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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. OUCHHeather - You are an official "Officer" of the "Bite Me Club" now. YOu just got your colors. :pinch: B)
  2. Hahahahahahahahahaha Rae these were Great!!!!!
  3. It sounds like she does not want that stinky Poo in her home any longer and has decided to place it outside of her home. Maybe you could circumvent this by removing her immediately and getting her over a trash can or other appropriate spot you wish her to drop that huge morning bomb. They all do the morning bomb. If her Poop has changed suddenly, then that could aslo indicate an illness and you should visit an avian vet. But, if it is just that she is getting out of her cage and the poo has always been like this. You just need to modify that behaviour.
  4. Well, if yours outgrows the cuddles mrdavE, I can assure you, they will more than make up for the cuddles with their antics and incredible sense of humor. Just as our babies grow into teens and adults, so do Greys and you learn to appreciate their independence, personality, wit and humor. It's always great to watch a baby grow into who they are, with much of it being directly attributable to how you molded and trained them during their youthful years. :-)
  5. Your right Nekkyousha , if you keep encouraging that behaviour she will be flipping on her back just for the joy and fun of it. It does not take them long to get used to something like that, as long as you do it gently and let them determine how long they wish to stay in that position. Your doing great!! :-)
  6. Welcome and Congratulations on the new Grey soon to be home in a few months Smithie!! :-)
  7. Hello Hafiz, Please visit the Food room for great information on feeding and health. If you have specific questions, you can also just type in the keyword and find many topics related to that. Congtratulations on your new baby Grey!! :-)
  8. danmcq


    Dayo Preens more now than ever. This is directly attributable to the molting taking place and that internal natural drive to help the old feathers out, strip the sheaths off the new feathers and scratch that VERY IRRATATED Body area. :-) It sounds like others Greys preen much more than Dayo. He only preens when he gets bored, fluffs up and settles in one spot for a siesta. B)
  9. Wonderful photos, thnks for sharing them. It appear he is settling in and getting comfy with the new environment and flock. :-)
  10. Ditto on an Avia Vet visit is a must ASAP!
  11. Great post Dave and good to see you posting your wisdom gained through decades of experience....Priceless!B) {Feel-good-000200BB}
  12. danmcq


    Hi Kelly!! Long time no hear :-) You will just need to try different things. Place a Toy he loves to play with in the water container and make sure he see's it by playing with it yourself. Then let his curiosity get the better of him. I did this with Dayo and you can see the photos at this forum thread: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/59054-how-to-get-grey-in-water-dayo.html#59054 You can also try putting a suction cup type perch in your shower, place him on it and slowly turn the shower on and get him used to it. If it's warm weather, you can roll the cage outside and spray water from the hose in the Air and let it fall like rain down through the cage. They really seem to enjoy this on a warm and sunny day. It just comes down to basically getting them drenched, whether they like it or not. Dayo does not like the spray down with Aloe either, but he gets it whether he is fussy or not. You just need to do it in a very small area like the shower so he can't fly past you, get out or hurt themselves. After several of these sessions, they will just finally resolve themselves to the fact that it IS going to happen. :-)
  13. Siobha is right on. Yes Aloe Juice works wonder wonders when misted on them in a manner that completely soaks them using a spray bottle. It keeps the skin moist and supple. You should also start giving your Grey Red Palm Oil to help also. You can find great threads on Aloe and Red Palm Oil by just doing a search here for those respective keywords.
  14. Welcome davE!! You are a HOOT!! :-) Good to see a great since of humor join the forum. We'll be looking forward to those photos.
  15. Oh Judy, "Straight Through the Heart" OUCH Yes, I am old enough. I have Kim trained very well and am Master of the universe in our World.......In my Dreams. B) {Love-000200DB}
  16. Funny Tracy!!!!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  17. judygram wrote: Whats that Judy, the last Word or the Kitchen??? {Emotions-000200C6}
  18. LOL Hahahahahahahahaha......How True, thanks Siobha!!! You are a most co-operative Woman for sharing that. {Characters-00020078}
  19. Your right 2Girls. Unfortunately though, the number of breeders of all types of pets that are in it for the $$$ are far greater than the number that due it out of love for the breed and also ensure the people they consider selling to are "Good Candidates". Thus the need for rescues like most of us are and participate in.
  20. Good idea on the Peanut, they will do almost anything for one. :-) Oh thats wonderful! I'll look forward to those photos, as i am sure others will too. :-)
  21. LOL LouiseJane!! I would love to see some more up-close photos the BIG Guy. How much does he weigh?
  22. Louisejane wrote: I can't stand not to ask this Lousejane. Who's voice does your Grey scream "%$&*!£!!!" in? B)
  23. It is frustrating to see this type of attitude by non-committed pet owners of any type. These types of people are the ones that just take a Dog, cat, hamster or whatever pet they become frustrated and either take it out to the country and let it go, just let it outside to go somewhere else or "Best Case" try to find someone who truly wants that per and will work with it, love it regardless of it's "quirks" and stay committed to keeping it and adjusting the environment to facilitate it staying and being a family member at whatever socialization level it achieves. Unfortunately, I believe that fully 80% of the population just considers them throw away items.... :angry:
  24. Awwwww Nekkyousha, what a cute photo. Thanks for sharing that. They are so much like children. :-) Ok, I'll say it, they have become our children :-)
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