I just wanted to tell everyone what a wonderful person our Dee is. Dee and I are friends on Facebook. My cat Jac has a halogen lamp that he likes to sleep under to soak up the heat the lamp generates. I think it's good for his arthritis. Anyway, a few weeks ago Jac cuddled his lamp and shoved it over the edge of my console table onto the floor where it broke into pieces. I posted the picture on Facebook telling everyone how replacement lamps on ebay were over $100 and how Jac was going to have to do without his lamp because I couldn't pay that to replace it. Dee messaged me that they had that same lamp packed away somewhere. She offered to pack it up and ship it to me in Canada. She found the lamp, went through a whole lot of trouble packing it up and dealing with clueless post office workers, and the lamp arrived a couple of days ago. She won't even let me pay her back for the shipping costs. Jac is once more basking in the heat of 'his' lamp and has stopped following me around the house telling me his tale of woe, and pooping on my carpet in protest. lol Dee, you are a true animal lover and Jac and I will be forever grateful.