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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Tari is right on. Just like us Humans, some people we just "Click" with and others just rub us the wrong way. :-) The best thing you could do for your Grey, would be to introduce him to as many people, situations, outings and toys as possible. The more change he becomes accustomed to, the more socialized and happy fellow he will be.
  2. lovemyGreys wrote: You are a wealth of knowledge and good contributor to this Forum. Thanks for being so active and caring!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/08/19 18:19
  3. Your dream comes true and you rally all us Forumites to start a new City Called GreyForums Ville. WE all live there in the wire mesh encapsulated City which allows us to all free fly our Greys and never clip again BUT.....The Forum Gods become angered at the lack of posts! WE all commune together and talk, dine and call each other and quit posting. The Forum Gods direct a huge Meteor at Greyforums Ville that leaves a magnificent Crater where our City and all forumites once walked and lived. I wish I could find a way off the Island and finally reach Cameroon to study the Grey's.
  4. Hello Mandi!! It's great to hear from you and know that you are now back at home with all your loved ones. :-) Steve did great in keeping us updated on your progress and how things were going with all your animals and Grey. We'll all be looking forward to hearing from you more now.
  5. danmcq

    Basil Tip

    Thanks Makena, I'm getting some first thing this morning! :-)
  6. Hi Makena, The weight range you posted is normal. As young as your Grey is, are you sure he isn't just crunching them up and letting the crumbs and pieces just fall? The reason I ask, is Dayo has his head in one of the 3 different food bowls constantly also. But, when I check the cage floor, most of it has been shredded or crunched into pieces and let fall. But, as you are already planning, the Vet will advise you. :-)
  7. HI Makena, The link seems to be a Palm Tree toy. Insearching their website for Palm Nuts, I could not find any for sale. Thanks for the link though! :-) Let us know how your Grey likes the Palm Nuts.
  8. OH!! Karma ++ to you for this :-)
  9. This is a great post lovemygreys! Since you speak from personal experience of the consequences of not quarantining, it emphasizes to those believing it's not necessary, that it can and will happen.....sometime. Thanks for posting it.
  10. Unfortunately a mere Human cannot repsir carnage of this magnitude. So it remains as is for eternity. I wish I could take an extended trip to African and study the Wild Grey's in their natural habitat.
  11. Hi lovemybird, Thanks for the update on your new Grey. It sounds like you two were made for each other. :-) You have made good progress in familiarizing her with the Aviator and I'll bet you have already been on some outings with it? The travel carrier you described sounds wonderful. I have not seen that carrier at the Petsmart here, but will check online for it. As dblhelix pointed you to the topic link on to Clip or not, if you have any questions or comments, please post them. You know we all like to give our opinions! ;-) Please post some photos when you get a chance, we love them.:woohoo:
  12. Congratulations on getting your new Grey home! Thanks for posting the Photos and information on her. We look forward to hearing more on your adventures with her and seeing more photos. :laugh:
  13. Thats wise of you Toni. You need to play it by EAR ;-)
  14. danmcq

    My Grey

    TONI!!! Thats a Great Name....When do you get to bring HIM home?
  15. Thanks Judy, While waiting to see what pans out in the way of obtaining fresh Palm Nuts, I am going to purchase the oil and give it as you do. :-) It seems many people give it to their Greys.
  16. I like that cage Celery, Thanks!!
  17. Wow lovemygreys, good tips on getting the shell off!! I will try it also, the next time we boil some eggs. :-)
  18. LOL - It sounds like every Grey has it's own personality just like us Humans. :-) Tari - Taking off your shirt with your Grey attached must be one funny sight :-) No wonder you don't shoulder him! Lovemygreys - That's what your head is for, to accommodate the third Grey ;-)
  19. Well, two weeks into Dayo being home and he is a very polite shoulder sitter. :-) He gently nibbles the ear, preens the hair and tries to help my new stubby neck hairs blossom into feathers by trying to pull the sheath off. ;-) I have noticed though, that I must take him down purposefully every so often and make him stay on my Arm. He was getting to where he would get right in the middle of my back when I tried to get him down. To solve this after a couple of tries at getting him off and him running to the far side from my hand. I finally just started dumping him when he did this. What I mean by dumping is, if he runs from my hand, I bend over until he just falls or flies off my neck. Mind you, I do this at a speed that he does not have time to GRAB my shirt or fleshly appendage to stay where he is. :woohoo: After just a couple of times doing this, when I put my hand up to get him down, he either lowers his head for a neck scratch (hoping to prolong his stay) or simply steps up. Just thought I would pass on what works for me and Dayo with this issue of him wanting to stay up on the shoulder. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/18 15:18
  20. It would be interesting to see if the "Tone" of voice or sound, has anything to do with the choices of what a Grey is deciding on to mimic or not.
  21. Toni, Beak trimming is unnecessary, unless for some reason your Grey does not have sufficient chewing of hard objects such as wooden blocks, hard shelled nuts etc. The only trimming taking place is normally Nails and Wings. How much longer until you get your Grey? I am excited for you. :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/18 13:57
  22. Thanks X, Very nice photos, thanks for uploading them! :-) They look like a couple of happy campers up there, with your Baby content and asleep. :-)
  23. The Volcano God's have heard you! The Volcano's on each of the Islands erupt fiercely burying all in Lava. Where everything is entombed in hard solid Lava forever, as a reminder to all that Dreams, are Dreams and live on forever as such.....So your dreams have been eternalized :-) I wish I was the Long Haired Guy on the Island ;-)
  24. Ok, the Drinks are on me in Cabo San Lucas at Pistol Pedro's, see you all there at 4 this afternoon :-) Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/18 13:16<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/18 13:46
  25. A man can know, through watching his Wife get one fourth of her newly manicured and painted nails have a fourth of the extending portion snapped right off......I watched it happen. Oh how cute honey, look little Dayo likes to nibble on Nails, hahahah yes honey, isn't Dayo just so cute.........SNAP :ohmy: After Kim Slapped Me, Dayo, The Dogs ............. She made the trip back to have the Nail "EMERGENCY" repaired (Yes Men, it's an emergency) Dayo is no longer considered "cute" when trying to "nibble" on Nails....He is now a Bad Boy and not allowed to do so... ( The Kim slapping part was merely added for drama, no humans or animals were harmed in this made for Forum Drama ) CD was just being facetious
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