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Everything posted by casper

  1. Annie is a lovely name David. You have got so much to look forward to with your new baby. Getting a grey I have got to say is truly one of the best things I have done in my life! Maybe thats why I have three;) Time and patience will reap rewards, believe me in a few weeks time you will be telling us all what Annie has done each day and be such a proud parront. Do you have any pictures of Annie yet? We love to see baby pictures:whistle: Caroline.
  2. What a great idea! I will check out what they have to offer tomorrow when I go to the local pet store. I dont know about you but when I shop online I always end up spending more than I should have done! I think its the free delivery over a certain amount that gets me! Thanks for the great money saving idea! Karma coming your way:) Caroline.
  3. Just like kids! Give them an empty box and they will keep themselves amused for hours! Great photos, thankyou for sharing.
  4. Hiya David and welcome to the forum. This is natural behaviour so dont worry too much about it. Like the others have said your new baby has a lot to take in at the moment and will be feeling very nervous. Take things very slowly, and let your baby settle in at her own pace. There is a thread in the Nursery room about bringing your new baby home. Take time to read through all the threads in there as I am sure you will find them really useful. Any questions you may have please dont hesitate to ask! There are lots of great members on this forum who will be able to give you advice and we will all help to guide you through these early days. Please post pictures in the Nursery room if you have any to share. I look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey. Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/11/07 23:07
  5. Hiya Mary and welcome to the forum. So glad your mum got you to join, now you can join in all the fun! Hope you enjoy as much as we all do:) Caroline.
  6. http://shop.robharvey.com/get-a-grip--3-x-4-ft-obg3x4-19-p.asp Do you think this size would be suitable?
  7. I am looking for new ideas again for my three and really like the idea of using one of these nets for my three to play on! Could all you members who have them already maybe post me a picture just to show how you use yours and tell me if your grey really enjoys playing on there. I am in the UK, I will do a search and find the best place to buy one but would appreciate any info from you all. Thanks everyone. Caroline:)
  8. Hello Marius and welcome to the forum, Sounds like you have a lot of experience with greys, so glad you could join us here. Make sure you start a thread for Ash in the Nusery room when you bring your new baby home. I look forward to hearing more about him and seeing some photos. Caroline:)
  9. What a great name! I used to love watching Planet of the apes:P The others have given some great advice! I find mine will pick up words in general rather than repeating the words to them which can get rather boring. My eldest grey started talking when he was about a year old, I have another at 8 months who can say a few words and the baby is just finding his voice who is 5 months.He is just moving away from the baby chirps and is trying to babble away with the other two. Just give your baby time,he is only young. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can!
  10. What fantastic pictures! I have only managed to get one of my boys flying before like you say it is so difficult to catch the shots! Hootie looks so happy in those pictures. Thankyou for sharing those with us.
  11. You can never say for sure! I also used the visual sexing guide and was totally convinced my middle grey was a female, when I had him Dna'd it was a big shock when he came back a Male! Congratlations on your lovely boy Sterling. Im a glad this made the name choice slightly easier.
  12. Cherry is such a lovely grey, they all are in that picture. I would love to take them all home;)
  13. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Carolyn, that is such a beautiful picture of Mika! Thankyou for sharing, can you believe how many babies we have on this forum at the moment? Karma for you Carolyn:)
  14. casper

    Baby Talk!

    ZZero is such a beautiful baby. I feel like I know him so well with all the great posts you have done and the wonderful photos you have shared with us. Thankyou for posting, Karma for you and ZZero:)
  15. casper

    Baby Talk!

    What do you think everyone? Double Karma for double trouble? Why not! Thankyou for the beautiful pictures Karma on its way:)
  16. Streetrida, There is a post in the nursery room about bringing your baby home, I dont know if you have read through this or not but I am sure you will find it useful. Have you just brought your baby home or are you asking before you do? I would introduce your baby to their new cage, I know it sounds silly but talk to your baby while you are touching the cage.Let them explore the cage in their own time. When I have brought a baby home I have tried to bring with me the perch they have been used to, just until they settle in or have bought one for them which is similar. Try putting a few toys in the cage but depending on the age of the baby, they may not be interested in these for a while. I have found my babies to be quite adapting and fearless. Depending on age again, (mine were 12 weeks old when I brought them home,) remember to keep the perches down low and maybe place a towel over the grate with paper on top, this will cushion any fall a clumsy baby may have. Please look around the Nursery room, there are a few threads in there you may find useful, be sure to post more pictures when you get the time;) Congratulations. Caroline
  17. casper

    Baby Talk!

    I cant wait for you to bring your new baby home! Will you be calling her Sweet pea? If you are I think this is such a cute name! Another beautiful baby to join our forum! Roll on the end of November! Thankyou for your post, Karma coming your way:)
  18. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Thanks Poppy! Karma to you! George is an absolute beauty! I know how proud you are of George and I know what a brilliant mum you are going to be to him. Congratulations and a big welcome to George:kiss:
  19. casper

    Baby Talk!

    I wanted to start this thread so we can officially introduce all the new babies we have join our wonderful forum! I will give everyone a karma who posts if; 1. You write a paragraph about your little grey bundle! OR 2. You can post a picture. OR 3. You might be picking up your new baby in the near future and just want to shout and tell all the grey world how excited you are! Lets Have some great posts everyone. I cant wait to hear from you all! Caroline:)
  20. Mine always like to try everything we eat as long as its safe for them to do so. Like Dan said though, we have to watch where we put our cups as they would gladly help themselves to anything in a cup or glass. They are so cheeky! I love to have them share meal times with us, after all they are part of the family:) Caroline.
  21. Roger, Congo loves the camera! Another brilliant picture! Caroline.
  22. Angel is an absolute beauty! I also love the net, I really must look at getting one of those for my three! We may as well completely take over the living room! Thankyou for sharing those lovely pictures with us. Caroline.
  23. Talon, A guy who lives near me made that one, but my husband has just made another two which are the same design but different sizes. They can all fit on there quite easily if they want to hang around together and I try to rotate toys every so often to make it more interesting.
  24. Hiya Alex and welcome to the forum. Its great you are doing lots of research into getting one of these wonderful birds. With the knowledge, time and commitment I am sure you will make a great owner! Read all you can on the forum before making a decision. Look forward to hearing more about you. Caroline.
  25. Also karma to you for being so kind! That was a lovely thing giving your stand to the lady. Caroline.
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