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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. The discussion on feather health (unhealthy feathers thread) has some good suggestions also. It certainly helped me.
  2. Hannah_Rae


    That's good to know that Greys are lactose intolerant. Makes sense. They have no reason to have the enzyme that breaks it down since it wouldn't be part of their natural diet. And onions are part of the daffodil family. Very toxic actually. My whole family is allergic to them (can't handle the toxin) and some people get a buzz off of it. WHOOHOO!!!
  3. Yeah, the feet thing was kinda gross, but it was his thing. He also thought my nose was my beak and would only let me rub his neck with my nose. I loved it. How do you handle regurgitation?? That's a sign of true bonding, but ewwww....
  4. I can't remember who said it recently, but not being bit by a grey is like going through the toddler years with your child and never experiencing a tantrum. Rockelle, my foster bird, bit me nearly everyday, but never broke the skin, and she soon stopped because I didn't let it stop me, which is what she wanted. I have heard the same thing about males vs. females favorites and am trying to find out the answer myself since I will be getting a baby grey in a few months.
  5. Well that's good to know. I just wondered if the genetic difference created any health problems or risks, such as fairer skinned people being more prone to skin cancer...I am so fascinated by this.
  6. So are "red factor" greys just as healthy as typical greys?
  7. There is a really good thread about bringing a baby bird home... I can't remember the exact topic though, it's very recent. How old is he/she?
  8. I suggest reading the thread about instinct and detachment. That topic is discussed there pretty thoroughly. Hannah
  9. Read the instinct and detachment thread. They answered my similar questions there.
  10. Thanks, Debbie, that helps a lot. I am really looking forward to your perspective. Karma for you.
  11. Beyond vitamins, the advice that I've gotten is to add palm oil to food for skin/feather health. You can get it at Walmart or any drugstore. My breeder gives her birds calcium water because of how dense Greys bones are. She told me they need a lot more calcium than other parrots. You are sure to get plenty of good advice here.
  12. Rockelle would call me by name...loudly. The first time she yell "HANNAH" I nearly fell over.
  13. Rockelle was 23 when I was her foster mom, so she already had a huge vocab. She learned my name in days and would use it often. Here are some of my favorites of her other words/sounds: -Bomb noise (no explosion) - coughing (she would hold her claw up to her mouth, I had a cold for a while that summer) - Microwave noise (which she would often do as a joke to my stepmom) - Entire phone conversation. - COME HERE NOW!!! - Grapes - Wind noises with swaying (We lived in FL and she had lived through major hurricanes)
  14. Remember, training is just getting them to duplicate wanted behaviors, so starting young is just fine. Make it as fun as possible, and a bonding time b/w you and your bird. I know it's not the same, but when I hand raise my puppies (which I've had 3 litters in the past 4 years) They know their name, how to sit, and "spin" by the time they are weaned, because it's a game we play every day.
  15. Here's an opposite for you. When we lived in FL our cockatiels were in an aviary on our screened in porch. Our male knew lots of phrases and songs including the "tripoli" song from the navy?!? Anywho, one day we heard MOCKING BIRDS singing the song. Our cockatiel was teaching wild birds to sing a new song. HA!
  16. My background is in child development, and your post really struck a chord in my mind. Greys are often compared to the mentality of a 3-5 year old child, young er greys are of coarse younger. 2-3 year old human children are known for "self talk" when they are practicing their new language by themselves before they talk confidently in front of older children or parents. I assume that your grey is simply trying out the new vocab. He will talk to you when he feels confident enough to do so.
  17. Wow! I've never seen that before. That's so cool.
  18. Debbie, I love the name Radar. I am a HUGE M*A*S*H fan. I am really looking forward to reading about your Grey, because he has life experience. The CAG that I fostered was 23 and definitely queen of the house. If I wasn't paying attention to her she would call me by name until I came over. I am sure that Radar will accept the toy in his own time. Good job being patient. Hannah
  19. Chicbird, Welcome. I am from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the US. I am expecting my baby grey soon. Welcome to the forum. I am very excited to hear your baby stories, since mine will be very young when she comes home also.
  20. I am so excited to look for cheap alternatives now. A little creativity goes a long way. YaY!!!
  21. I don't have my grey yet, but my cockatiel, Johnny used to pick the dead skin off my feet :blush: The first time he did it, I was shocked, but I liked that he was grooming me.
  22. Welcome, Toadbaby. Read as much as you can. You'll learn a ton. And don't be afraid to ask questions, everyone is very helpful. Looking forward to seeing you around. Hannah
  23. I found the food. Thankfully it's not very expensive. :laugh: I like that hint about spoon feeding, LMG, that would make giving meds a lot easier. I will definitely keep that in mind.
  24. Laurie, Lincoln logs are very heavily treated with chemicals. I would be concerned giving my bird something with those kinds of stains etc... same reason you kept the artificial fragrance away. Unfortunatley, I have tasted a lincoln log, and they definitley leave a distinct flavor. side note: did anyone else put tissue paper on your tongue to feel it tingle? :laugh: Talk about unhealthy chemicals. Hahaha.
  25. Leon, Welcome. I am fairly new to this forum, but have already learned so much. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Everyone is very willing to give amazing advice. Have fun!
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