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Everything posted by Acappella

  1. I guess we'll find out here by following the continuing saga. lol I can't say I'd be thrilled with the snake population either.
  2. I can't believe the tray is only removable from the back!!! What a stoooopid design. That being said, it's great that Phenix has taken to the new cage as well as he has. It shows a building confidence and security in his little brain in the world around him, which comes from your interactions with him. It happens so slowly that it's only by looking back at how they used to be that we can see how far they have come. I know that's how it is with Dorian. The cage looks great. There's no way Dorian would have gone near that many colourful toys, so Phenix is ahead of him there. Congratulations on the successful transfer.
  3. Congratulations Ray. Thanks for taking on this important room.
  4. I don't know about the others but I couldn't see the video, I don't have the Google app.
  5. Welcome back. So sorry about your loss.
  6. I guess it would be different if they'd butchered the job, eh? I know what you mean about chosing your battles. I think in this case that's the wise choice to make, but I do wonder why they would clip her. It's not like they were giving her out of cage time were they?
  7. So glad you and Alfie have found a rhythm that works for you. I know all about those "I'm not pleased about this" chomping down warnings. They're not really bites, but you have to program yourself to accept them because part of you knows how easily they could turn into real bites. It's all about trusting each other. The pictures are great. It's looks like you've got a corrugated cardboard lover like I do. I also get pieces of cardboard rained down upon me when he's on his playstand. lol We, the slaves, are left to sweep up the mess. So glad your roommate has taken an interest in him as well. I'm glad you've found the forum a helpful resource over the years. It's a great place isn't it?!
  8. Sweetie, you're both in my thoughts. I keep checking in hoping for good news. Internet hugs to you ((( )))
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum for you and your soon to be baby. I recommend figuring out how to post pictures now so that when the baby arrives the people here don't pester you to death for photos while you figure it out lol.
  10. Yes, I'm quite worried about her, and you. Please keep us updated when you can. Love you.
  11. Your dogs are beautiful, and of course Chulo is gorgeous. Sounds like the move has gone pretty smoothly, I'm happy for you. It's a sign of how much your animals trust you.
  12. I have Fibromyalgia and migraines and Dorian always knows when I'm in a bad way. I lay on the couch and he just site quietly on his stand and watches over me. Once I'm up and around though, it's on! lol
  13. My heart says rescue this baby, but you have to do right and know what you're up for and what you're not up for. I hope this grey finds a good home, and that you get the bird that's meant for you one day.
  14. I don't know about changing her name. I suppose the only thing to do is to try it and see if it seems to cause her any stress. What name(s) have you got in mind?
  15. I also have nothing to contribute, other than my best wishes for her fast recovery. I know members here have had good results with rescue remedy.
  16. Happy Anniversary Miss G. Now you've got her literally wrapped around your talon! Carry on.
  17. I'm so glad I have a DNA certificate that says Dorian is a boy. One less thing to worry about! I think it's interesting that the pair that produced Dayo are still breeding though, they're certainly older than 19.
  18. Even the box got used! Oh, and in the video I should have said "in" the box not "on".
  19. Maybe it was the chaos and noise of the rescue that caused her to pluck and now that she's landed in a relatively quiet place that's all she needs to stop plucking. Here's hoping for many feathers left alone and un plucked.
  20. She's beautiful, even in her underwear! As far as step up goes, she may have negative reactions linked to the phrase "step up?" Me, and a few other members here, have had to invent other phrases. With my Dorian it's "Wanna come with mom?" that works. Maybe try that. Welcome Gracie to your new home and to the forum. I hope she and Kya continue to get along, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
  21. So????? We're all on tenderhooks here!
  22. That's what I wondered as well. Got any news for us?
  23. I'm sorry the cage and the seller turned out to be complete duds. Take lots & lots of pictures & my make sure you save a copy of the original ad. Wouldn't hurt to print off a copy of the ad as well. Try to fight the temptation to leave negative feedback until after the dispute process is over, although I know you want to do it now. I'm sorry you're having this bad experience and that your money is now tied up in this bad cage. I hope it all rights itself in the end.
  24. I spent the extra $$ on a wireless keyboard specifically so that I can set it aside when I'm not sitting at the desk guarding it. Sometimes I take advantage of not having a flighted bird!
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