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Charlie Parker

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Charlie Parker last won the day on May 2 2022

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About Charlie Parker

  • Birthday 12/07/1969

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  1. I was 222 miles from my destination. I really hope Charlie will make it somehow but can't help but think something may have gotten him already. I get choked up everytime I think of him. Oliver has lost all his flock except for me. My partner and I of 17 yrs, Creech who we've had for 2 years and charlie... all within a couple days. I feel pretty horrible for each of our losses. I just need time.
  2. Hi all, sad news here, my timneh african grey flew away the 3rd week of May while moving to Pennsylvania. He slipped out my door of my car and looked at me and flew away. I miss him as does his pal Oliver.
  3. My Oliver has done many of the things you have mentioned, ie.... biting the back of my neck or head while sitting on the couch. Attacking my feet as I sit on the couch, he comes running to do that. He always bites my hands, I just learned to deal with the pain but if I tell him "be nice" he'll usually calm down, not always though. He's a little stinker!
  4. My Oliver likes shoe string ends, potatoes chip bags and plain ole paper to shred. Of course I don't let him have the potato chip bags he just gets a bite in before I'm like hey! stop. Creech likes to dismantle my home, base boards, floor, doors .... Charlie just chews on the vertical blinds so he has a nook chewed out when the blinds are closed. Oh how the apartment people are gonna be pissed when I leave lol.
  5. Well hopefully your doing well, sometimes our closest buddies can pick up on our emotions and just want to be near us when they sense somethings off. My guys know when I'm not happy and they do get restless at night. Just a thought.
  6. He looks interested but I bet if you try and place him on that new floor he'll want nothing to do with it at first. All my guys are pretty hesitant when it comes to showing them new things, They cling to me, except of course when they see jewlery, then they just want it all to themselves.
  7. Hey all, My timneh Charlie likes to copy my Congo Oliver. Oliver picks up on the strangest noises lol. His latest noise he absolutely loves is the opening of one of my screeching doors, how adorable! My old guy who's name is Creech.... go figure, has picked up on saying Oliver! They all appreciate a good whistle session about twice a day.
  8. Hey guys, long time since i posted, sorry. So i never did find out what creech's band numbers and letters meant, guess it doesn't matter right. He is doing pretty good from what i can tell. His beak is it's normal color now, he's growing in new feathers, looks really good. He loves bananas and peanuts and peanut butter, his favorites, in small quanities. His eyes are clear but he is still a bit blind, you can just tell by the way he moves around and his pupils are not round. There are edges around his pupils, weird! Hopefully creech will be flying by summer, he really wants to fly. For an old guy he's doing amazingly well.
  9. Hey everyone, I bought myself a third african grey about a month ago, he's a rescue. More about him later... I'm wondering if anyone knows what the leg band PME-106 might mean? I've been trying to get information on the band number with no luck at all! It was an unclosed rounded band, not the typical square shaped ones and it was stainless steel. All i know is that he was bought from a pet store who said the grey was on auction in texas. I live in denver Colorado. Thanks for any help
  10. Hello, I too have a 2 yr old male timneh named charlie that i got at 3 months old from florida, i live in washington as well. Bought him from a bird farm from the owner dave, wonder if its the same place you got your girl? Anyway, charlie just loves my husband andy, always wants to be on or near him. Andy gives charlie a lot of time during the day but when enough is enough he puts charlie in his cage for awhile. I also have a male and a female congo. Charlie loves to dive bomb them and knock them off their perches, he likes to make sure they know he is boss in the house. The congos prefer not to fly, they like walking on the floor. Wing clipping did nothing good for charlie the one and only time i did it. He became depressed and cried a lot. He even just threw himself off his cage sometimes knowing he couldn't fly. I decided wing clipping was not for my greys. The cage thing..... i found that if you place the travel cage in a place they can check it out, in time they will explore it and get comfortable with it to where you won't have a problem putting her in it. It may take a week or longer maybe, just set tbe travel cage out for her to explore so shes not afraid of it. I'm in oak harbor btw.
  11. Hey all, well it's been a while since I've written about Oliver who is now 9 years old in this thread. Boy oh boy has he come around the past couple of weeks. He looks forward to me giving him some one on one time and some very light petting. He takes showers with me every night and has to have some yogurt with spirilina mixed in with it. I can't leave the room for a second or he just has a breakdown lol. It's been very slow going with me and him but the trust is building every day. Of course Charlie, my 2 year old baby, is still jealous of him and jafar, the 23 year old girl i just rescued a few months back, more time needed i suppose. Anyhow i just wanted to share with you all that it's taken over a year for oliver to build up enough trust for me to touch him and I'm really loving it.
  12. Yes that is what I've been doing, just leaving her be. I ordered her an actual african grey nest box that I'm going to mount in her huge cage. Over time I'll get her used to it then maybe she'll use that. If i see she is stressing I'll back off.
  13. Hello everybody, So i cheerfully accepted my third grey about 4 months ago, her name is .... well it's jafar but thats because everyone who has had her company thought she was a he...... for 23 year's! Once she came into my life, had her vet visit and is eating things other than sunflower seeds she has been laying eggs in a drawer pretty much since I've been caring for her. Her vet visit was definitely needed! Had ber blood drawn a poop sample done an xray and she was put on antibiotics for a week. Poor girl was egg bound which is why the vet visit was a week or so from getting her. She had a bacterial infection, ecoli so the antibiotics took care of that. But the vet visit was when he turned to she. She recieved a shot of calcium and layed her first egg 30 minuets later, she has been able to lay her own eggs ever since. Jafar was in a cage for her past 10 years of her life after her first owner past away, because of the lack of human contact or toys to play with, she plucked her chest and neck bald but things are getting better. I know it's a behavioral problem now and not anything else. She's getting new feathers but sometimes plucks a few out still but she is getting better with leaving them alone to grow in. She has like two red feathers on her neck. So anyway she basically lives in one of my kitchen island drawers and lays on her eggs. I put fake eggs in there to replace SOME of the real ones. I feel as though i should leave her alone, she seems so content. She does come out a few times a day, i place her on her cage to go poop and eat, then she says come here to me asking me to place her back on the kitchen island to tend ber eggs. How long should i allow her to do this?
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