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Everything posted by Acappella

  1. Well, it's like anything else, if I'd had the money I could have had physio right away. I guess I should be grateful that there are still some physio clinics out there taking OHIP patients. They don't have to. There's less money in it for them. I'm really looking forward to physio today. Even if they hurt me, it's another step towards getting better!
  2. Well guys, the long wait is over. I get to start physio tomorrow. The way it works here with health coverage is that physio used to be covered for low income and seniors, but a few years ago a Conservative government drastically reduced the clinics that were allowed to take clients under OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Program). So there's a waiting list for OHIP covered clinics. My back has been getting better on its own, slowly, but it's still really prone to going out. I hit a kind of a milestone today. I went into three stores and I didn't have to use my cane!!!!!! WhooHooo
  3. I can only imagine how hard it's been since Cricket's passing. You have been missed, and I'm glad you're feeling up to posting again.
  4. Don't worry, I think he's got a good idea of who the culprit is.
  5. Dorians quirk is his hatred of the tv. He will sulk and not speak at all if it is on. If I have it on at night he sits and does his protest beep every few seconds until the tv is off (which I try not to do because I consider that rewarding bad behaviour), or I tuck him into bed. Anyone else got a fid that hates the boob tube?
  6. Don't let your feelings be hurt because Nonsense is further ahead in her relationship with your girlfriends mother than she is with you. I know that's easier said than done. After all, aren't you the one feeding her, cleaning up after her, buying/making her toys and otherwise doing everything to improve her life?! Nonsense obviously remembers living with your girlfriends mom and was at one point bonded to her. You'll get there with Nonsense and it will be your own unique relationship, but it won't likely be fast. I believe that you have what it takes to stick it out until she decides what that relationship will be.
  7. Welcome to greyforums. Do you have a grey or are you doing research towards getting one. Enjoy reading around the site. Lots of info here.
  8. Acappella

    New Cage

    My vote is for #3 as well.
  9. I'm really glad you've been able to come to peace with your boy, underwear showing or not. That being said he's looking awfully good, no matter how long it lasts.
  10. You could try cold showers with 100% aloe juice. Put the aloe juice in a spray bottle with a gentle mist. Most greys like it cold, so keep it in the fridge. If she's doing the plucking because she's itchy this should help. You can usually get the aloe juice in health food stores.
  11. What you need to do is called sound extinguishing, and it's basically doing the opposite of what you're doing. Lol. You need to respond to the annoying sound 0% of the time, and if you think I don't know how hard this is listen to my sad story. Dorian hates the tv being on, especially at night. As the sun starts to go down he starts making the beeping sound my toaster oven beeper makes. He was making this beep every 10 seconds or so until I either turned off the tv or took him out of the room where the tv is. I had to totally ignore it even though it is like nails on a chalkboard to me and I wanted to go up to his little grey face and beg him to stop! Lol. I couldn't do that because That's What He Wants!!! He wants my attention on him, not the tv. Diverting my attention to him would only reinforce that the sound is working and get him to do it more. Now, this particular little battle of wills has been going on for months, at least three, but I am winning. He still makes the beep but it isn't at nearly the interval that he was using it at. I only respond to him when he makes a sound I find acceptable, and when he does I respond with a lot of enthusiasm and with consistency. If he makes the annoying sound while I'm responding to him I immediately shut up and turn my back on him. He's not stupid. Stubborn, but not stupid! He is getting the message. So will your girl. You may want to invest in a pair of foam earplugs at the start. It makes ignoring the sound that triggers you easier, and you can still hear her. You can always come on here to vent during the process. It's a rare grey owner who hasn't been through this at least once. Good luck. You can do it!
  12. Welcome David, Lucy and Ava. Thank you for re-homing an older grey. Like Charlies Dad says, there are so many birds out there just waiting for someone new to open their hearts to them, kudos to you for doing it. Sounds like you're emotionally ready to give Ava the space she may need to get settled into your home. Don't fall for the "honeymoon" period that many re-homes go through when they seem to be settling in great for the first couple of weeks and then suddenly their behaviour regresses. Let her know you respect her space from the start and she might be faster to trust you. Don't rush her with a bunch of new toys or changing around her cage. Just let her observe her new family from the safety of her home. After all, you guys know that you're just trying to improve her life, but she doesn't know that.
  13. Neoow gave you just the advice I would. Let Andy be his caregiver for now. You want to try to make every interaction with Oliver a successful one. That means, for now, setting a chair as close as you can to his cage before he fluffs up & shows signs of fear or aggression, then, from that distance, read to him, talk to him, interact with him the only way you can right now. Give him lots of praise, talk in a happy voice. A piece of advice I got when I was trying to establish a relationship with my rehomed boy was to approach the cage and treat him as if he was already the bird I wanted him to be. They are very adept at reading our body language so the way you approach him is important. I know it's hard not to fear the bite, so the best thing to do is to not put yourself in a situation where you can get bit. Since you don't know about his past you don't know, maybe something about you reminds him of someone that abused him in the past. You have to help him unpack his baggage and settle in his new home. I know you an do it.
  14. She's looking quite royal with her "fascinator" hat on.
  15. Oh sweetie, I'm devastated for you. I hope you know you did everything you could for her. They are so good at hiding illness and you were so in tune with her you knew something was wrong. I hope you have someone there for you to hug you and care for you. Sending you huge internet hugs. ((( )))
  16. I'm afraid all you can do is continue to remove her from your head, or stop her from getting on there in the first place, until she gives up. She will, but it will take patience and consistency on your part. When Dorian first started perching on me he was determined to get on to my shoulder. I refused to give him access and he eventually gave up, but it was a battle of wills for a while. I don't know if quakers have a reputation for being more stubborn than the average fid, but they are all individuals. You'll just have to keep saying no until she gives up.
  17. What about looking up mosquito repellant plants and planting them around the exterior of the aviaries? I know I've seen such plants listed on Pinterest.
  18. OMG that baby picture just makes me want to cuddle him. He actually looks kinda proud of himself in the second one. Glad to hear the cold shower was a little better received.
  19. Do you know who the manufacturer is Dave? I'd love to see if they're available in Canada.
  20. I'm so glad things turned out so well for your pup. I can hear the happiness as you type.
  21. I'm glad your mind has been set at ease and that the news from the vet was good. I hope you're able to get the medicine into her without too much trouble.
  22. I'm so sorry you're worried about your buddy. I hope everything is ok. Hugs to you.
  23. Well, those sounds certainly got Dorian's attention! He got all riled up trying to imitate them. I think Sterling is right, Ife is on her way to a better life as a tamed pet parrot. Adom may be lagging behind a bit but you're slowly winning him over. Love will win out.
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