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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hello Tari, You are straight to the point :-) Sounds like you have had a tough road to follow. Yet, look how you project yourself here on the Forum as a great and caring friend to all!! I hope your Liver problem this time is manageable with proper Drug treatment. Thanks for being here on this Forum and sharing your time and knowledge with us! :laugh:
  2. dblhelix - You are a very interesting fellow :-) Bio-Techonolgy was really becoming the HOT start-up in the Bay Area as the .com bomb took place and all the VC's lost Billions in what I kept saying was "Vaporware". You had a couple of young college grads in an office with a PC and small server and a website...then VC's would dump Tons of money into it hoping it would take off...1,000's didn't. So I Watched many of my professional affiliates lose jobs and stay unemployed for up to two years :-( Even though they were some of the most talented and brilliant engineers in the country. Bio-Tech started taking off, and some were lucky enough to land engineering jobs to develop advanced robotics to automate many mundane tasks.. So you are in a great field and it sound's to me like your are a "Problem Solver" helping those so close to the minute details, they can't see the HUGE issue that's blocking their progress. That's my function now as well and I must say I enjoy it much more than the "Detail Work" also. :-) It also sounds like you have a well balanced life between work and play! Thanks for the great post!! Very interesting and we could start talking "Tech", but it would probably put most here to sleep :woohoo:
  3. Hi Tricky, Well I sure like the thought of the musical portions description of the partridge family. Do you all play together or just Jam? I know when young as you, it seems NORING, but it sounds like you have some exciting times on the Water! Maine Coons are HUGE cats with good personalities. Australia is a good goal to shoot for even if visiting, much less your dream of working with animals there. Keep the dream alive...It's a Great One. :woohoo: I spent 3 weeks there installing some vision systems and robotics. I did get to see some of it, but not as much as I would have liked too, as having to work 10 hours most days in various cites across the country. Thanks for posting this !!!
  4. Judy - :blush: For once you left me speechless... Your welcome!:laugh:
  5. Hello Sara and Welcome! Congratulations on getting your CAG shortly! I know your anxiety, I am picking my Baby CAG up this Saturday that I have been visiting for the last 6 weeks We named ours Dayo, which is an African Name meaning "Joy Arrives". We did an Internet search for African Names and went through several lists before deciding on it. Everyone has different ways and reasons for picking a name for their CAG, so you will get many responses one this question Again welcome to this forum and our Family here! You will find we are a very close community willing to help and provide feedback as best we can.
  6. Beccy. Wow you have been through a lot for such a Young Lady ! It shows just how strong and determined you are :-) It sounds like you have enjoyed a couple of great cruises and seen sights many never will. What wonderful times to cherish. I would imagine you are getting anxious to get on with your life, education and career now that things are turning more towards normal. I appreciate this post and know that you have many Decades a head in which you have to look forward to the great adventure in life ahead :woohoo:
  7. Judy, That's a great story and history! It sounds like you have enjoyed your life, though tough at times, as all experience. What an accomplishment in going to College that late in life. That is rare and say's tons about you !! Your absolutely right, your life experience and common sense make up for everything. A High Level College degree does not make a person "Smart" or even intellectual. It is pretty much a statement that you completed classes on certain subjects and passed at whatever grade point level. It does give the young a quick start in a career, but is no guarantee that they truly are good at it or even have common sense. Believe, I have met some highly degreed individuals in my career, that were worthless in their field and just asked to move on to another company... Never sell yourself short! Your a wonderful person, well spoken and I consider you highly intelligent :laugh: Thanks for sharing this!!
  8. Wow Lidia, You REALLY get around! How interesting your stay on Delos sounds wonderful and intriguing. I would love to see some of your Photo's here that you have taken. I would bet you have tons of them from over the years. Please share some of the ones that you consider most interesting or rare shots. :-) We were stationed in Wurzburg, which is only 60 km from Frankfurt. We really enjoyed traveling the country side and visiting castles and meeting people in local Guesthouses. Anyway, your post is anything but boring!! What an adventure you live and I can only imagine the Digs you have been on! Thanks Lidia!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/01 14:57
  9. Wow these ar great ideas on Juices..thanks. I tried giving Dayo some Orange Juice on Saturday. He tried two drinks..on each drink when he pulled his beak out of the juice he would shake his head like a Dog.... I wound up with all the Juice on my Face :woohoo: So much for trying OJ again .....
  10. Hi All, To perhaps get to know one another better, I thought it might be cool to just post some of our life experiences and trades or hobbies we've picked up along the way. So here's a few of mine: Raised on Ranch\Farm first 12 years then moved into the City. Tried riding a Cow when I was 5 that was laying down in the barn...it stood up, I fell off end of Rodeo career..:woohoo: Learned to drive on my Dad's tractors and and old pick-up from about 12. First Car was in pieces, had to put it back together including engine assembly before I could drive it> I'll bet you never had a garage mechanic get your car going that fast :-) Love Cars..Had a 57 2 dr Ford Fairlane with a 410 cubic inch Edsel engine it. Had a 61 Chevy Impala 2dr, a 58 Corvette 283 and 3 deuces (Carburetors) on it Yeee Haaaw Love Motocross, especially with my Son's when they learned to ride. There is no that creates more adrenalin than climbing a vertical hill face 200 feet or jumping Waa Hoo after several years and Son's left the nest, sold the Bikes ... Built a Tubular Dune Buggy from scratch, rebuilt and bored out the VW engine, placed dual Weber 40 carbs on it, turning brakes and ran 24 inch wide Paddle tires on the back...oh yeah climb those Sand Dunes Military - 1971 - 1978 US Air Defense - Stationed in Germany 5 years as Electronic Field Engineer on Radar and Missile Tracking Systems. Our second son was born in Germany. Boating, have a V Hull 21ft Chevy 350 powered boat that is great for just going fast, pulling tubers, skiers and fishing...The whole family has fun !! Presently have a 2001 Camaro SS (only 851 made in 2001) Kim bought it for me on Fathers day 2002 :-) Oh Yeah, it's Faaaasssssstttt :woohoo: Love Back Packing for days in Mountains with my Son's...Kim went once on a very short one and only comment was "You Call this Fun??" :ohmy: er yes dear..ahem nuff said Had Fresh Water Tropical Fish for Years 200 gallon and 100 gallon tanks. Bred Striped and Gold Lace Angel's and Siamese Fighters and Guppies (like who can't stop them from breeding) Well that's enough for now to give you guys a very short background and experiences of mine. Now lets hear yours my extended Family!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  11. All- Mandi asked that I post this for her: hiya dan its mandi . I have to go bk in hospital yet again dont know how long it will be this time could be a few weeks maybe a few days who knows. I really done it this time . I fell out of bed and done me left hip in now my foot has turned inwards and will need to be pulled round to normal again . Buddy will be with steve again . please can you let others know thanks mandi. Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. You can stop her from climbing up your Arm for example, by simply holding her on your hand held horizontal with your arm bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle. Which means she would need to climb down your forearm to get towards your shoulder. They will normally only walk along your arm if it is flat towards your shoulder. Also, if your arm is flat and she starts to walk towards your shoulder, simply place your other hand to block her path to your shoulder. As gentle as this Grey seems, you are probably not in danger, but should just use common sense and be cautious when she is on your shoulder. She sure sounds like a will behaved and gentle Girl to be interacting with you and your family the way you have described! Others here will also chime in with there great advise and opinions :-)
  13. Paully, That is a great relief for you and ALL of us here! :woohoo: Just know that out hearts sank and we were filled with fear and anxiety right along with you Bro. This is such a good ending for you and Rocky. I am certain he is as happy to be home as you are to have him! I really doubt that he hung out with pigeons. They would be fearful of him, but getting a checkup as others here have recommended would be a good precaution to ensure he is in good health. Keep us posted on Rocky, we all love him just as if he was our own! :woohoo:
  14. LOL - Thanks Judy!! Yes, my head is so full of information I have received from this forum that it is a few days behind on processing it all. I figure by Saturday, I should have it all processed, categorized and filed by order of age appropriateness, validity, priority, feeding, training and playing ..... It will be just like dealing with my children...I see the look in your eyes and know your thoughts, been there...done that, just back away slowly and no one will get hurt :evil:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/01 11:58
  15. These are ll Great Photos Heather and I really like the different color patterns on them! How does your Grey get a long with them or do you keep them seperated completely? You have been one of the biggest contributors in both posts and comments!! Karma + to you!! :laugh:
  16. Oh great, Ive got Two Routers, DSL Modem, Voip Work Phone, House Phone\Answering machine and countless other devices with wires everywhere....UGH Guess I will need to train Dayo to just leave them alone because they are EVIL...everytime he touches one, a mysterious shot of water hits him from no where or something unpleasant that he won't see coming :evil: I am going to have to watch and consider how he is around these items.... Thanks for the heads up!!
  17. Hi Rebecca, I sounds like you are in the same CAG ownership stage I am ! I'm going to give Dayo his first bath this Saturday....probably much to his dismay :ohmy: This may be the first new thing he is going to experience that he does not like. We'll see...... I'm hoping he decides to like baths :-)
  18. Thanks Lidia - Looks like I need to purchase some more clothes to wear around Dayo.....most of my clothes have one or more of the above listed Items :laugh:
  19. danmcq


    Yes, thanks for that follow up on Sisal. I will be certain to watch for any chew marks on his Multi-Colored Rope I have in the cage..just as most Grey owners do also. :woohoo:
  20. Oh Boy, Now I have another project to do! I'll bet it doesn't take long for them to bite through a cord either with those power Beaks. Guess we will just have to be responsible Parents AGAIN
  21. Hi Darin, Thanks for posting your introduction here :-) You and your wife certainly made the right decision in getting a CAG! It sounds like you are already enjoying him immensely. We love to see photo's here, so when you get a chance maybe you could post some :woohoo:
  22. This is all great information folks! I can't wait to start working with Dayo on the Harness. dblhelix - If you could take a photo of your damaged hand and become a member of the Parrot "Bite Club" then post the Photo, it may become the T-Shirt bitten hand :-) Pwease Pwease Pwease :woohoo:
  23. I agree Judy! Dayo probably does not understand the term "Step Up" yet, but both Kim and I use it every time time we pick up, play ladder climbing or transfer Dayo to one another or a perch. I'm certain, that even at 13 weeks old, he is intelligent enough to pick up on the correlation quickly.
  24. danmcq


    Connie Quote: "Sisal rope is one that accidentally gets eaten by some birds, and fills the crop of slow/undigestable fibers, resulting in death!" This is the first I have read of this. :ohmy: Most sites recommend Sisal Rope over cotton due to the frayed string danger of entanglement. Are you certain of this?
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