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Everything posted by Char

  1. Termidor is so hazardous that you have to have a license to handle it. I used to work in property management and our Exterminator sold me some of his own supply for me to use. You have to wear a mask when you use it. Now that being said. Do you have active Termites so that they are having to use it indoors. The preventive measure for it's use is they just dig a small trench around your house and pour it into the ground thereby creating a barrier. I would not see where that would be a problem. I looked around on the internet and supposedly it is safe if used by professionals. I for one do not trust the agencies that label these products safe. How many drugs do you know of that have been recalled because they later found out it was harmful. A bird's respiratory system is so sensitive that I would be very reluctant to expose them to any poison. And that is what it is. Do your research. Google the MSDS data sheets and make the best decision you can.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/01 03:25
  2. I too have often wondered how Pat does it. All I can think of is she must have a heart as big as the sky and the patience of a saint.
  3. Salsa is adorable! At my local pet store the owner there has a Hawkhead that is there sometimes. It's name is America. Beautiful bird!
  4. caitb2007 wrote: Yes I say it when I tickle her. Also she says Coochie coochie coo and bippity bippity boo. I have some more just gotta get them edited and uploaded. One of the great things about Whisper is that she is not camera shy.
  5. danmcq wrote: Yes. I say all kinds of stuff like that and bippity bippity boo. Just silly play sounds. Thanks for looking and for all your comments.
  6. Wow! Close call. Glad it turned out okay.
  7. Just a little short video of Whisper saying "Wow! That's amazing". She sounds so southern when she says "amazing". I don't know where she got that from.:laugh: http://lanephotography.smugmug.com/gallery/7206449_PXnCv/1/#577681268_2yJ5K-A-LBhttp://<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/30 04:13
  8. dhorje wrote: I wish I could, She clamps those wings down so tight!
  9. He is adorable! Looks like a sweetie pie to me.
  10. Char

    My new baby DYH

    Ahh thanks Pat. And hey I have you guys here to help me.:kiss:
  11. Char

    My new baby DYH

    Thanks! This is probably a male. It is a huge baby. Weighs twice what the previous male did at the same age. So, I probably got me a big old boy. The breeder says that the biggest size band he has ever had to use is a 16 but this baby required a size 17. But it is okay. I can deal with whatever comes up. My vet says that Whisper is such an exceptional Grey that she has no doubt I will do fine with the Amazon.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/29 04:16
  12. I am glad he enjoyed it. Since warm weather I have been putting Whisper in a small cage outside on a table and spraying her. Can't say she likes it but it sure is the easiest way I have found yet.
  13. You might as well forget that fruit basket. It is now Echo's new swing.
  14. Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck finding your Grey.
  15. Char

    My new baby DYH

    Dave007 wrote: Yes Dave. She looks just like me. 48 yrs ago.:laugh: Just kidding. Those beautiful blue eyes are from her grandfather's side of the family.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/29 02:46
  16. Some of you may remember that I have been trying to get a DYH Amazon. I have been waiting for a long time for a breeder I trust to produce a female but they have been males so far. I finally decided to take this little baby whether it is male or female. We will know next week. I went to see the baby today for the first time. Here are some pics. The baby is 25 days old. This is my grand daughter Hailey holding it. <br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/29 00:47
  17. Well lets all hope it is nothing serious.
  18. The egg will not be fertile. Birds will also nesting and sexual behavior with a toy or their human flock.
  19. This is great news. Tell us the details please of how he was found. I was considering microchip. Did that have anything to do with it?
  20. Whisper hates the shower but she does get very verbal after it is over. I think it is kind of like dogs. They may hate taking a bath but afterward they are so animated. running around and barking and playing.
  21. Whisper gets about 9-10 hrs. She gets cranky if she gets any less.
  22. dhorje wrote: I bet any day now the flood gates will open and it will all come pouring out.
  23. Cute pics. Thanks for sharing.
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