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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Kristine!! Those are wonderful photos and she's a pretty girl :-) They do love those head scratches and know how to get you to keep giving them, by picking up your finger gently or sometimes they will just shove their head under your hand if you don't pay attention to their gentle finger pick-ups. :-)
  2. Wonderful photos of Bella, Nychsa!! :-) What a character she is!!
  3. LOL - Good point Siobha. :-) I agree, to disagree with that article also. B)
  4. Hi Katb - My vote is he will fair better being with you and the new surroundings, than he will by himself 22 hours a day and 2 spent with a stranger. The trip will probably end up being an enjoyable adventure for you both. :-)
  5. That was a great and inspiring story Wendy, thanks for posting it. :-)
  6. Welcome Gus!! Wow!! 21 years is a very long time. Kick the o/h out and keep your Grey. Since that probably won't work ;-) , make sure you spend time and pay attention to your Grey as well. If he continues to scream, perhaps you could try covering his cage to let him know that the noise making is not acceptable. Then take the cover back off after 10 or 15 minutes. If he starts again, repeat the process. This is going to be trial and error, but I think you get the idea of letting him know that the behaviour is not good. :-)
  7. Wow, thats crazy. he must really be enjoying shredding that thing to pieces. :-) Greys do need Calcium, but if you are feeding him a good diet of pellets, seeds, nuts and veggies, more Calcium should not be needed. In fact too much Calcium is bad for Greys. I would personally take it out. It's hard to tell how much they are ingesting versus just ripping it and letting it fall to the cage floor.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/01 16:37
  8. That was a great video MommaFawkes. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  9. Congratulations Terri, thatB) is very cool!!
  10. Great photo of Jenna, Raposa. When do you get to bring her home? I'll bet your getting anxious. :-)
  11. Wow thats great news Rational! Your Grey is obviously in heaven now. :-) Thanks for sharing those links to ebay. I'm sure anyone looking ofr a cage or perhaps an upgrade in size will find them very useful.
  12. Yes, thats the one Tracy. It is very cool that they went to such extremes to help out a disabled CAG. It just goes to show how people really do have a heart most the time. :-)
  13. Elmo is going to be so confused now. With all the blue clothes and toys for boys like guns, hammers, drills etc. ;-) I guess we'll all have to chip in and get poor Elmo-etta some new wardrobe and toys. B)
  14. Welcome Ginger and Ozzy!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  15. Welcome jugernught!!! Sounds like you are off to a great start. :-) Looking forward to hear more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. You know your a bird person when: Your Daughter-in-Law keeps going to answer the phone... then you finally tell her "It's my CAG".... after she goes to the phone for the 4th time :ohmy: :laugh: B)
  17. Well, not sure about London, but here in California's San Joaquin Valley it's a nice and sunny 74. B)
  18. Yeah, I agree with you. The Grey stays with you in a suitable home. I can not believe the conditions it was living in, very disgusting from my viewpoint. :-)
  19. Welcome ExRaven!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  20. Very funny Tari. :-) Although, I think the Bell is louder than the bird. ;-)
  21. Oh My God, that is a horrendous story of the previous living conditions. No wonder She is doing so well. I seriously doubt she misses anything from her previous home. :-( Thank God you are such a caring person a providing her with a virtual Disney Land for Her. :-) Don't they become just like one of your own children?
  22. danmcq

    Red factor

    Yes, they are becoming more and more common. There were two in a clutch born at the same time as my Greys clutch. There are also a couple of threads on this forum with great photos of red factor Greys. You can find them by simply doing a search on "Red Factor". :-)
  23. You know you are a bird person when... You starting asking your grand children to "Step-Up". :-)
  24. I don't get it ;-) ....... LOL!!!
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