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Everything posted by Acappella

  1. I echo the calls for a thread in the rescue room. Thank you in advance for finding a home for a rescue in need of some tlc. I'm sure watching you with Kya will help her come around. Just be sure to always make Kya your "first" bird. Feed her first, first out of cage etc...
  2. Well, he popped off the enter key but he tossed it where I could retrieve it and put it back on, so the keyboard remains intact. The little bugger is so damned fast! I guess if I want this keyboard to live I'll have to ban Dorian from the desk when it is out.
  3. I got a cranky bite from Dorian yesterday and it made me think of you. How is it going?
  4. So have you made the big move yet? How's it going?
  5. OH, I have a tablet. I just had to buy a new cover/case for it because of beak marks!
  6. Dorian had finally popped off enough keys that it was unusable. Anyone want to start a pool on how long it will be before he pops a key off this one?
  7. Greyt little communicator you've got there. Loved the sea shanty. Does the dog ever come when she calls?
  8. Aw, bless her little heart. I hope she forgets about it soon and doesn't lay another one.
  9. What lousy luck to be moving home and office at the same time. Boxes everywhere. I hope you get internet set up at home soon, and that the birds settle into their new home quickly.
  10. So I was reading in another thread about peoples greys who have impressive vocabularies and I couldn't help but compare them to Dorian. He has basically stopped learning new words and phrases, although the occasional new sound still pops up. (I was watching a cockatoo video for like a minute in the same room as Dorian and he picked up THAT sound right away! sigh). Anyway, I was thinking, in the old house Dorian and I occupied the basement of my Dad's house, and I would have to go upstairs often to take care of dad. Dorian would go into vocal calisthenics until I was back in the basement with him. That house was much larger than my new home. In this home, if I'm in the office, he's in the office, if I'm in the living room, he's in the living room. He's rarely more than a few feet from me. It's clear that he mainly "uses his words" to call me to him, and now he doesn't need to use them. Is he unusual in this?
  11. Acappella


    I think some greys are just timid by nature. Dorian is kind of jumpy as well, although it has improved leaps and bounds from the way he was when he first came to me so there is hope. I agree that giving them some choice in how their day goes as much as possible helps improve their confidence and their sense of security. I let Dorian decide when he was going to come out of his cage, step onto my hand, leave the room his cage was in etc... Just now I dropped a pen into the empty recycle bin under my desk and it made a big noise. A couple of years ago Dorian would have jumped, frozen and alarm beeped. Now he just continued eating, it didn't phase him at all, so it can keep getting better. Like everything else with these guys, it just takes time. and time. and time. lol
  12. Bless you for your patience with this scared little girl. Dorian wasn't Quite as bad as your Rosie, but he was totally cage bound and hand shy when I got him so I know a little bit of what you've been going through. He threw himself around a bit but never broke a blood feather. Your instincts have been bang on. I also had to change the phrase "step up" to "wanna come with mom?" because he had negative associations with the phrase. Isn't it so exciting the first time you leave the room the cage is in with your bird on your hand? Hope the transition to daytime wandering goes smoothly. Welcome to the forum.
  13. Hope the move goes as smoothly as such a thing can go. I know I for one don't want to do it again anytime soon!
  14. Awe, love the cuddles and the baby sounds.
  15. The funniest thing I think that Dorian has picked up is saying "Viewer Discretion" as in the "Viewer Discretion is Advised" warning before some television shows. I don't know what it was about that phrase that caught his interest, but it did make me look at the number of shows I watch that have that warning attached to it!!!
  16. Carol also recommends a place called The Parrot Hotel in Acton, ON. http://www.parrothotel.ca/About_Us.php It would be about 45 minutes shorter drive than going to her in Blackstock.
  17. It worked. So now you can post more! Lol
  18. Sukei looks so calm and settled in. I was afraid the experience would traumatize him but he looks completely calm and at home. It must feel surreal every time you look over at his cage and there he is, after all the battles you had to fight to make it happen. Congratulations and good luck writing the apology letter. Just keep looking over at Sukei to remind yourself why you're doing it.
  19. Nope, it wouldn't play for me. No fair to tease me with a video and then post one that won't play!!!!!
  20. Lol Sterling. Dorians bad mood persists into our day. Now he's beeping irritably at the evil tv and throwing pellets out of his dish.
  21. Dorian is usually in a lovely mood in the morning. All lovey dovey and kissy. However, this morning he's on a tear and not in a good way. He's chased my hand around the desk trying to bite me. He's chased my foot trying to bite my toes. I had to use a perch to move him to his playstand. Now he's beating the snot out of his bell. Anyone else, feathered, furred or other wake up on the wrong side of the perch this morning?
  22. Congratulations!!!! I remember the relief when Dad's house was officially sold, combined with a little sadness because my Oma and Opa had built the house. It'll be hard to leave all the memories you have in that house, but you're moving toward something amazing.
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