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Everything posted by Acappella

  1. Dee is Muse here, owner/operator/chief bottle washer at Marden's Ark.
  2. I just wanted to tell everyone what a wonderful person our Dee is. Dee and I are friends on Facebook. My cat Jac has a halogen lamp that he likes to sleep under to soak up the heat the lamp generates. I think it's good for his arthritis. Anyway, a few weeks ago Jac cuddled his lamp and shoved it over the edge of my console table onto the floor where it broke into pieces. I posted the picture on Facebook telling everyone how replacement lamps on ebay were over $100 and how Jac was going to have to do without his lamp because I couldn't pay that to replace it. Dee messaged me that they had that same lamp packed away somewhere. She offered to pack it up and ship it to me in Canada. She found the lamp, went through a whole lot of trouble packing it up and dealing with clueless post office workers, and the lamp arrived a couple of days ago. She won't even let me pay her back for the shipping costs. Jac is once more basking in the heat of 'his' lamp and has stopped following me around the house telling me his tale of woe, and pooping on my carpet in protest. lol Dee, you are a true animal lover and Jac and I will be forever grateful.
  3. I sent you a PM with the info.
  4. So sorry for your loss. I remember when she came into your life. I know you will miss her very much, but know that she was cared for and loved every day since you found her. Hugs ((( )))
  5. I would, except there's no room in my tiny house for another cage. As it is Dorian's cage takes up half the master, and my computer and keyboard take up the rest of the room. If you're willing to drive though I can recommend someone. My groomer boards birds and she's fantastic. They all get their out of cage time and lots of yummy food. She's about a half hour south of me in Blackstock. I can give you her info if you're interested.
  6. I'm in Southern Ontario. Lindsay to be exact. Where are you?
  7. Such great news. I'm so glad you guys are re-establishing your relationship, and that Brutus is liking your boyfriend.
  8. I'm so upset to hear this. I don't know how many times I've referred a new member to a post Dave has written, or told someone to PM him with a problem. I'm sure his family and flock are shattered. Please let them know how sorry we are and how much he will be missed.
  9. How are the birds reacting to things getting moved around and boxed up? When I was moving Dorian definitely knew something was up and he became very clingy, didn't want to lose sight of me.
  10. I wouldn't attempt such a specific clip myself. I would find a highly recommended groomer or an avian vet to do the clip. The good part about that is you can be the one to come in and "rescue" your bird from the big bad towel/groomer and hopefully shorten the sulk time! You should know that even a clipped bird can get loft and fly a fair distance if frightened or startled. Good luck finding someone who you can trust with your baby. Don't be afraid to ask for references!
  11. Happy Belated Birthday Corky. I hope your flock mate is feeling better soon.
  12. I've tried all kinds of nuts with Dorian. He only likes walnuts and almonds. I was really hoping he'd take to pine nuts because they're a nice size for instant rewards but he totally turned his beak up at them. Oh well, I guess I save $!
  13. I wish I could teach Dorian to chew wood. Over the years I've offered him toys made of many different kinds of wood in many different forms, but the only thing he's shown an interest in chewing is my filing cabinet drawer! If I could get him to chew wood I wouldn't have to get his beak trimmed because he would be wearing it down himself. I'd love to be sweeping up matchsticks in addition to his confetti.
  14. Love the pictures, particularly the one where he's getting scritches. Welcome to the forum from Dorian and I.
  15. I hadn't thought of it before, but you're right it is similar. I wear a long sweater around the house in the winter that, because I'm so darn short, sweeps the floor. Can you see where this is going? Well, it picks up pieces of cardboard and phone book and distributes them all through the house! What a mess. Lots of evidence that Dorian is having fun.
  16. Here's a new video of what happens around here when Dorian gets a new cereal box
  17. Greycie really is flying the shortest distance she can isn't she? lol
  18. Zoe is adorable, don't worry about the quality of the recording. Dorian stops doing whatever he's doing when the camera or the phone comes out too. It's a frustration many of us share.
  19. You have to stop her from climbing up to your shoulder. I had to do this when Dorian first started perching on my arm. I'd move him to my hand and then hold my hand higher than my elbow. It goes against their instinct to climb down, so she'll be likely to stay perched on your hand. Give her lots of praise and a treat or two so she associates being held this way with positive things. Some birds can't be trusted on shoulders. We can't see them there so we can't read their body language and see when they're likely to bite.
  20. Sounds like a decent breeder otherwise. My Dorian also came with his DNA papers. I got them when I adopted him.
  21. Happy New Year everyone!
  22. I'm glad you're able to communicate with the quarantine place, it must be very reassuring for you. I hope the month goes really fast for both of you.
  23. Happy New Year to you and Rosie. A good breeder would know about the red feathers molting out. It was, sad to say, most likely a money grab. The red feathers May stay. We just want to prepare you for if they don't. Your baby is gorgeous, red feathers or not. Enjoy your baby days. Did you do a DNA test? Do you know for sure that she is a she?
  24. Welcome to you and Rosie. You really should start your own thread so that people can see you here and welcome you properly. Rosie is a very pretty grey. You should know that sometimes a Red Factor can molt out during the first molt.
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