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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Percysmom, That is a beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet! :-)
  2. LOL Nick!!! :-) So she does talk, just not saying what you wish for her to say? I wonder where in the World she got that from . ;-) Just keep repeating what you want her to say and evenually she probably will. :-)
  3. I hadn't seen the video, but read of it on the Forum. It is a real shame.....with no updates on the news so far. Thanks for posting this Mark!!
  4. Wish granted, but the Bansai grew one night high into the heavens. The giant came down crushing everything in sight. I wish I could live to 5000 years old.
  5. Very nice Photos Melissa! You are really perfecting your talents! :-)
  6. Great Nick, We'll look forward to them!!
  7. Welcome Bigbull! It's great to have you join our Forum. You will find we are very interested in each other and especially their Greys. There are several topics posted on Training a Grey to Talk already existing on this Forum. You might want to search through them for a little overview. :-) Most of it is repeating the same word or sentence in direct correlation to what you want it associated to. A simple example would be when you walk into the Cage room and say "Hello". Your Grey will pick up that verbiage and associate it with your or others arriving in the Room. You should also Post the question directly related to Training in the "Training" room where many members go to talk about those related matters. Also, when you get a chance, we love photos here. So if you are able, please post photos of your Grey . :-) Again welcome and we look forward to hearing from you often!!
  8. Hi donste2287 I am sorry to hear of your loss. :-( But, now it seems with your new Baby Grey, you have plenty of activity to fill your time. :-) It sounds like you are making progress in gaining his trust little by little. Which would be expected from what you have told us. Just the little moments, that you get to spend with him near is a trust building session each time. This will continue to grow at a rate proportional to the amount of time you spend with him. We are an active forum family here, as you have noticed and normally respond within minutes of a new post. :-) So, anytime you just want to talk and share your new experiences with your baby or have a question, please do so! That's what we are all here for. We look forward to your following posts :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/17 16:58
  9. LOL - Right angled earrings...could start a fad :-) But, the Genie heard you wish, but knowing the little Devils they are, He gives you Dumbo Ears!! The good news, is now you can fly with Joshua!! I wish the Detective following me would get hit by I car. I don't want him viewing me picking out a 200G aquarium for my Jungle Room that Kim knows nothing about.
  10. Celery, I can picture that! Please post a photo of it!!! :-)
  11. You are all too kind! I have been here, but a few months. There are others that have been here much longer than I and contributed vast quantities of knowledge that is beyound mine. So lets hear a shout for all those veterans here, that established this Forum and made it what it is today!!
  12. From what I have found on the web, many of the Greys actually live in the Palms, which they return to in the evenings after being out foraging during the Day. The shredding of the Palm Seed is enjoyable, but more importantly, is the Oil contained in the fibrous substance surrounding the Pit itself which is normally discarded. There are some indications that the Palm Oil is perhaps a cure for household Grey Feather plucking. It has also been noted as an aphrodisiac that induces breeding. It seems many owners here in the US, purchase Palm Oil and add it to their food. It is a main staple of the Grey's that live near Palm tree rich lands. They also go out and pillage local Maze crops, much to the owners discontent. But, when facing a flock of hundreds of Wild Greys, what are you going to do? ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/17 14:49
  13. I cover Dayo and Jake (Conure) at night also as Judy. They quite right down even with activities taking place in the house for hours afterwards. In fact, once they get on schedule, you'll probably notice behaviours indicating they are ready for bed and your running off schedule :-) My conure will hang at a 70 degree angle off his perch indicating he is ready to be covered! Dayo, my 16 week old Grey, has yet to display a "Ready for Bed" behaviour. He is like a human baby...you can see him "Fighting" going to sleep, even though his eyes are blinking and He's yawning :-)
  14. Nellie wrote: Hi Nellie, My first question would be, what type of foods do you presently give him? You can provide a wide variety. Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Seeds. For a complete list of ideas on foods, you should go read all the posts in the Foods Room here. Many members post with topics on what their Grey likes and how they vary the foods from meal to meal, day to day. Your Grey will not hate you for adding some excitement to his meal times, that he may not have presently. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/17 12:48
  15. Hi Makena, The only thing I can see that may be missing, is to ensure you have a carrier for your Grey with some toys in it. You may already own one, but I thought I should mention it. :-)
  16. Hi deamarhut, It's good to hear that things are progressing with Buddy. His wanting scratches while your are trying to get him to step up is ok. He sounds like a sweet guy that wants some good loving before he starts working :-) Your patience and love will pay off, as it has a little already. Your searching through this forums threads and reading the topics is commendable and shows your love and determination to give Buddy a good, safe permanent home. We enjoy hearing from you! I would encourage you to post any and all questions you still have or may just need clarification on to this Forum. Since you are a "Family" member here now, we truly wait with anticipation for your next update to hear of Buddy's progress. Post some photos of him when you get a chance. We love photos! :woohoo:
  17. That's great news Geoff! He sounds like quite the character and swiftly on his way to speaking his first word. It sounds like he is calibrating his speech! :-) Thanks for taking the time to post, I know you are cramming now in school and wish you the best. Keep em coming, we love em :-)
  18. CD - It may be hard to believe, but I am speechless!! Thank You all for being my Friends and Family on this Forum....I look forward to much more enjoyable time here! I humbly bow to you all..... {Characters-00020078}
  19. Thanks Joe!! We'll be watching for it. :-)
  20. All your words are too kind. I appreciate being a member here and obviously enjoy it immensely. We all do create a synergy that is unequalled on other Grey Forums I have belonged to. Thank You all for being what I consider Friends and Family :-)
  21. Hahahahahahahahahaha You two are too much!!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  22. Hmmmm, I never really have that problem Tari ;-)
  23. LOL - Yes, I drove my Parents CRAZY taking everything a part :woohoo: My Father purchased an old Car engine when I was 10, just so I could take it a part and see how it worked. He was a Great Father......... :cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 23:59
  24. That is great Melissa, I would imagine your Brother will have "Sparky" trained in no time to live up to his name. :-) Great photos too, He is a very good looking Parakeet!
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