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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hi lisa, welcome from Caroline and Charlie.
  2. Thanks for reply, whole feather has come out, two of them had blood on. I feel so sad he has lost them in this way and worry it could change him. :unsure:
  3. Have kept a close eye on Charlie all day. He seems okay in himself but keeps dropping off his perch when playing. Think it is obvious he is not going to be able to fly. How Dangerous will this be when hes out? He has always been a good flier. He normally sits on top of his cage and flies down from there. Do you think this is going to cause a lot of problems? He is 9 months and just started a molt. When do you think his flight feathers will come back? :unsure:
  4. Thanks for that. He seems his normal self at the moment. It did shake me up though. Neighbours have said the doors were shaking so it must have been scary for Charlie. We dont have any experience of earthquakes do we so I suppose it was a bit unusual for all of us. Will do that tonight and see how he is. Dont want him injuring himself anymore. He looks a sorry sight this morning. Charlie is a very nervous bird anyway, and when he does have time out of his cage will fly if he hears a noise. How is this going to affect his flight with the feathers all coming off from one wing? :unsure:
  5. Morning everyone, its early for me but I need someones help. Woke at just before one to Charlie flying frantically round his cage. When I went downstairs, He was shaking, four of his primary feathers were on the bottom of the cage and three tail feathers. It took a while to calm him and I sat up all night with him with the light on. When I put the radio on this morning, I found out there was an earthquake at about the same time! I have phoned two vets for advice, they think it is connected and as he is singing away and eating not to worry to much. I am so upset, I have never seen an animal so scared. I have taken the day off work and have been advised to keep him in his cage for a couple of days. What do you suggest I do with him tonight? Will he be scared when we go to bed and what about the loss of the flight feathers, letting him out etc... Will they grow back? The primarys are ell from one wing. Just need reassurance from people who understand. Thanks Caroline.
  6. Hi Louisejane, welcome I am from Yorkshire as well. Lovely to have you join us.
  7. Hi Arkbart4. Welcome from Caroline and Charlie.
  8. Hi lynda and welcome. Hope you will enjoy this site as much as I do.
  9. Oh you sound just like me! Charlie is 9 months now and even though I have my kids and other animals he has completly taken over our routine and lifestyle. None of my fiends understand as they are not animal lovers at all! The first thing I do on a morn is see Charlie, when I get home, before I go to bed...... You get the picture! This holiday has stressed me to the max as its the first time we have booked to go with a group of friends as well as family. Everyone couldnt believe I would let my kids go without me but YOu have to go with your heart. Going for just the one week is a comprimise for everyone. Just a shame about the date I am flying but never mind. Good idea about ringing home
  10. I knew I could count on both of you for good advice And yes Judygram this boy has got me doing anything and everything! Cant believe you could love something so much! Feel sorry for the kids though. With my husband looking after them for the first time on his own until I get there, they will prob end up dehydrated with severe sunburn! :ohmy:
  11. Hi everyone. Thought I would give you an update on the holiday plans. Told family and friends that I couldnt go away! this has caused a few probs as you can imagine :ohmy: Anyway I have decided today that I will just go out for a week, the rest of the group will still go for two. Just booked seperate flight and guess what day its on? Friday the 13th! I have never flown on my own before either :woohoo: Its all gonna be a new experience for me as well. Charlie is going to stay at home with neighbour calling in through day and a friend will be staying at night. They dont have much bird experience but its the best I can do. Do you all think I have done the right thing and will he be ok for a week? :unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/02/21 14:22
  12. Hi Raposa and welcome. I am quite new to the forum and have found it both interesting and informative. There are a lot of experienced grey owners on this site and they are always here to offer advice and support. Congrats on the new baby girl cant wait to hear about her.
  13. Judygram, just been looking at a link about feeding babyfoods.Do you know which ones would be ok? think Charlie would like these sometimes as he loves mashed foods.
  14. This is my kind of club. Would like to nominate myself for first prize! Think in one of my other posts I have explained that Charlie wont step up on to my fingers, saying this Charlies fave game is to grab my fingers then hang upside down just holding on with his beak! OUCH! Then there is the good old SUCKER PLOY game. Thats the one where he puts his head down for a stroke then nearly bites your finger ends off:laugh: Being serious though, Charlie has always been a biter and I have tried everything to stop him, maybe in time he will change:unsure:
  15. A great big thankyou to lovemyGreys for her link. Was really useful. Found the supplier on ebay.Just spoke to him and he is making Charlie some great toys and a playstand for next weekend. He also has a houseful of parrots that I cant wait to see when we go over there:)
  16. Thanks MommaFawkes that would be great. Just need so me inspiration to get me started!He has an area on top of his cage to play as it is an open top cage. Thought I would try and expand this and make it more exciting for him.
  17. I would like to design some kind of play area for Charlie around his cage.He only likes to be near his cage.I have bought him playstands and he is just not interested in them.Does anyone have any ideas or pictures to show me to get me started please? Caroline.:unsure:
  18. Ha Ha!! Where has he learnt the naughty dutch words from? Will be quite interesting to see what else he comes out with:ohmy: Dont think you have any major probs at the moment.I cant believe how well he has settled in. The other guys will prob give you more advice, my cag is only 7 months old and is a proper mummys boy, he has never liked my husband(or anyone else) and growls whenever anyone with blonde hair comes in the house!:huh:
  19. Hi pegasus,welcome from Caroline and Charlie. I cant believe how tame your grey is! He must feel at ease with you. Did you sort out location of the cage? I have Charlies in a corner as well, with the walls to two sides of the cage. Is Rocco your only pet?
  20. Hi everyone. Can someone please give me advice on what the correct thing is to do with pin feathers on the back of Charlies neck.I have read about them and it says to pinch the top of them to ease them out.Is this true? Also Charlie wont let me touch them I presume they must be quite sensitive or painful.:huh:
  21. Charlie has never liked to step up on to my fingers properly.I dont know why but has always sat on my arm or the back of my hand. He is 7 months now and I am desperate to hold him properly for safety (and for the sake of my poor hands which are so sore)when I hold my fingers out he really does bite! I have tried and tried but dont seem to be getting anywhere.Anyone else had similar problems?
  22. Now that could be the problem! I also have two cats who please themselves throughout the night.I also keep chinchillas who come to life and can make a lot of noise! think the night light could be a good idea BMustee thanks for that one. I have one of those plug in ones I used for the kids when they were younger, will give that a go and see what happens.
  23. Hi,Charlie is covered everynight but takes a good hour or so to settle as well before we can leave him.The back of his cage is up against a wall. How old were your greys when you had this problem? Charlie is 7 months now,do you think its because he is still young? He is a very nervous grey as well!
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