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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. if refund is already been paired with josey I don't see a problem I'm sure they would love to have out of cage time together My amazon and Grey are in the same room and have out of cage time all day long together without any problems they are friends sort of Tyco gets a little possesive of her toys but Fergie thinks its all a joke they don't fight physicly Tyco just puffs up to look big and yells at her it very funny. having 2 birds can be alot of fun but just always make sure that you feed and do everything with your first bird before your second bird so they always know they their place other wise you may have jealousy problems. I had Fergie for years before I got Tyco but there has never been a problem I feed her first open her cage first pet her first. she know I love her first and she will always be number 1 bird
  2. My birds don't fly into the windows ever Mind you we do something that I call a little adventure and We walk around the house to every mirror and window and I say window and I touch the glass and then I say window touch and when they beak the glass they know then that its solid and we do the same with mirrors we go an adventure tour about 1 a month just as a reminder but all my birds are flighted except for Raja my Ringneck and thats because when I got him he was already clipped. Before his wings grow out enough to fly I will take him on a little adventure around the house to every window there will be no accidents from hitting the windows in this house. If its a really large window I get them to touch the glass in a few places jut to make sure they relize that the whole thing is solid. I have my birds outside cage right in frount of the sliding door to the sundeck and when I ask Fergie if she wants to go out side she flys 40 feet from 1 end of my double wide trailor to the far end at full speed and has never hit the glass she lands on the top of her outside cage and waits until I get there so she can go outside LOL she loves it<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/28 20:43
  3. Tyco has never had that happen but then again she was 4 yrs old when I got her I would take them out of the cage when your not home just to be on the safe side If all her toys have these chains i would find some things around the house to keep her amuse while you are out like paper towel tubes filled with her seeds or a couple nuts an fold up the ends to keep them in or little cardboard boxes will do the same thing. I somtime take a bunch of straws and tie them very tightly in the middle the birds like them for a quick easy toy even a branch from a bird safe tree will keep them busy for hours chewing the bark off the branch. Spending lots of money on toys is not nessesary the are like kids they would rater play with the box the toy came in rather than the toy inside.
  4. Yes Thats good advice I would give him some formula if he's hungry or mabie even spoon feed him some human baby food to give him the taste of different veggies he may eat them more if he start getting them from a spoon I did this when I was weaning my cocateil and now he eats all his veggies his favorites are broccoli peas beans and sweetpotatos he nibbles at all others but I figure as long as he eats some its better than none and he loves his pellets so I don't worry
  5. Yes she's very pretty and my baby she's a bit spoilt LOL well mabie alot spoilt but shes a good bird shes a hybrid that I rescued quite a few years ago now. I know she part Yellow crowned Amazon but the other part I'm not sure about. it either blue front,orange wing, or mealy she has a touch of blue feathers just above her cere and the feathers around her neck are tipped in blue so she definatly hybrid but to what I don't know and Idon't care she's my pet and I love her no matter what she is. Here is a picture you can see the blue slightly above her cere and around the outside of the yellow crowned part of her. This picture is a few years old and every year she gets more and more blue. She is just gorgous now compared to when that picture was taken. I don't have any recent closeups downloaded yet so this one will have to do for now <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/28 07:16
  6. I have one and my birds just love it to them its a toy but its gotgoo tasting things to eat on it I would be careful usting anythig sharp the ones for pets screwint the top so they don't have any sharp end that could peirce their tongues or thier beak they aren't very expensive I think I paid eight dollars for mine at the bird food store.
  7. Great picture's of Gandoff and I also love the vidio of Dorian Oh what the heck I just love wet birdsLOL
  8. Oh my Yes please keep us updated this sounds serious I will be sending healing thouts and prayers your way poor baby Its so hard when they are sick I feel so bad for you I know how worried you must be
  9. Those are the cutest toy's I've ever seen my bird would go nut destroying those. Thanks for sharing
  10. I have never met any breeders that sell unweaned birds but I did get My Cocateil as an unweaned baby only because someone dropped him on my doorstep when he was 4 weeks old in the middle of winter. some people just don't care do they
  11. I posted last night about Tyco getting mad at Fergie when she plays on Tyco's things Tyco yells at her to get off Well here's a picture that shows what Tyco looks like when she's very mad that Fergie is on her stuff again:laugh: {Emotions-000200BA}
  12. I was at the pet store yesterday and they had some new bells in Tyco has one of these bells already so I thought I would get one for Fergie well I really think it was a big hit I put it at the top of her Boing which hangs from the ceiling here some pictures of fergie and her new bell. Do you think she likes it?? Lol
  13. Is there any one seed mix that is better than the rest I have tryed many and they all seen to be about the same as long as they are name brand I've tryed Prettybird, exact, fiesta, hartz select, tropicana, sunscription,Sometimes I'll mix two together to get more of one thing tha the other doesn't have or has less of but I really don't know whitch one is better what do you feed your birds as a seed mixI useually will take the peanuts out of the mixes and replase them with human grade one as the all look so grungy in the seed mixes I also will add dryed fruit, pine nuts, and walnuts because most seed mixes don't have these and if they di its in very small amounts
  14. I really think its a matter of how much the bird trusts and allows you to touch it everywhere on its body and also the birds personality. I can put a harness on 2 of my birds the other 4 I doubt I'll ever be able to even though I can touch 2 of those 4 birds everywhere theY are not the layed back and take things as they come kind of birds They are fiesty and cheeky and little brats and they refuse to let me near them with a harness oh well their loss they also don't get to go bye-bye with mom:laugh:
  15. That doesn't go for just Macaws that goes for any medium to large bird they all have fairly long life spans and are very much like pepetual 2 year olds so that should all be said to any one looking into owning a bird the are a huge responsibillty and not for everyone they are a lot of work you can't just put a bowl of kibble and fresh water out for them and expect them to be happy they need alot of attention and speical care to be happy healthy friendly well behaved members of the family they are wild and just because they are friendly does not make them any less wild animals, A domesticated animal for a pet is totally different from having a wild bird for a pet birds do not know they aren't suppose to chew your antique china cabnet or your favorite peice of furnature or your walls for that matter. It definetly take someone with a great deal of patience an love for birds to reap the benefits of owning one.
  16. Well I love all the storys about you little cocateils the ones that do and the ones that don't I think they are just the sweetest little birds there is so playful and when their tame their really tame little velcro birds for sure.
  17. oh yes very preety bird you have every right to be bias. I hope someday I have the privledge to own a Eclectus I just love their colours their such beautiful birds one of my favorites
  18. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about our loss I now how devistating it can be to lose a bird that is loved like you love a child. take care and know that our thoughts are with you and that your beautiful sun is flying free over rainbow bridge
  19. well My birds don't eat te skins at all only the flesh so I guess I don't have to worry about that. I have foun that altough Tyco loves grapes, walnuts, and cheese, there is one thing that she will do absolutly anything for and thats a bing cherry I have never seen a bird love anything more if I'm eating hand full of cherry's she will actually come over to me and sit right next to me and say good eh yumyum there ya go :laugh: this is her way of saying can I have one please. She says the same thing for the other things I've mentioned but she says it from her cage or playtop she doesn't physicly come over and sit beside me for those thing just bing cherry's. Who can blame her I like a nice sweet firm bing cherry also best treat in the fridge during Cherry season. My Amazon is the same way about blueberry's I guess they all have their prefrences like we do.
  20. Thanks guys for your concernI took her to the vet and she has a bruse on the pad of her foot an ont top of her toe I guess Fergie bit her foot she will be sore for a day or two but she will survive I feel so bad for her because she is such a little mama to all the birds when the are on the floor she stays right beside them so the don't get stepped on and if someone gers to close she runs in front of the bird to protect it. I hope this doesn't change her attatude towards them. I think she was probubly sleeping when it happened so mabie she won't relise it was the bird that hurt her
  21. Very nice Looks like your bird will have a lot of fun I love all the colours the place where I get my vet wrap only has 2 colours so I stuck with Either blue or pink or blue and pink oh well It cheaper than any where else so I guess I shouldn't complain.
  22. Sometime they can be so silly it very hard not to laugh. sounds Like Elmo really likes your boy friend better watch you might lose him to a bird:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/27 09:40
  23. Today I had the birds out and Fergie was haveing a great time playing on her swing and her boing. Tyco was just sitting back watching her. Then Fergis decided it was time to fly over to Tyco's side of the room and check out her swing and boing well she no sooner started swinging on Tyco's swing and Tyco's started yelling at her GET OFF GET GOING GET OFF I laughed so hard and of course because I started laughing Fergie started Laughing and poor Tyco she just didn't know what todo then.
  24. I try to spend at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours of total one on one time with mine 15 to 20 minutes 3or 4 times a day I don't spend the time all at once though some people do I guess after you put the kids to bed if you have an hour or two that would be fine as well. I don't think its the ammount of time it the quality of the time you do spend if its just time in the same room with you and occationaly you go up to him and give him a quick head scritch then he'definatly is going to need more of that than if you actualy are taking him to a place where you and he can actually play and be alone just one on one teaching him thing and playing games then you dont have to spend as much time a 1/2 hour a day is enough and he will look forward to that time if you make iy around the same time each day. You can't stop once you've started this or you may get some behaviour problems that you don't want so make sure the time you spend with your bird is consistent.
  25. If its bothering her I would have it removed only 2 of my 6 birds have band and I don't think they are at all nessesary unless your planning on breading so you can keep trak of who's who otherwise they are prettymuch useless if you lose your bird there is verylittle chance that a band is going to help you get it back so I would have it removed.
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