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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hello Lynette, you must be so excited! Wednesday will be here before you know it and you can start your new adventure being owned by a grey. B)
  2. Hello Janeth, welcome here.
  3. Hi Mary, welcome here. Those are great photos of Simon, he is a beautiful bird. Sounds like things are going good for you two but let us know if you think of any questions. I would also leave his wings alone if I were you- if you can handle the extra care it takes to make sure they can't escape the house- it gives the bird more self-confidence and isn't it fun to watch them fly around as they were intended to? Best of luck to you.
  4. Hi TeriRose, seems I missed your first post a few days ago, but I'm excited for you that you've found a new fella to keep you company. Sweet Pea sounds like a wonderful bird and I'm sure he'll enjoy the new relationship. Take things slow with him and move at his pace and he'll become your best friend in no time!
  5. Hi Hondaman, Oscar and Sunny. Sounds like you have a great pair of birds- let us know what questions you may have and we'd love to hear more about you and the flock.
  6. Welcome Rue, I hope you like it here. You'll have to share some stories with us of your avian adventures over the years.
  7. Hello Retronut- we have lots of patience for questions and there is always someone on here willing to help- just let us know what you are wondering about. You must be so excited to get a grey after years of wanting one. You will soon find out how amazing they truly are.
  8. Hello jlandsiedel, welcome to the forum. Seems you've gotten lots of warnings and advice from the other members so I won't do that. I'm glad things are going well so far with Juliet and the others in your house. We'd love to see a picture if you get a chance to post one.
  9. Welcome here Sanggay, I hope you like it! Those pictures of Koko are so great, what a beautiful bird. It appears you have done a wonderful job with her.
  10. Hi Kristel and welcome here. I'm sorry to hear you are having some new troubles with your grey friend. As the others suggested, has there been a change that could be causing the sudden change of heart? It could be something small that you aren't even noticing, but to a bird (who's a prey animal) they notice everything- to them this is a life or death defense mechanism. It seems he is suddenly viewing you as a threat, it will take time and patience to win back his trust. Please keep working with him and don't give up hope.
  11. I'm so sorry to hear that. I know you are disappointed, but another bird will come along and steal your heart. I'm assuming you were getting him from a pet store? If you're dealing with a breeder and you make a deposit on the bird they shouldn't sell it to someone else- try finding a good breeder where you live. Hang in there... somewhere a birdie is waiting for you to be his momma...
  12. Sammie is a good one, that works for a boy or girl. I like Trinity too. I also think Ziggy is cute but in my mind that's more a boy's name. Hmmmm. Shadow, Greyson or Graycie, maybe something musical like Sonata, ....I have to try to think of some more. It's hard coming up with names!
  13. Beautiful! Congratulations to you, new mommie, you will have your hands full but it will be so satisfying too. It's great that all 3 are getting along okay together. I like the names you mentioned, I like Dan's idea of Trinity too, that's pretty. I'm so excited for you!
  14. Yes, a grey will adapt to your schedule. It may not be an ideal situation but as long as they get time to spend with you interacting daily they will be fine. I try to change my schedule up occasionally just so Lyric gets used to change. For instance, sometimes I can bring him to work with me, other days he stays home. He really enjoys the days he gets to come with me, sometimes I can tell when he's been home alone he is crankier, but we all do the best we can for them. I let Lyric out for at least a half hour in the morning and eat breakfast with him. I come home for lunch and he's out at least another half hour, then when I get home at night he's out for as long as possible. Good luck and I know you must be excited waiting for the 28th to get here. Keep us updated!
  15. Wow, I'm very surprised they settled in so fast after changing to a new home. I'm so happy for you and I hope you end up with babies this clutch! Congratulations to you and the momma & poppa.
  16. Patricia, I think you've made a wise decision- if not for Tyco's sake then for your own. Only you know how much you can handle at one time- if you have to divide your time even more between a new baby then Tyco, Fergie and the rest of the flock would have a little less one-on-one time with you themselves. Giving Tyco some more time to adjust to you, the changes in her life and especially the adjustment to a new room will be good. I think the baby monitor is also a great idea! Especially because you'll hear if any of them get spooked in the night and need you to help calm them down. I think it's very sweet that she calls to you at night- you two must have a special bond.
  17. Lyric


    Thanks for all your kind words. It means a lot to me.
  18. What great photos! Thanks for sharing those with us. I think Ethel really would love to go home with you, but I'm not sure what Elmo would think about sharing her momma with a boy like that!
  19. Great pictures. You have quite a beautiful flock. Thanks for sharing those with us!
  20. Try distracting him with something else and maybe he'll let go, those beaks are strong though, aren't they? I have many sweatshirts with the zippers messed up from my grey, they really are attracted to them for some reason.
  21. Oh Siobhan, I've done that one too....our poor men, if only they had wings and feathers...
  22. Those are great photos, it's wonderful to see your fella enjoying himself outside. You have a very nice looking back yard too, by the way. I have a screened in front porch and my Lyric just loves spending time out there. I think they enjoy the change in scenery, it probably gets boring being inside a house all the time!
  23. What a pretty baby. I can't resist those dark baby eyes, can you? Congratulations!
  24. I just love it, I bet it looks beautiful in your living room. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Welcome here. All of us are anxious to see a picture, for the longest time I didn't even think you could breed a Timneh with a Congo. It will be interesting to see the result. I hope you enjoy your new baby when it gets to come home.
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