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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Tyco must be a pretty big girl also she weighs in around 590 to 600 she is just getting her flights in also gosh if she put on 50 grams after she starts flying she going to be one big bird she is about 14.5 inches long also thats what I like about her she a big bird and very pretty she eats pretty good also definatly has a good appetite but she's not fat she just looks healthy and I;m sure thats the case with Bella also <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/23 15:44
I love that 3rd photo of him so cut he looks just like a little muffin very nice pics yhanks for sharing
Instead of forcing him to come out why not try Opening his cage door and say to him you can come out when you want too. then take a basket full of foot toys preferably some of his favorites and start playing with them and laugh like your having the best time with them then look at him and say something like you want to play too. But don't let him have any of the toys until he actually comes out of his cage, When he comes out and he will it may take a day or two. Play with him and the toys as well even if its just a simple game of fetch with you doing the fetching just make sure you pretend it lots of fun. You may find after awhile he will come out everytime you say you want to come out and play. as far as being afraid of everything I always tell Tyco to be a brave girl and reassure her that what I'm trying to introduse her to isn't going to hurt her I touch what ever it is to my nose just like I was beaking it because that what they do when they check things out and then I say see its not scarry be brave that a brave girl and if she shows me how she can be brave and touches what ever it is i'm trying to show her I get very excited and say yes good girl I knew you could do it what a brave girl. Tyco is not afraid of anything amy more. as long as I say its okay she trusts me enough to beleive me. Its really quite amazing what they will except with patiants and lots of talking to them will do I always ask her or tell her what I;m going to do before I do it no mattter how small and because of that it hasn't taken very long to bring her around. From being a scared Bar bering her feathers cage bound bird to being pretty well ajusted and happy bird and she no longer barbers which is great. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/23 11:05
I Agree look at Tyco on top of her cage. She's a pretty bib bird fhe weighs in at aroud 500 to 525 grams and she not fat but she looks so tiny sitting on the top of her cage. I say the bigger the better If I had room in my house for a aviary She would probubly have one. I'm thinking about Putting the big computer in my daughters room and turning that room into a bird room. but I worry that they won't get enough attention then. right now Tyco and Fergie are in my room because that is where I am most of the time. I have to keep my feet up most of the time so I just lay on top of my bed with my laptop beside me and that way they can be with me most of the time when their in there p
Thats great don't forget to post some pictures of your Grey we love pictures around here. Whats the difference between a congo African Grey and a Congo African grey from Cameroon
beautiful picture of your babie cuddleing what a sweetie
this is Tyco's cage its very simalar to harrisons cage I love it because its escape proof it has a pin that slides into the top of the door theres no way she can get at it and the food doors have a hook ans they slide up and down she can't do both things at the same time great cage who ever designed it did it with hodini birds in mind and Tyco is definatly an escape artist.
I knew you could do it. Those are great clothes pins I'll have to see if I can find some like that for my birds I'm sure that Tyco would just love them she is a total nut for foot toys I'm always trying to find new thing that she can pick up and toss around she basicly ignores her hanging toys. If she was human I'm sure she would make a great baseball pitcher she throws a great curve. I try to play catch with her but no matter how hard I try to catch her throws she finds a way to throw it so I have to pickit up off the ground she love to see me work for it.:woohoo:
I was watching Tyco eating her fruits and veggies this morning she so funny she goes through her dish peice by peice and takes a little bite out of each thing to try it then if she decides its a keeper she puts it back in her dish if she decides she doesn't like it she tosses it she almost tossed a peice of necterine then she took another bite just to make sure and put it back in her dish no wonder her cage is always the messiest to clean what a little brat. Oh well what can you do birds will be birds. I bought one of those scewers for hanging fruits and veggies on mabie I'll try putting all her fruits and veggies on that and see what she does then. I only found one at the petfood place so I asked if they would order some more for me I think they would also make great things to make toys with.
I know just what you mean you really got to watch that MBS or before you know it you'll have a house full.:laugh: :unsure:
My Amazon has a foot fetish also she tries s hard to get head scritches with my toes but it makes my toes go in all different directions and it hurts like heck I just hate it when my toes get cramps in them and scritching her neck with them does it everytime.:laugh: :ohmy: <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/21 18:37
Try opening an account on then download your pictures there first click on the picture you want to place here and it will open and there will be a url beside it copy and paste here works everytime
Look at that little sweety makes me what to pick him up and kiss him all over such a little cutie muffin you are just going to have so much fun raiseing him.
No I don't play it at all but my daughter always has the music on in the house loud enough to deafen sometimes she will be 13 yrs old in September just at that age you know. Tyco only has to hear things once and if she likes what she heard she will learn it right away.
Good deal how many budgies are in there I found one. Their goona love all the space to fly around in good for you.
I took Mr. Magoo to the vet and the doctor said that she doesn't think I have to worry. She did call the vet that they use and all though he didn't say much he did say that Magoo would not get anything from their bird. so that was a relief. We did a blood test just to be on the safe side and she did put my mind at ease. She said he was probubly throwing up due to the excitement of coming home or mabie acombination of eating to much to fast after the long drive from their place to mine. he may of had a bit of motion sickness and then gorging on all that food made him sick. She looked at a fresh poop under the microscope and said yhat everything there looked good no parisites or anything that didn't look right. She did say he needs to gain some weight. she also found a small patch between his wings where he has been barbering she showed me and its about 1/2 inch in diameter she said its probubly due to stress and to keep an eye on him. she said the blood work will show if there is some kind of deficency. I guess the poor guy is stressed he been bounced around from here to there ever since his mama passed away and that must have been a huge tramma to begin with. Least now he can mabie relax a bit and start enjoying life again. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/21 17:43
Hi sunshine I'm a canadian girl also welcom to the nest pull up a perch and make yourself at home My bird have the ocational sip of my tea also just not to much and not to often My Tyco loves cranberry juice and cran apple also she get a little cup full with her eggs and toast twice a week.
Good deal I'll have to get myself one My daughter took my vidio camera to a concert after I told her not too and lost it so all I have now is a digital camera it does have a short vid setting but no sound and with Greys you want sound or its no fun
I would be very leary about taking your Grey to any of thos places and would definatly not let total strangers touch my bird unless you carry hand sanatizer around with you and before they are aloud to touch you bird they have to sanitize their hands. Bird shows and bird marts are places I would never take my bird for fear of some deadly deasese. I may be over protective but I an't afford thousands of dollars in Vet bills. If you want to take your bird out take it to the park or some place where it can enjoy some well needed fresh air and sunshine. As for your bird wanting you to be its mate I know exactly what your going through My Amazon is 11 yrs old and I have to constantly remind her that she's a bird and I'm not If she starts that behavior I imediatly put her back on her cage or play stand and turn my back on her she usually gets the message and id okay for a week or two. This is my bird that thinks she wants me for a mate
Well mabie I should have called him a Mr. know it some.LOL
sorry Not up on my artist very much I just thought it was cute
This morning Tyco was singing It was so cute over and over she was singing "and girls just wanna have fun" "and girls just wanna have fun" I laughed and laughed she really can't sing very well but its very cute.
Well he is getting better all the time I guess he just over ate and the food had nowhere to go but out this morning his weight was up to 379 grams a huge jump from three days ago when he was 365 grams even his keel feels a hundred percent better he still has about 25 grams to go but at this rate he may be there by tomorrow morning I'm still going to take him in for a check up before I let him out of quaritine but I would do that with any of my birds that were with someone elses bird for 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. You just never know what thier going to pick up when there away from you and I'm not one to take chances with my birds health I can't afford for all my birds to get sick at the same time I would have take out a loan to cover the vet bill or mabie even a mortgage on my house with six birds who knows what it might cost. Just to walk into my vets office is 60 dollars so with six bird thats 360 dollar right away before they even have anything done for them ouch LOL
Wow Dave your just a regular Mr. no it all aren't you :laugh: I could sure use you around here sometimes I'll just ask you the next time its taking me days to figure out some kinda computer junk that takes me forever to do
well I weighed Mr. Magoo this morning and was totally shocked at the amount this guy is gaining he's up to 379grams this morning he gained 15 grams in 3 days he's definatly making up for the lack of food he was getting at Vivians house I'm sure she feed him like she said he ate off her plate and got nuts and seeds. But when a bird doesn't like cooked food he not going to eat much of it they like what they like and it takes along while to change that if ever some birds would rather starve to death than eat foods they don't like. He's not a fussy bird he just prefer his food raw he love green leafy stuff and broccoliis one of his favorites snap peas and green beans he loves it alhot pepper another favorite. how hard is it to buy a bunch of veggies spend one hour chopping them an d putting them in a tupperware containor and giveing him a hand ful a day its so easy allot easier than slaving over a hot stove cooking all the time. I just don't get some peoples logic.