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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I know isn't this just wonder full I can't wait to see what happens next Its so hard to beleive that this is the same scared bird with barbered feathers and biteing everyone and so stressed out that I brought home 8months ago and now she's this friendly full feathered bird that love to play and be near me. Its only been 8 months I really can't wait to see what she will be like a year from now. If this is what a little love and patience can do then I totally recomend anyone who has lots of patience and time to concider a rescue or a rehomed bird. It is so rewarding to watch these birds transform into loveing confident well adjusted beings. I swear if you saw this bir when I got her there is no way that you would think that this was the same bird there is such a drastic difference in such a short time I can't wait to see what happens next I think just about anything is possible now. She also has started taking food from my hand now where as before she would take it but then drop it imediatly. Now she takes it and eats it. She's hooked on bing cherry's and chicken :laugh:
  2. I'm sure it will be allot better with the new electro static filter on the furnace and a air cleaner I will have to stop cuddleing him and stick to only head scriches Got to keep him away from my nose somewhat so I'm not breathing in he dust. Summers coming so he can spend allot of time outside andthen mabie that will give my immune system time to adjust to the ammount of extra feather dust. Its got to work because I refuse to rehome him again I will not play boomarang with my bird.
  3. What an active little thing for being only 10 dsys old sure is cute you must be having fun loving that little thing I know I would be.:laugh: :ohmy:
  4. If you remember a couple of weeks ago I rehomed my Cocatoo because I couldn't breath because of the amount of dust. The people I gave him to said that its not working out that their B&G Macaw and Mr. Magoo are always competeing for dominance what ever that means. Anyway I think that it just that Vivians husband is upset because Mr. Magoo will only go to Vivian and not him he bites him everytime she didn't say that in so many words but she did say MrMagoo hates everyone except her. I will not be rehomeing Magoo again this time he will be here foever Its only been 2 weeks so it will be like he was just on a little vacation. I phoned my ex husband and he going to come over and install a huge air cleaning system on to my furnace. I will have o make sure I give magoo lots of baths to keep the dust down to a minimum I also asked my ex if he would close in the sundeck with some kind of non toxic wire mesh so The birds can go outside in the nice weather. I have 2 large cages on my sundeck so they can go out in the meatime but it would be a lot nicer if they had a nice big place where they could fly. I'm so happy he's coming home I've missed him terribly I've wanted to call them up so many times and say I want my bird back but couldn't so this is a answer to my prayers
  5. Thats a good Idea Mabie that how she is breaking them between the bars on the top of her cage. Her cage has a playtop but it doesn't have a tray just the bars and a perch I think I'll try flatening a heavy cardboard box fan putting that over the bars on the top of her cage. That just might work I hope If it does work I think I'll see if I can get a custon tray made at a sheet metal place Í know a friend Of mine got one made for her play stand and she paid about 60.00 for it. But for now I'll see if thats what is causeing her to break them. Thanks again for all the help Its really nice to know that I can count on you guys for Ideas when I need some.
  6. I haven't had her in yet but mabie I'll give the vet a call she might have some suggestion on what I can do to help minimize the breakage. I guess its worth a trý.
  7. I haven't had her in yet but mabie I'll give the vet a call she might have some suggestion on what I can do to help minimize the breakage. I guess its worth a trý.
  8. I haven't had her in yet but mabie I'll give the vet a call she might have some suggestion on what I can do to help minimize the breakage. I guess its worth a trý.
  9. Tyco just came over out of blue and perched herself on my shoulder. I can't beleive this. I think she Trust me finally. I'm so flabbergasted right now I can hardly type. I tried to put her back on her cage but she wouldn't go she wants to be with me. I starting to wonder where this bird came from Its certinly isn't the same biting off balance scared bird that I brought home months ago. This is just to great for words I have a permenent smile at the moment. What a wonderful bird I have
  10. I love your playstands I just bought myself a new small electric saw and I already had a drill I live int he middle of nowhere so I have a forest around me you have given me some great Ideas I think I'll go cut some maple branches and some lilac branches and mabie even some birch branches off the trees in my yard. and see if I can't build something huge for my birds so that they have can have lots of fun.
  11. You obviously love your bird very much and want the best for hmm. Try your best to get your own place as soon as you can and in the mean time if you have to take demon into the bathroom to spend at least a hour or so a day with him then do that your bird will be grateful for it. and get him of sunflower seeds they are not good for him just keep giving him lot of different fruits and veggie try cooked and mashed veggitable searved warm African Grey somethimes prefer them that way.
  12. Beautiful Baby I love all those little paint brushes on her chest.LOL shes just to sweet makes me want one so badly but I have my hands ful as it is trying to earn Tyco's trust. I must say though things have Progressed allot lately It won't be long before she will be the loving woderful pet that I know she wants to be
  13. You guys have to stop this I have tears rolling down my face and my side hurts so bad from laughing. Berma you have quite the bird there. I'm sure every bird in the world thinks us humans are ugly look at them the are perfect in every way. there is nothing more beautiful. But as babys their sooooo ugly their cute.
  14. I would never splash a Grey or any bird with water You could very well lose their trust forever Its different when spraying for a bath because thier expecting it but if you just suddenly slash them with cold water I would think that would be a form of abuse and should never be done. just my opinion
  15. Ya I would say 2or 3 days as long as you can get the house aired out totaly I would also get a couple of good air cleaners to clean the air of any toxic fumes I have 2 of them running in my house all the time helps alot with the dust also just don't turn on the ionizer and all sould be okay.
  16. She will probubly clip it herself when she is preening but if its bothering you you can clip it at the break. as long as its not bleeding its fine.
  17. You have to put a picture of him in the thread so I can see all of him in the avatar I can only see the top part of him
  18. 'Boy do I know about cameras and Grey's as soon as Tyco hears me turn the camara on she runs I've tryed everything to catch her playing and doing something cute but not a chance she thinks that camera is gonna steal her soul and she doesn't what anything to do with it:laugh: Really cute vid of your baby really likes that music I have 2 birds that love to dance its great fun to watch them get down and boogie. They really know how to keep a beat don't they.
  19. Mary it would be great but she not breaking them in her cage its when she playing on her playtop when she's in her cage its basicly nap time or bedtime she is out from 8:00 am til 8:00pm she pretty much ignores her toys that are in her cage she loves foot toys and attack them full out wings open and that toys gonna die. Its fun to watch her but I hate whats happening. She used to barber her left wing really badly so when I got her she was very off ballance she barbered so bad that she had no primarys or secondary flights. I had her other wing clipped to match so she wasn't so off balance and falling all the time which worked but now that she's not barbering anymore after the feathers grow out there is nothing to support them so there getting broken she doing really good and has about five or six feathers on each side but she's broken 3 in the last week or so. thank god they haven't been blood feathers I don't know what I'd do there is no way I would want to lose the trust we have gained by having to pull a blood feather. and to take her to the vet for something that I'm perfectly capable of doing myself would seem like a waste of 60.00 So I'm glad that they were feathers that were totaly grown out. I don't think she would break a blood feather she is very protective of the new growth but she doesn't realize once there grown out without support that there going to get broken.
  20. Tycos Flight feather are starting to grow in but she keeps breaking them. She plays so rough with her toys and becaus she doesn't have all her flight feathers she breaks them I don't lnow what to do dhe doesnt play with her toys hanging in her cage just her foot toy. I don't want to take them away from her or she will get bored and may start barbering or worse. any Ideas. She has never fledged and she 5 years old so I'd really like her to learn to fly but if she keeps breaking her flight feathers she's never going to learn. any suggestions.
  21. I agree bands can be dangerous also they can get caught on things and if your not around and something happens like the bird gets it leg caught it could have tragic consequenses I've heard of bird chewing their leg off to free them selves if anything I'd be looking to get the bands taken off not putting them on. Just my opinion. Only 1 of my birds is banded and as soon as they come out with a chip that has a GPS in it all my bird will get microchiooed and that band will be removed. My Vet said it won't be very long before the new chips will be on the market. So I waiting for them.
  22. No paint that you buy contrain lead anymore trem clad or and good rust paint should do the job I painted a cage for my birds with a spray on rust paint worked great but it need about a week for all the fume to disapate after it was dry I just left it outside for a week under a covered area and after that it was ok go to any home depot or rona store and ask a clerk they will show you what is best fo bird cages.
  23. Thats great that you two live so close to each other you should meet for coffee. Iwould love to meet some of the members here they are such great and careing people a rare breed for this day and age it seems.
  24. My birds love the vacuum cleanr also they get so excited my Amazon always thinks it cleaning time and as soon as she hears it jumps into her water dish for a bath :laugh: :woohoo:
  25. Oh my this is getting to complicated just give that poor bird a name all the names you have would be good names for your grey put them all in a hat pull one out and say there thas your name and stick to it. hey whatever works:woohoo: :laugh:
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