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Everything posted by casper

  1. That is great! Dont they just make you laugh with the things they do? Thanks for sharing:)
  2. Thankyou to everyone again:) I have used the baby powder but will also get some cinnammon as well, we have also blocked the hole they were coming in. What a shock today though I can tell you! There were loads of the little buggers everywhere!:sick: Its great to learn something new everyday dont you think? I would rather use one of these methods anyway instead of chemicals.
  3. You have all been so helpful, thankyou very much:)
  4. Karma to both of you when I can:kiss:
  5. Thankyou so much! I just rang a couple of companies up and they all use chemical products. I have found the hole they are coming up from, shall I blast it with talc for now? My skin is crawling!:sick:
  6. I hope someone can help me out here. Ive just got back in from work and noticed ants all over my room carpet where the birds are kept. Ive been outside and they are coming in through an air vent. The air vent dosent lead directly into the room through the wall so I presume they are coming up through the floorboards, I cant find where. I know there are standard ant killing powders which I wouldnt use as I know they would be dangerous to the birds. What can I do to get rid of them? Also if I treat outside the vent with a standard killer would the fumes come in and harm the birds? Any help is most welcome, I am sat with my feet off the floor lol, its horrible, Ive never had ants inside the house before.
  7. What a cutie! Im glad everything is okay now:)
  8. {Feel-good-0002006E} Janet, for a minute there I thought their was a new arrival on the way? I thought you were joining the world of multiple greys:laugh:
  9. Sorry Brian, I am in the UK but maybe some other members may be able to help you, good luck in looking for the right breeder for your baby:)
  10. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new grey. They are going to need time to adjust and learn to trust you. It sounds like everything is going really well for you so far I cant wait to here more about you both:)
  11. Awww, I just love that mini shoe lol:laugh: Keeko just loves sitting on our feet and trying to chew our slippers!:laugh:
  12. Welcome Cristen and Dalia, I am happy you could join us here. Cant wait to hear more about your new baby and maybe see some photos:)
  13. Just had a thought, what about using the scatterless seed dishes the pot ones where they have a hole in the side just to get their heads in. Two of mine have them but I got them from a site in the UK. They used to stock them on ebay as well. Might stop her from playing football:) http://shop.ebay.co.uk/items/__scatterless-seed_W0QQ_kwZscatterlessQQ_kwZseedQQ_ckwZbowls?_trksid=p3286.m104.l1198<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/05/06 20:34
  14. Hi Brian, I am glad you decided to join us here. I know a few people on here who work full time and some do shift work as well. I think your grey would adapt and as long as you spent quality time with them and left them lots of foraging toys to play with, things could work out just fine. I always leave a radio or television on when I go out as well, just to give them a bit of background noise. Have you seen a grey already? Are you planning on getting a baby or an older grey? I look forward to hearing more about your future with a grey, they are wonderful companions:)
  15. Pat, is it the pellets she dosent like or is she kicking them out of the bowl before she even tries them? I know you probably have but have you tried to soak the pellets for Adaya? I had to do this with two of mine to get them to eat them. I hope its just a phase and she starts to eat them again soon:)
  16. I really feel for you and know what you are going through! I have three greys which are in the same room and when they start, boy do I need earplugs! Everyone has offered great advice, I really hope things work out for you, come on here anytime and vent your feelings, it sometimes helps just to get things of your chest. Hope you are feeing better:)
  17. Its a complete myth. My three greys all talk, I got them all at different ages and there has been no problems with vocab. On a morning my eldest will shout the other two by name to wake them up, he is so funny. Like Jane said, they will also have conversations with each other as well, you will have lots of fun:laugh:
  18. Yes, I would contact the breeder/store to find out exactly what the baby was like before. Was the baby sold as being fully weaned? Please keep us updated and let us know what they say.
  19. Welcome Dawn, Its great you have given Clyde a new loving home, I look forward to hearing more about him. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos with us:)
  20. Hiya Pete and welcome to the forum:) Cant wait to see some pictures of your flock, hope you enjoy it here:)
  21. {Love-0002011D} Happy hatchday!
  22. Delta, Welcome to the forum:) Your babies are just beautiful! I love the picture of them playing together. Cant wait to hear more about you all and keep on posting those pictures:)
  23. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html Above is a link to help you with your photos, hope it helps:)
  24. I have three greys and they learn from each other everyday. The younger two learn most of their vocab from Charlie the eldest grey and Charlie who had confidence issues has built this up and learnt to play with the other two greys. There is nothing better than watching these birds together Preening each other, feeding each other and playing together. I feel truy blessed when I watch them. I am so pleased that your two get on so well together.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/05/04 22:07
  25. They are wonderful pictures! The flight ones are so difficult to get but you have been so lucky to get those. He looks so proud of himself in the last one:laugh: Thnks for sharing these great pics, karma to you.
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