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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your tragedy. I hope they all made it some how. Greys are amazing birds, unlike any other. It sounds like you have lots of experience, so if you are ready for a perpetual three year old, GO FOR IT!!! Can't wait to hear more from you. Hannah
  2. I agree, if he has perches to groom with, and it's not interfering with anything, it sounds like it's okay the way it is. Does he get enough calcium?
  3. Hannah_Rae


    Good Job!!! Isn't it exciting to hear the first signs of success???
  4. That is a great method. We will have to use it for computer cords too, since that is my husband's profession. Yay apple bitter!
  5. I would love to see a video of that!
  6. A cement perch should do the trick. They will groom their beaks themselves. -Hannah
  7. I fostered a 23 year old CAG that reacted a very similar way. I had bite bruises all over my arms. What I did is put a towel on my arm when I needed to get her out of her cage, and she seemed less intimidated by that than my bare hand, and rarely bit it. Once she was out of the cage she was fine. I just don't think she was a morning bird. Hope this helps. Hannah
  8. Oh yeah, an aviator suit doesn't really have fabric, it's more like a dog harness, and allows for really good flight freedom. The flight suit has fabric, and of coarse the poop pouch.
  9. Oh no, that's not to late, but you need to work with touching her. She needs to trust you. Also, you need to be able to examine her close enough to catch any health issues.
  10. My baby's not here yet, but I have a few names picked out. If it's a female (which I am hoping for) her name will be Lolovivi, which means love lives on forever in some African language, and if it's a boy either Rafiki (friend) or Juji (joy of my heart) All of our animals have unique names, mostly Hebrew and Greek.
  11. I am really hoping to get my baby well potty trained, but since they don't have that anatomic control at first, the flight suit seems like a good thing. Also, they look pretty. I loved watching all the videos on the site. My sister and husband think I am nuts. Hehehe.
  12. Thanks Debstein, I am learning as much as I can, annoying my husband in the process. I'm glad you can benefit from my obsession. Hehehe. - Hannah
  13. x-wide for CAGS, right? Do you use the liners? Or do you just wash em?
  14. I am checking it out now. There are so many cool designs.
  15. Hey Everyone, I found an awesome site with every bird supply under the sun. They have a product called Flight suits, which are birdie harnesses with a "poop pouch" in them, to keep you clean. Has anyone ever used them? And can they be used with a leash like harnesses? -Hannah ps. The site is www.mybirdstore.com I had so much fun on it today. Hehehe.
  16. Andrew, If you go RVing, try to make it up here to the UP of Michigan. It is one of the most beautiful places in the lower 48. From what I've seen, the landscape isn't that different than New Zealand. We have more lakes per capata than anywhere else in the country, and some beautiful water falls. Just make sure you come after May, because otherwise there may still be snow on the ground. Unless you like snow. My baby will still be very young, but a play date with an older grey might be fun. - Hannah ps. Sorry if I sounded like a travel agent. Hehehe.
  17. Welcome!!! He's so beautiful!!! I am so jealous. I just found out my baby won't be here for a while. Looking forward to hearing more from you. -Hannah
  18. We can see it, but it's to small to see detail.
  19. Hey, welcome! Where are you from? I love how we have Grey owners from all over the world here.
  20. Hey, welcome!!! Make sure to ask whatever you can, these guys are great!!!
  21. Go to the link that zandische posted above, it answers that pretty clearly. There are different opinions, but I know that I am very sensitive to scents, so things safe for me are at least safer than other products. What about fire places? Obvious the safety issues can be handled if the fireplace has natural safety guards, but no fireplace is 100% smoke proof.
  22. Thanks for the tips. I know it will take patience, but I know my husband (and my carpet) will appreciate the effort. -Hannah
  23. lol. Yeah, baking always does the trick. Thanks for the Link.
  24. I'm so sorry that Mikka lost the fight. It was so evident how much you loved that precious bird. Comfort and peace to you. -Hannah
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