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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Great pics, that playstand looks like lots of fun.
  2. Beautiful pictures, they look very happy and relaxed in the sunshine!
  3. Ahh, he's adorable. Glad to hear all is well with him. Did your mom name him yet?
  4. That's great news, I'm happy for you, Lily and Ana Grey!
  5. Congratulations!! So exciting! Murphy is a cutie and I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with him.
  6. I really think it sounds like a scam too. My advice is if you want the birds, pick them up in person and ONLY exchange any money if you have the birds in your possession. The language in her e-mails just seems not quite right, and she doesn't even ask you any questions about how you will care for the birds or anything. If she cared about them at all, she would be questioning you more about your home environment, how much time out of cage the birds will get, what vet you go to, etc. I'd say, WATCH OUT!!
  7. My two TAGs do not get along together outside of their cages. Lyric will be 3 in August and Sadie Grey is 6 months. Although Lyric watched Sadie Grey as she matured from a chick once she began flying she decided it was great fun to chase Lyric. He doesn't like this, gets freaked out and screams and tries to get away from her and tends to fly into things. Therefore, I can't have them out together and risk Lyric injuring himself. I wish they could get along, I think if Lyric learned to trust her he could have fun having a bird companion. They do learn different sounds from each other and occasionally one will sit on top of the other's cage and they interact through the bars of the cage. I am hopeful that in time perhaps they can develop a better relationship. I think it's great that Tyco and Adaya have this bond with each other. It will be a comfort to you when you are not home that they have each other for companionship. I think it will add a lot to each of their lives to have another grey around for company.
  8. Great picture of your new baby! I'm excited for you and I'm sure you and your family will do fine with this new addition. Thanks for keeping us all updated and I'm so glad you took your time and did your research before you made the decision to get a companion grey.
  9. Hey Devin, welcome to the grey forum! You've certainly been given a lot to think about, and I'm really glad you are thinking and doing your research before jumping in to owning a grey OR a boa, really, any kind of animal for that matter. Greys (and birds in general) are a LOT of work. Do you mind cleaning up poo? You will be dealing with lots of it when you own a bird. There will be feathers, dander, poo, wasted food, shredded toys, wood, paper, whatever.. all over the rooms where your bird spends time. You will have to learn how to deal with any behavior problems that may arise, for instance, constant screaming, biting, the bird not liking someone in the house, keeping the bird occupied with new toys and attention. All of this is a daily thing and you will have to devote a lot of time to this bird if you want to keep it healthy and happy. I'm not saying they aren't worth it-- I love my birds and wouldn't know what to do without them in my life. I am just trying to give you some idea of what you might be getting yourself into. If none of this sounds bad to you then by all means, I think you should visit with some birds and find the perfect one for you. Good luck with your decision!
  10. Beautiful pictures of your babies- I think they are just adorable. I really love the picture of all three together on the wood stand. I just can't wait to hear how you all get on once they get home with you.
  11. Lyric


    Hi Maggie and Jay, welcome to the forum. What you are experiencing with Spock is perfectly normal. Generally weaning coincides with fledging and if he just took his first flight then it is to be expected that he will begin to eat less formula and lose a little weight. Right now he's more interested in learning those flying skills. Keep some pellets in his cage at all times and you'll find he may snack on them whenever he decides he is hungry. Also, keep offering the healthy veggies, fruits, nuts and grains. You can start to cut down on the formula feedings and see how he does eating on his own...if he refuses the morning formula for a few days in a row it's time to drop that handfeeding. I'd continue the night-time feeding until he shows no interest in that and is eating well on his own and holding his weight.
  12. Merlin is a very pretty grey and he looks like he was really enjoying that corn!
  13. Hello Ther, welcome to the forum! I look forward to hearing more from you about Jesse.
  14. Hello Dana, welcome to the forum. Love the pictures of your two babies- they are adorable. I'm sure as the others have mentioned, the feather chewing was brought on by the stress of your move. Hopefully given some time to adjust to his new environment and new toys to keep him busy he'll soon stop the behavior.
  15. Hey Mark, welcome to the forum. Bogie sure is a pretty timneh! It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job trying to get him used to you and improving his overall life. I'm so happy you are giving him a chance at a better existance.
  16. BaxtersMom wrote: He likes to walk on his plate while he's eating- therefore, messy toes! Rhett is a total cutie pie with that food all over his face! :lol:
  17. Lyric

    New Ekkie!

    Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of Verde when you get him home. Don't forget--- do things for Mesa first, greet her first, feed her first, take her out first. Mesa is your top bird and she may become jealous of Verde if she thinks he is taking over her spot in your flock. I bet you can't wait until tomorrow!
  18. Please note Lyric also has pasta sauce on his TOES! They don't beat the pic of Cooper though- that's a seriously messy bird face- it made me laugh! What a great thread! <br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2009/04/24 22:17
  19. Okay, here's my best messy bird face photos- both just happen to be of Lyric (Sadie is like Josey and Ana and doesn't have a messy face long enough to capture it on film!) First one is Lyric as a baby birdie-
  20. Azzie, thanks for doing that research for us. I'm sure your feathers will be looking much prettier as a result! I feed my birds TOPs pellets and Zupreem Natural. Here's the website for Tops- www.totallyorganics.com and I get the Zupreem from DrsFosterSmith.com Lyric loves the Tops and won't touch the Zupreem, Sadie loves the Zupreem and used to eat the Tops but no longer does. The rest of my flock gives me mixed reactions, some love one kind but not the other but noone said birds were NOT picky eaters! They also get veggies, fruits, nutriberries, nuts, grains and eggs on occassion and the greys get red palm oil with their breakfast every day.
  21. Oh wow! Poor Lily! I hope the medicine helps clear things up- that's quite a dilemna if she actually is allergic. Let us know how things turn out! :ohmy:
  22. Oh, Ecko is just gorgeous! Those are great pics of him in his harness outside. What a lucky little birdie to have a mamma spoil him so much! You are doing great and I'll bet he'll turn out to be a very well rounded and socialized grey.
  23. That's so cute- sounds like me in the morning when my puppy Chilli is ready to get up and start playing!! I'm glad to hear that Adaya is doing so well and I'm glad I was able to give you my advice.
  24. Hi Pam, welcome here. I look forward to hearing more from you about Kiki.
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