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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. I think that would be a great idea!!! Infants toys with big colorful buttons and switches are going to be safe and durable. Fisherprice or playskool would be a good place to start. Just make sure they make noises you can stand, since your grey will assuredly pick them up quickly. GREAT IDEA!!! -Hannah
  2. Back to the cooking bags, you don't use them at high temps, they are for roasting. They don't have teflon or non stick stuff (the glad ones any way), and if they are used at the temps suggested you shouldn't have a problem. I never have. And they work great. Much less clean up.
  3. Great to have you back, Karla. I am so glad the move went well. What is this stress powder? I'm curios.
  4. Wow, I'm surprised we haven't heard from the no shoulder people yet. It seemed to be a hot topic in another thread. Ha. Well there you go Cyard
  5. Oh, whoops, I meant to post this with my previous. As far as training, if you really don't want him on your shoulder, being consistent is really all you can do. Maybe you could give him treats when he is in your hand to encourage it...I don't know...just a thought.
  6. Why not? There are differing opinions on this, but why not let him cuddle on your shoulder. The main argument is that it is dangerous and/or they will get confused as far as who is in charge when they are as high up as you are. I've had parrots my whole life and always allowed them on my shoulder. Again, there are some who will agree with me, and some who will agree that it should not be allowed. What do you think?
  7. Don't worry. He's right on track. We have to remember that unlike other animals Greys have a longer lifespan, which means they develop at a slower pace than other animals. Think of it on human terms, a baby human will start saying their first intelligible words around 1 year or so, so it makes sense that a Grey with a similar life span would too. Don't worry, just keep talking to him, the noises are him practicing his vocal chords.
  8. I am sOOOOO jealous!!! That baby is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! The bird I mean...hehehe
  9. Don't worry to much, she is just adjusting to her new surroundings. I don't know any tricks to make her drink, but my guess is that she will drink when she is ready, and possibly already is when you aren't looking. Also, if you are interested in what gender she really is, I would get the sexing done. It's not expensive and it's the only true way to know. Blessings on the new baby, Hannah
  10. Hey Bronx, I would be very interested, just have to check with my hubby first. -Hannah
  11. Having trouble accessing the photobucket links. It just brings me to the main page. Hannah
  12. Hey, Jimmy! Welcome. I am so jealous. my baby isn't even born yet. hehehe. Keep us up to date. -Hannah
  13. Wow, that's a tough one, Deb. I ordered Harrison pellets myself, I just got the samples yesterday, they have enough for 4 days. I hope all works out for you. Good job with the healthy food access. -Hannah
  14. Wow, those are great questions. I can understand the whole climate change concern. I am a Michigander too, a yooper to be exact. As far as bird proofing, I guess just do the best you can do and have a sense of humor when things get chewed on...or something like that. Good luck. I'll be interested to see the tips people come up with. -Hannah
  15. One time I was feeding some baby mocking birds, and Rockelle didn't like that much. She shouted "HANNAH!!!" and I said "Yes, Rockelle." "Come 'ere" "I can't, Rockelle, I'm feeding the babies." "COME HERE NOW!!!" I felt compassionate and went over. "What, Rockelle." She tilted her head and said "Hi!" This conversation went on three or four times. It was great.
  16. Hey, my name is Hannah, and I thought I'd jump in here. He is getting old enough where he know when he is hungry and when he is not, I would not try to force him to eat when he isn't wanting more, you could over feed him. Just keep giving him the opportunity to try new foods. And remember, the best time to introduce a new food to anyone is when they are hungry enough to eat it. Gr8 job on this post BMustee, karma for you. Hannah
  17. Hooray for Michigan!!! Welcome, Mosfatal!
  18. I have never had it, but my first question is how much sodium does it have? I'm sure it would be safe. -Hannah
  19. Hmmm, that's a hard one that could require more time and effort than you and your youngin' can muster. I will think hard though, I love science projects.
  20. Hey Rikki, Did you know that Chaco (sp?) is the species name for CAGs in Lingala? That's pretty cool if it's a coincidence. I have a friend from Congo Brazzaville, where CAGs live in the wild, he is helping me with names for my new baby CAG and that was one of his suggestions.
  21. Welcome Dave, Ade, and Zeke. Hope all is well. look forward to hearing more from you. -Hannah ps. My dad was an animal rehabilitator for the human society, and we raised a litter of raccoons. I love them so much.
  22. I talked to a friend of mine who lived in Congo Brazzaville for many years and he is helping me with proper Lingala names. The species name for CAGs in Lingala is Chachu (sp?), I thought that would be kind of cool. I am having him research a bunch of meanings for me and I am hoping to find the perfect name. If now, Lolovivi is still cool with me.
  23. I would think so. I know that overdosing on Calcium can have consequences for anyone, and it sounds like he is getting plenty in his diet. Have you asked your vet about the bumps?
  24. Zeta, I am so sorry! I can't even imagine losing those many beloved pets all in one shot. I am really hoping the best for you and this Grey. I think if your boss cares for the bird's well being he/she will recognize the bond and let you take her. All the best Hannah
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