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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. Are natural oil fragrances just as bad? We have an oil warmer because I have asthma, and oil warmers don't cause me to flare up.
  2. I am so excited for the flying phase. It sounds like your girl has a great time. What method did you use for potty training? That's one thing I really want to do well. -Hannah
  3. I agree that no manufactured food is a replacement for natural food, but for convenience of not having to constantly replace fresh food, and giving quality fresh food when you can, I can definitely see the benefits. LMG, is that info right from their site? Or do you just rehearse that response a lot? lol.
  4. Haha. I thought to many sunflower seeds and peanuts were to fatty for CAGs. Is that not true? I will go to the website and look at the ingredients I guess.
  5. Glad I could be of help. I am finding a lot of useful info. in my child development background. It's sweet!!! Make sure you don't clip your baby's wings for at least a year or two, or at least till she can fly and land proficiently, because it has MAJOR cognitive affects. Kind of like babies needing to crawl and explore. I'm not sure how I can get you the article, because it is a pdf that is to big to post on this site apparently. PM me if you want me to send it e-mail or something. -Hannah
  6. Thanks Danmcq, That helps a lot. I see what you mean about availability. I know that Harrisons is a brand used a lot, and I think that it will probably be just as easy to add in the healthy fruits and veggies that this brand offers. Thanks for your feedback. - Hannah
  7. Hey guys. I need some more feedback on this brand. Has anyone used it? What do you think of the site? The food contents? Thanks a ton. - Hannah
  8. Most ink used in books and newspapers is soy based. (I know because I am allergic to it...hehehe) So it's totally safe. The color ink is different, but most paper backs don't have color pictures, just the cover. My 23 year old CAG mulched one of my brothers college books in minutes, when I wasn't paying enough attention. Hahaha. He wasn't very happy.
  9. Hey Taylor. I am early childhood development professional, and I think I have some tips for you. Greys follow very similar development patterns as human toddlers, and one thing that happens around 8-10 months for human babies is something called separation awareness. Basically, because they now know that mom and dad exist, even when they are out of sight, they know that they are gone when they are out of sight. This is the stage that even the most socialized babies might have a little trouble trusting other people than their parents. You are doing the right thing by wanting to socialize her. Do you belong to any groups that might not mind if every once in a while your bird tags along? How about the mall? Depending on regulations of coarse, and not going at a super busy time of day. The more experiences they get while young the better. Anywho, just a few suggestions. I have a really cool article on object permanence (the whole parent thing) and Greys if you are interested. I found it absolutely amazing. Hope I helped. -Hannah
  10. Wow, you've got quite the challenge on your hands. I'm sure that with your love and patience you will be able to give these greys a secure, loving relationship.
  11. Andrew, I watched the Tui videos. Loved 'em!!! I love the bond you two have. I am hoping to build the same active, learning bond with my new baby grey.
  12. Hey guys, I doing some random searches and came upon this brand of parrot food, bird-elicious, www.bird-elicious.com has anyone ever heard of them or used them? They look like they could be very decent, and they make different mixes for different species. I was just wondering how this compares to pellets. If some of you who've had greys a long while could read the site over and let me know what you think, I would greatly appreciate the feedback. Thanks, Hannah
  13. Joe. Awesome work!!! will the hanging ones be full assembled? How do you securely hang it to your ceiling?
  14. Welcome, Carissa!!! I am a former Floridian living in the beautiful UP of Michigan. We are looking forward to hearing more from you. - Hannah
  15. Hi Tina. My name is Hannah and I am just about to Graduate with my Bach in Early Childhood development, so your son and I would get along. Hehe. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Hey Stuart, As far as feeding and such, to my understanding, feeding your bird seeds as the main diet is like humans eating mcdonald's all of the time. Very fatty and not very many nutrients. Pellets are a good way to have consistency and convenience. Make sure he is also getting plenty of fresh options, such as fruits and veggies. He will eat when he is hungry. So keep fresh food and water around and he will do the rest. I've noticed some grey owners on this forum make a special point to make special meals for their greys, which is very cool, but not nutritionally necessary in my opinion. As for the clipping issue, like dbhelix suggested, there are many different oppionions. Mine is (after they get control) do what i s safe for you and your bird. Take care. Hannah
  17. Hi Sarah. I understand about your Grey being your baby boy. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility, and God has brought me animals at some of my lowest times. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  18. Welcome Stuart. Everyone here is very friendly and wants the best for you and your bird. I am excited to hear more about your grey.
  19. I have 3 cats and 3 dogs and am getting my baby grey in January. I am not concerned about the cats because two of them are absolute chickens and the other is as gentle as can be. I talked to my breeder and she told me that one of her greys is best friends with her big tom cat. The cat tried to bat the bird, and the bird bit that cat once, and the cat never troubled the bird again. Ha! The key is supervision, and not taking anything for granted. Just like children, if you leave them unsupervised, eventually something will happen.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my precious cockatiel to a sudden death, and I cried for days. How have you been remembering and honoring him?
  21. Hi Siobha, and welcome. Ireland is definitely somewhere I have to visit before to long. Lots of family history there. Glad to have you with us, and I am looking forward to more interesting stories about Liathe. -Hannah
  22. Welcome, Sandy. Ask as many questions as you can here, b/c these people have a wealth of knowledge. Can't wait to hear more from you. Hannah
  23. Welcome John. You obviously have a big heart for this bird. I love the name Alfie. Hopefully after some TLC and good nutrition he/she will bounce right back. Blessings to you both, Hannah
  24. Thankfully my breeder weans her babies onto pellets, so hopefully the transition will be easy. I will definitely give those companies a call for samples. Thanks guys. Hannah
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