So I was reading in another thread about peoples greys who have impressive vocabularies and I couldn't help but compare them to Dorian. He has basically stopped learning new words and phrases, although the occasional new sound still pops up. (I was watching a cockatoo video for like a minute in the same room as Dorian and he picked up THAT sound right away! sigh). Anyway, I was thinking, in the old house Dorian and I occupied the basement of my Dad's house, and I would have to go upstairs often to take care of dad. Dorian would go into vocal calisthenics until I was back in the basement with him. That house was much larger than my new home. In this home, if I'm in the office, he's in the office, if I'm in the living room, he's in the living room. He's rarely more than a few feet from me. It's clear that he mainly "uses his words" to call me to him, and now he doesn't need to use them. Is he unusual in this?