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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. I am so excited to play these games. countdown: 3 days
  2. Good question and reply. That was very helpful. I was wondering the same thing, especially after talking to Harrison's pellets this morning and her suggesting we buy 1lb bags until we realize how much our baby will eat. Countdown: 4 days
  3. I am planning on using my bird for education purposes, in my classroom as well as possibly traveling once he/she is older, so I want to expose Juji to as much as possible. There are many stores here that I think will allow me to bring Juji in w/o a problem, so once it warms up a little I think I will be doing some window shopping with my bird too. Countdown: 4 days...oh my goodness
  4. That's an interesting suggestion BMustee. I think that's a really graceful way of handling that.
  5. Yup, she's regurgitating. No, it has nothing to do with age, it's an affection thing that one bird does for another as an "I love you!" Feel honored
  6. No fair!!! No other birdies...just fuzzy critters
  7. What is he digging in? Anything in particular? I am wondering if he is just scrounging like wild birds do...hmmm interesting.
  8. It's six feet...ish... We have a 10+ food ceiling in our living room, so I told my little carpenter to make it tall. I am so proud of her, she really did her research. She making hiding places for nuts etc... as well as places for toys.
  9. Thanks, Jimmy. I love your pics. I am so excited that next weekend I will be able to post some of my own. Countdown: 5 days
  10. We have a well ventilated wood fireplace that we use on occasion, but I am sure a CO2 detector wouldn't be a bad idea here either.
  11. Yes, there are poisonous types of wood, but this tree is 100% okey dokey. I don't have the link, but there are quite a few posts about toxic woods, foods etc....
  12. I think if it's an interesting sound, they can pick it up in one try, why not? If they are anything like young humans (which psychologists say they are) during their vocabulary explosion they can learn up to 40 words a day...why not a few new freaky sounds.
  13. Sweet! I'm glad it worked. I am excited to see it finished.
  14. Ok, how do I get it to just show on the page?
  15. Here is the skeleton of the foraging tree a precious friend of mine is building for my new baby CAG. I've never posted an image before, so let me know if it doesn't work. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd93/Hannahtuimala/tree2.jpg
  16. It sounds like he's chosen you as his safe person. You and your wife need to be patient. He will come around, just give him time. Sounds like your wife was a trooper.
  17. That's a toddler for you It sounds like your discipline worked. Countdown: 7 Days
  18. Yay pictures Thanks BMustee
  19. Hey Kllorio, Actually my baby comes next week, so I will have to let you know what I think later. They don't look hard to put on, and according to Joe, they are worth it. The liners are kinda like those makeup things, except they are shaped to fit the suit. Let me know if you get one what you think. Countdown:8 days
  20. Is there any site or other resource that talks about how to begin flight training your bird?
  21. These are great stories. My first Grey, Rockelle (23 years old when I fostered her) was a real practical joker. She would watch my step mom put something in the microwave and then wait till she left the room and beep just like the microwave. When my step mom would return to the microwave, Rockelle would laugh hysterically. My step mom didn't think it was very funny, but I did. She would also carry on telephone conversations whenever the phone rang. My favorite ended in "I don't want any!" Click
  22. MazyAK, Wow, an Alaskan Fisherman....one of the most dangerous jobs out there... I think it's amazing how our birds will adapt. I am excited that my full time job will allow me to bring Juji with me. Countdown: 11 days
  23. Good tips guys. Setting aside money for emergencies is always a good idea, and even better to take care of someone you care about.
  24. My sister's cockatiel was in love with white socks. Without fail, he would sing to them and strut and rub up against them. It was hilarious. I'll watch out for the feet biting. -Hannah
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