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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. I have a hard time getting the harness on Tobie too. I don't force it though. I start like the CD tells you by getting him used to slipping your fingers over his head. When I get ready to put the harness on I let him chew it if he likes and then lay the part that goes under the wings over his neck because its big and I can slip it off easily. He will pick at that. I then slip my fingers through the neck peice with the harness around my hand and in one motion take hold of Tobie beak and slide the neck peice over his head. He doesn't panick, but sometimes while I slip the body strap under wings he will get hold of it with a foot. I just have to stay calm and try to work slowly. He is new with the harness. He wore a flight suit all summer last year and he chewed the straps off over and over again. This aviator harness seems much more comfortable and he doesn't mind it once it is on.
  2. I notice that Dayo and Koko are so friendly that they will fly up to a stranger. I wonder if being flighted makes them braver around strangers.
  3. I just love the way the grey parrots take to kissing, making the kissing sound even though they have no lips. This is the weirdest behavior I've seen Tobie do. Guess it has something to do with foraging but it's strange. So strange I made a video.
  4. A bantam is a down-sized chicken, raised selectively for smallness from the regular breeds. I didn't find a specific breed for Bantam called Diminuative. Surely that must be a very small breed of Bantam. If an african grey parrot (or any parrot) lacks the cerebral cortex of the human brain (intelligence center) then what structure in the parrot brain are memories and thought processes carried out.
  5. I have owned cockatiels for thirty years before I bought my first parrot, Tobie. I wonder now if I did the cockatiels justice, but I have to agree that a parrot like a grey is a whole different experience and much more demanding of my time and money.
  6. I think everyone here should petition the company to put clear warnings about the dangers to birds on their packaging. What address could we send letters to??
  7. Emma is such a quick study!! Love your bird.
  8. I think Dayo just likes to play at Jakes house with Jakes toys - like any kid.
  9. Loved the video. I haven't seen that one.
  10. I can't possibly be right, but I'll guess anyway -- Pelican? What bird is sometimes referred to as a "sea parrot" 12 inches long triangular bill and bright orange feet?
  11. If Tobie hadn't already gone to bed I'd take a picture. Your bird and my bird are a matched set - Tobie has a feather partially broken off like yours. The feather may be molting or have gotten broken. Like Judy said - stay cool, and let him take care of it. I just had to comment because the feather looks like the same one on the same wing on Tobie.
  12. What a smarty pants -- counting kisses. I just read the book by Irene Pepperberg, Alex and Me. You may have another "Alex". That book just tore me up. I cried at the beginning and at the end when he died. I didn't know how very many ways the thought proceeses resemble ours. Really amazing aren't they. How many 2 yr and 2mo. old children do you know that could count kisses.
  13. I'm already in awe of those of you who devide your time between two three and even four parrots.
  14. Tobie has a stainless steel bown that I gave him for that purpose and to put his colored rings in - new game we play. They like the drama of the big bang. Toby especially likes to fill it with his colored rings and then give it a big toss. Big BANG and big Mess! What could be more fun.
  15. Love the picture of Dayo upsidedown in the blanket. What a snuggle bunny.
  16. Sounds like the bird likes his shower -- all of a sudden. What fun!
  17. Wonderful video. Dayo has such a sweet voice and manner. Was he counting at 4:04 and 5:55 and at the end? Thanks for sharing that with us.
  18. Congratulations!!! They often will imitate your spouse first and most often. Madening isn't it.
  19. I think people just get tired of me mentioning the bird at work and when I'm out with friends. I try to keep my mouth shut, but before I know it I'm telling a story about my bird. What makes it worse is that Frank bought me an ipod touch for my birthday and I downloaded Tobies videos on it. Now I feel this overwhelming compelling urge to show everyown (who hasn't gotten them emailed to them)videos of Tobie. I'm trying to fight this compulsion, but it's a strain. Thank goodness for the forum. It has been easier since I can share stories with all of you.
  20. danmcq wrote: Jan - Click after the {/quote], than hit the {Enter} key and start a new line. Then your comments will show up below the quote. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 20:44 Thanks Dan-lets see if this works.
  21. I give up. How do you guys use the quote
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