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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Happy to return the morning laugh Judy!!
  2. Beccy - How right you are! I have no doubt that Dayo will out live Me, unless I live to a 120....If he lived 70 Years. I have already discussed with Kim, that we will need to include Dayo in our will so there is no doubt who will be responsible for him. It will of course be one of my Son's. Both of which have met Dayo and will be interacting with him over the years.
  3. Oh My God Ice!! I would have never thought of them chewing through something like that. That is scary, I can see they need to be watched at all times in that case.:ohmy: I guess the motto here is - evrything is a potential chew toy!!
  4. I have a younger brother and a half Sister older than I.
  5. Judy - Your Drawers are full of T-Shirts? LOL - Yes I know what you meant, thanks for the morning laugh again :woohoo:
  6. A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country. ~~~ Well, there's a very simple answer. ~~~ Nobody bothered to check the oil. ~~~ We just didn't know we were getting low. ~~~ The reason for that is purely geographical. ~~~ Our OIL is located in ~~~ ALASKA ~~~ California ~~~ Coastal Florida ~~~ Coastal Louisiana ~~~ Kansas ~~~ Oklahoma ~~~ Pennsylvania and Texas ~~~ Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington, DC !!! Any Questions ??? NO? I didn't Think so!! :woohoo:
  7. Darin - I just noticed that this is your first post on the Forum..WELCOME!!!:laugh: We are glad you joined are forum, that as you can see is very active with caring and experienced members that all consider themselves Family here. Keep those questions coming !! You may also want to introduce yourself on the Welcome Topic where we all watch for new members :-)
  8. xxbeccyxx wrote: Oh Great :ohmy: just what I needed to hear, as the president of the "Bite Me" club Anymore good news?
  9. Nice tattoo Beccy ! Fairy and Beccy, I'll let Kim (DayosMom) know she needs to check out your replies....she's been busy at work.
  10. LOL FairY - Thats ok, I know how that goes. I appreciate your interest in this and tomorrow we will see how the vote comes out :-)
  11. Beccy and Talon - Thanks for your experiences and thoughts on this. I can see, just as children, not two Greys are alike. I will experiment with Dayo's time out and time in the Cage and see how he acclimates to it. Maybe he just didn't want to go in the Cage because presently he is in a cage for 20 - 22 hours a day at the breeders and figures he is OWED more time out right now :-) I'll see how it goes. I just can't wait until Saturday comes! It's hard to put and leave them in the cage when they "Pant" like a nursing baby looking for the (ahem) nipple. I just love that sound :-) So again, thanks for all this input!
  12. Dayo likes Nutriberries, Human grade unsalted Peanuts in the shell, GRAPES ( need to limit ) and Cheerios :-)
  13. I think Beccy's example shoes me I need to put Dayo in the Cage on and off through the day. The reason I say this, is when we had to go to a Birthday party on Saturday @ 4, he did not want to go int the cage. I had to hold his toes clamped down to set him in it and then close the door real quick before he could climb back out :woohoo: I am taking 2 weeks vacation starting next Monday, so I will be home ALL the time. I think I will let him out, play for an hour or so and then back in the Cage for an hour etc. What do you all think? Kind of like raising your first born and not having any experience :side:
  14. Thanks or the advice and update. I will need to do this with Dayo from the onset, instead of having him out the entire time I'm home :-)
  15. Thats a funny and interesting Photo Frankie :-) Thanks for posting it.
  16. danmcq

    'nuther vid

    Thanks for the video and the great idea of feeding them baby food by spoon. We will have to do this for Dayo when he comes home. About seven Saturday night, he started acting anxious to be fed. When we got him to the breeder, she fed him, but he just wanted a little, then he was done. Must be a habit with them when they are weaning...Kind of like a security blanket or something to them?
  17. Funny Sound effects !! Thanks for posting another video, it was fun watching it. :laugh:
  18. Thanks Lidia :-) Yes, Killer is the only one like that. I was reviewing photos of the weekly shoots I did on visits and noticed that "Killer" was always standing back away from the rest of the Clutch, just watching them all romp around, play with toys and try pieces of fruit. Everytime we visit, he is standing in the back of the cage, just watching while the others all run to the front for attention. It is my opinion, that this Grey should be used as a breeder, not for sale to a new home. I think the Breeder is with me on that same thought. Yes, let the fun begin!!! :woohoo:
  19. HA! Ice - I almost didn't post that Dayo Liked the Furby. Now I am glad I did :laugh: It seems baby or young Grey's like them. It might freak out a more mature Grey, thats not used to having a Toy move, make noises and Talk.:woohoo:
  20. Your Pic is Great! Yes, guess I better go buy a 5 pack of cheap t-shirts :laugh:
  21. Thanks Judy and Tricky. Yes, I think Dayo is as ready to come home, as we are to have him here :woohoo: One more Pic from yesterday: Dayo - Checking out Cage and Home.... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/30 01:15
  22. Nice photo Judy! It's great to see your smiling and pretty Face. :-) Of course, both your Parrots are lookers too!!
  23. Continue looking for him in the direction you last saw him Fly. He may stay up in a tree for a day, but once he gets really hungry, he will come down to you if he can see you. This happened a a few times to customers of my breeder and they were fortunate enough to find and monitor their Parrots until they came down. Put, the word out around your neighborhood ASAP if you can't spot him!! You can't mistake a Grey. Oh God, I'm am so sorry for you and Rocky. I sure hope you find him or he won't survive for more than a few days. You hang tough Bro!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/29 22:38
  24. Judy - Glad I finally got to return the Laugh! IF, I figure out how build one or purchase a mini saddle, I will definitely post the picture. I was telling Kim earlier, in place of the saddle horn, will be a mini perch for him to hang on to with his Beak. The T-Shirt for Dayo is a must, I have one already that he claimed by chewing a few holes and of course relieving himself :ohmy: which is normal :laugh:
  25. Miltie, It does indeed seem like forever and with you being so far away, only visiting once a month makes it even harder. But, you have a wonderful set of pictures and the memories until the next time. The time will go by fast, as I felt the same as you when I first saw the new Grey Clutch and was told weaning would be 2 months. I know joining this forum and reading of the adventures of all the other members here, has made it much more bearable. For me, reading others posts, was seeing a vision of things to come.....and that always made me smile. You hang in there and thanks for sharing your visit and photo of your new baby Grey :-) Karma + for You!!
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