyn


    No problem, she looks like she is giving you the evil eye in the first pic because of the harness. Mika was very put out when we first started with it now he is fine. Because of the cold weather here we cant go out side but once every 2 days I put it on and we just walk around the house or I play with him while he's wearing it so he keeps being a good sport about it when Spring finally comes and we can go outside again. Let me no how your making out with it. They are so funny with new things lol Carolyn & Mika
  2. Dave I am horoured to be able to call Walter Gretzky a personal friend of ours, he has worked so hard with us on many projects with the kids here in our area. I have only the greatest and deepest regards to him and his family. Carolyn & Mika
  3. I can only imagine and I DO have a good imagination:laugh: Carolyn & Mika
  4. How could I have missed that point Dave of course its the "MAPLE LEAFS" I am just an old softy for the underdogs:blink: You must be a real hockey fan as I have seen that you do enjoy the ocassional "slap shots" so to speak:laugh: hehehe Carolyn & Mika
  5. I bath Mika in the kitchen sink, I put down a small rubber mat so his tes dont go into the drain and he has firm footing. I have 2 water spray bottles one full of nice warm water the other of full strength alo vera. I spray him down with the water, all over including under his wings and his belly. In some cases they are trying so hard to get out of the sink they raise there wings for you trying to escape. lol after the water bath he gets sprayed down with aloe, to help with his feathers and keep his skin in good condition. Hope this helps, it really does become easier after a few times;) Carolyn & Mika
  6. Carolyn


    I think that if you go back to the DVD that came with the harness you will find, like Talon pointed out that it is to loose. And also in one of your pics it appears that on of the body straps is twisted. Mika has a harneaa and is should fit snug not tight just snug with you able to slip one finger under. I find that the DVD answers all the questions. Carolyn & Mika
  7. It seems that this subject on microchipping is becomeing a debatable item. While micro-chipping is a know way of identification for our 4 legged friends, it is very new to birds of any kind, so therefore it has not by any means been proven. Yes the scanners are very expensive, and while some vets may choose to charge and some not is up to the individual vet and how they feel. Our agencies in Canada (Humane Society/SPCA) do not charge. Since this post I have called 3 private avian vets in MY area and asked if they would charge to scan a found bird to made an identification, all 3 said they would not. It makes no mattter that you live in a small town or a large city, it is the end decision of the vet or agency to decide if they choose to charge or not to charge. As Erika noted, the equiptment is very costley. But again I must point out that this is just a new area being touched on "the micro-chipping" of birds, so slow down and don't jump to any conclusions just yet. And remember every area of every country is different. In my pasted post I just pointed out what my area Ontario, Canada is doing to help re-unite owners, where other areas or countries may not be doing anything, and waiting to see if this works. If a vet charges is his business not ours, if one does there may be others that don't, so it does not mean that they are "hard nosed". Read up on this new subject, it may not be for you, but you will have learned something. Carolyn & Mika
  8. Dave, with this topic I am afraid that I have to disagree with you. I feel that this is new to the bird world and therefore not proven yet but has started to gain attention. In Canada and I am only speaking for Canada right now, each Avian Vet does have a scanner, when a bird is brought in for any medical reason or just a wellness check, the bird is scanned and the information must match the person that brought it in.(If the bird has been chipped) Also the Humane Society and the SPCA have scanners and scan every animal that has been picked up or brought in. Pet Store are now starting to scan birds that are being brought in for sale by people, if the store does not have a scanner they can make arrangements to have an amimal control officer drop by to do it. I no this idea is new and not yet proved over time, but if it just gets one bird back home I think it does deserve to be thought about, and looked into . Carolyn
  9. Mika was microchipped before we received him, this was done by the breeder. After I received him we then updated the information and put him in our name with updated "Return" information. If he were to be lost and then found and scanned - the information they would have on file would be Our names Our home phone Work numbers Cell numbers 2 - Neighbors phones Address And very important his Vet and his phone. With this info on file we would have a good chance on a safe return. Also this chip would help in the case of Mika being stolen and then identified to the righful owner. We all feel this will never happen to you, but there could come a chance, so why not be prepared. Carolyn & Mika
  10. What a great looking little guy, thanks for sharing Carolyn & Mika
  11. Thank you so much for taking in and taking the time to rescue this little guy. I hope take you will be able to re-unite him with his family I am sure they are worried sick. Please let us know what is happening we will all be keeping our fingers crossed. Carolyn & Mika
  12. We both want to wish everyone a safe holiday, to you and all your family's,.
  13. Happy Hatchday Ricki{Love-000200BF} Carolyn & Mika
  14. Harry is just beautiful but I am sure that he would much rather shed that paper than read it lol:laugh: All you pics are just great. Carolyn & Mika
  15. Meat is not a staple of any parrots diet and should only be given in moderation, that goes for dairy as well. Carolyn & Mika
  16. On the Aviator Harness web site they do have a link to ask questions in regards to there harnesses, I would ask them what the pros and cons are in regards to a large lovebird-sized bird. I am sure they would be able to give you the answers you need. Just a thought;) Carolyn & Mika
  17. For the amount he would eat Erika, I would not worry about the occasional treat, he doesn't get salt in his normal diet on an everyday basis. Even Mika has the occasional potatoe chip, and thats got salt. I think when they say cured in salt they mean as a steady diet. Carolyn & Mika
  18. It is recommended that red meat not be given to any parrot, or any meat that has been cured in salt. Also loose lunch meats contain a lot of additives that they dont list. But chicken and turkey and the bones are wonderful for them but again in moderation. Carolyn & Mika
  19. My thoughts go out to you and your family at this time, I was so sorry to hear this. You did everything that you could, please take care Carolyn & Mika
  20. Have decided that I no longer have to think about investing in a shredder for mail, two more bills that came in are now unreable due to Mika helping with the mail. Ah do you think I can use that excuse for not paying them:woohoo: Little devil bird:angry: Carolyn & Mika
  21. I am so glad to hear your babies are happy and back home with you. You are so luckey to have someone you are able to leave them with, that takes such good care. Happy reunion, its going to be a good weekendend for all of youB) Carolyn & Mika<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/12/13 13:38
  22. Carolyn


    You are still able to harness train him, even if its cold and wet out side. I trained Mika with a harness which took me about a good month to let him get happy with having to were it. We live in Canada and there is snow and cold here but Mika gets him harness on each day just to be carried around the house and to stay used to it, if you want to wait 9 months is not to late to train him but I myself feel the younger the better as they seem to accept new things easier. Socialising in the winter here is hard because of the weather but Mika travels to every room in the house each day, spends time in front of the windows and when people are over he has a table perch so he is in the middle of all that is going on in the house. He is very much a part of the family with the dog and cat and joins in all activities going on. Carolyn & Mika
  23. Hi and welcome to the Forum, lots of great people here and loads of information. Sounds like you have quite the flock there. You will find that a lot of members here allow there birds to eat there main meals from the table with them, me included, about manners well!!! Mika has terrible table manners but we put up with them because we love him:laugh: He does have his own bowl/plate and table mat which he does eat on, but helps himself to our plates also. You mentioned dog training in your post, some of your training with Harry will be the same, patience and reward for good behavior but patience being the big key with lots of praise. Mika at 8 months still begs, but now it is, I think just to make me fix his cereal faster he is very impatient when it comes to his breakfast which I do still feed him with a spoon every morning. Check out our Nursery room you will find lots of great information from members there, and remember if you dont see it just ask. Carolyn & Mika
  24. Welcome mizbirdy, and all your flock. I am sure you will enjoy it here, lots of great people and good information. If you dont see it just ask. It sure lots like you have your hands full there. Carolyn & Mika
  25. Welcome back, we missed you soooo much this week. But on another note I am glad you had a good holiday and were able to spend quality time with the family. Carolyn & Mika
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